What's new

Improvements for saving emails to WorkZone

  • Set a dedicated Outlook category for the emails that you save to WorkZone, to quickly distinguish between these emails in your mailbox.
  • When saving an email with attachments to WorkZone, you can choose whether to save the attachments as main documents or as supplementary documents.
  • When saving email attachments to WorkZone, by default the Classification value will be inherited from the selected case. You can edit it manually, if needed.
  • If the email you want to save to WorkZone contains both embedded objects inserted into the mail body and regular attachments, the Attachments tab of the WorkZone 365 pane will have two lists: Inserted files and Attachments, to make it easier skipping embedded objects such as logos, graphical signatures and so on.
  • See Save an email and its attachments as individual documents in WorkZone and Categorize emails saved to WorkZone.
  • WorkZone Teams improvements

    • You can now adjust the column width directly from a WorkZone tab.
    • You can now sort the displayed data by the needed column.
    • Document titles now work as hyperlinks. Click the document title to open a document in relevant Office application (for Office documents) or in WorkZone Client (for non-Office documents).
    • All document actions are now available from a single menu. See Work with case documents.