
About reports

Use the reports to view and print information about cases or documents.

WorkZone offers you different predefined reports. Each report is generated based on a template. The templates are stored in the Templates for reports case as docx files.

Note: To edit templates, you must have the CONFIGADM access code.

Generate a report

You can generate reports from the main ribbon or from the menu or ribbon in a case or document list.

Classification scheme report

To generate the classification scheme report, in the ribbon, click Report GeneralClassification scheme.

Case and document list reports

The report is generated and saved on your local disk as it is configured in your browser.

Available reports

In WorkZone Client, you can generate the following reports in English and Danish:



Classification scheme

Case groups in the classification scheme existing.

A case list with parties and documents

Case metadata, case parties, and document meta data of the selected cases.

Only selected documents are included in the report.

A filtered case list with parties and documents

Case metadata, case parties, and document meta data of the listed cases that satisfy any applied list filters.

This report cannot be executed on case reference lists.

A document list with parties and supplementary documents

Document data, document parties, and supplementary documents of the selected main document.

Only selected documents are included in the report.

A filtered document list with parties and supplementary documents

Document data, document parties, and supplementary documents of the listed documents that satisfy any applied list filters.

This report cannot be executed on document reference lists.