About Documents

A document in WorkZone is called Record when using OData, where the information stored is document meta data, that is information about the document such as the creation date, any access rights attached to the document, who the creating user is and similar information.

The actual document file itself is called Document when using OData and is used to store the document file only.

For each Record, you can have zero or one Document. Usually, a Record will contain a Document, but a Record can be created without an attached Document as well.

In WorkZone Client you can create a document on a case without a corresponding file, called Information by clicking Document > Information. The system actually creates an OData Record without a corresponding OData Document entity.

Note: A common error in OData is to use Document instead of Record when referencing documents. The error is easy to make as there are many fields and entities that are labeled with something like document.

Important: When using Odata to reference Documents in WorkZone, always use Record. A Record contains all document information (meta data) you want to search for. The Document entity is a technical entity used to contain document file itself and the information about the file.

Most used field names in WorkZone Client and their OData counterparts

In the table below, some of the commonly used Document field names in WorkZone Client are displayed as well as their OData names and notes about the functions of the field.

WorkZone Client OData name Mandatory Notes
Title Title Yes The title of the document. Often used as the name of the document.
Document Type RecordType_Value Yes

The Document Type designates the direction of the document:

  • Ingoing
  • Outgoing
  • Internal

A number of technical document types also exist for system documents.

Document types can be created and customized in WorkZone Configurator to fit your organizations requirements.

Note: The Document Type should not be used to designate the content type of the document - for this purpose use the Document Group field.

Classification Classification_Value No

The classification of the document.

Document classifications can be created and customized in WorkZone Configurator to fit your organizations requirements.

Some values could be:

  • Commercial
  • Restricted
  • Sensitive
  • Public
State State_Value No

The state of the document which can consist of the following values:

  • UP: Personal Draft
  • UÅ: Draft
  • UL: Locked draft
  • ARK: Archived document
  • AFS: Completed document
Case handler Officer_Value No The WorkZone user responsible for the document.
Responsible unit ResponsibleOU_Value No The WorkZone unit responsible for the document.
Document Group RecordGrp_Value No

The Document Group designates the content type of the document, for example

  • Sales Invoice
  • Meeting minutes
  • Sales offer
  • Decision
  • Customer Complaint

Document groups can be created and customized in WorkZone Configurator to fit your organizations requirements.

Main document PrimaryRecordKey_Value No

The key of the main document.

When there is a valid entry in this field, the document is considered a supplementary document to the main document registered in this field.

Case FileKey_Value Yes

The case that the document is attached to.

A document must always be attached to a case. Other cases may reference the document, but the document must be attached to one case only.

Letter date LetterDate No

The document creation date, typically the day the document was sent or created.

This field is different from the Created field, which is the date the document was created in WorkZone.

Reply deadline ReplyTimeLimitDate No

Can be defined if a deadline for a reply to this specific document is in effect.

  • Ingoing documents: The date you are supposed to have replied.
  • Outgoing documents: The date you are supposed to have received a reply.
Text Text No A 4000 character text field where you can create relevant comments, reminders, descriptions or notes about the document.
Created by CreateUser_Value No The user who created the document in WorkZone.
Created date Created No The date the document was created in WorkZone.
Read Access AccessCode No

Determines which users may read the document.

Documents will not be displayed to users that do not have the necessary read access to them.

You can set any combination of users, units, and groups in the Read access field.

When setting read and write access, you must also include yourself if you are to be able to view or edit the document.

Write Access UpdateCode No

Determines which users may edit the document.

You can set any combination of users, units and groups in the Write access field.

When setting read and write access, you must also include yourself if you are to be able to view or edit the document.