What's new

What's new in WorkZone Export/Import 2022.2

Partial export parameters introduced

Parameters that enable partial export of configuration data have been introduced. Previously, all supported configurations were included in when exporting importing. It is now possible to select specific configurations for export by using the partial export parameters.

There are no partial import parameters which means when importing, all the exported configuration data is imported into the target WorkZone installation.

New supported configurations

The list of supported configurations for export and import has been augmented with the following WorkZone Configurator settings:

  • Draft versioning: WorkZone Configurator > Document > Draft versioning
  • Feature settings: WorkZone Configurator> Global > Feature settings
  • Contact types: WorkZone Configurator > Contact > Contact types
  • Classification scheme: WorkZone Configurator > Taxonomy > Classification scheme
  • Keywords:  WorkZone Configurator > Taxonomy > Dictionary and dictionary settings
  • Facets:  WorkZone Configurator > Taxonomy > Facets
  • Dictionary settings: WorkZone Configurator > Taxonomy > Dictionary and dictionary settings
  • Subnumber types  WorkZone Configurator > Taxonomy > Subnumber types

Logging settings can be defined

All settings for the logging of events and errors as well as the logging level are located in the appsettings.json JSON file and can be edited to customize the level of logging and the location of the log file.

New commands

The following new commands are now available to the WorkZone Export/Import application:

Version: The -Version command will display the version of your WorkZone Export/Import application.