Templafy settings

Prerequisite: To configure Templafy settings, you must be assigned the CONFIGADM access code.

If your organization uses Templafy to store and manage its Microsoft Office templates, you can configure settings for the Templafy connection and be able to create documents (Word, Excel, or Powerpoint) in WorkZone Client based on the Templafy templates. For more information, see Create a document (Word, Excel or Powerpoint) from Templafy in WorkZone Client User Guide.

Set up Templafy connection

  1. On the start page, select Global and click the Templafy settings tab.
  2. Under Templafy service URL, enter the URL to your Templafy service, including your tennant ID, in the following format.
Note: Use the following format: https://[tenantID].templafy.com/documents?ExternalSystemId=workzone