
Below is a description of the four permissions. There is a big difference between permissions granted a register or a table. If you, for instance, have delete permissions in the table containing contacts attached to cases, you are able to remove unwanted contacts from cases. However, if you have deleted permissions for the case register itself, you can delete an entire case.


The four permissions you can configure with regard to each security code are:

  • Search - permission to find and view information in a register or a table.
  • Update - permission to edit and change existing information in a register or table.
  • Insert - permission to create new entities in a register or table.
  • Delete - permission to delete entries or entities in a register or table.

Two additional permissions

The registers Contact and File have two additional permissions that can be configured. You can configure each security code with regard to:

  • Lock - permission to terminate a contact or a file (i.e. a contact or a case in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client).
  • Unlock - permission to reopen the use of a contact or reopen a file.

In the following, the File register is used as an example.

Search permission

With a default configuration all security codes are permitted to search in all registers and tables. If this were not the case the users would not be able to find or view any information in any registers or tables.

Update permission

Users who need to edit existing data must be assigned a security code with this permission.

In tables of the type Main, all users are permitted to edit existing data and to enter information in empty fields. In WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client, the information contained in the main table is displayed, for example in the details page of cases.

The main table is the register itself viewed as a table.

In tables of the type Child, the users are permitted to edit all existing data. But the users are not allowed to add new data. To do this, the users must have insert permission. The user will not be able to add a new contact to a case in WorkZone Client or Captia Web Client with the update permission alone.

Insert permission

In tables of the type Main all users are permitted to create new entries in the register. This means that the users have permission, for instance, to create new cases in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client.

In tables of the type Child the users are permitted to insert new lines of information. This means that the users have permission, for example, to add new contacts to a case in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client.

Even though the user does not have insert permission to tables of the type main, it is important that the user has "insert" permissions to the tables of the type Child. Otherwise the users are not allowed to attach contacts, document etc. to cases. Actually both "insert" and "delete" permissions for tables of the type child should be assigned to the users if they cannot maintain important case information, for example, adding and removing contacts.

Delete permission

In tables of the type Main permission to delete is not recommended. If the user has permission to delete here, that is in the register itself, then the user is permitted to delete entire entries in the register. In WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client, for instance, this means that the user is permitted to delete an entire case.

In tables of the type Child, the users are permitted to delete lines of information. This means that the users have permission, for example, to delete contacts from a case in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client.

By default users must have delete permissions to tables type child in order to maintain files, records and contacts (for example cases, documents and contacts in Captia Web Client) efficiently.

Lock and unlock permissions

The registers Contact and File (cases) are supplied with two additional permissions, "lock" and "unlock". With these two permissions users are allowed to terminate and/or reopen entities.

On the WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client case details pages it is possible to terminate and reopen a case if the user's Security Code is configured to contain the permissions "lock" and "unlock". The same applies to contacts.