Fixed bugs in KMD WorkZone 2022.3

WorkZone Client: Dashboard widgets would change position during editing

Bug number INC4491306
Description Sometimes when a dashboard was being edited, widgets would unintentionally change their positions.
Correction Fixed.

WorkZone Client: If a user stays logged in for more than an hour, their status is shown as offline

Bug number 209721
Description In some situations, when users had been logged in to WorkZone Client for some time, they would appear to the others as offline (despite actually being online).
Correction Fixed.

WorkZone Client: Letter Date changed after the imported document was saved

Bug number 209618
Description In some situations, the Letter Date of a document imported via WorkZone Client was set to the previous date by mistake.
Correction Fixed.

WorkZone Content Server: Main documents and supplementary documents without retention codes were not always handled as expected

Bug number 214772
Description When moving a main document and its supplementary documents to a new case, the retention codes on the documents were not always updated to match the retention code of the new case.
Correction The main document and its supplementary documents inherit their retention codes from the case that the documents are moved to. If the new case does not have a retention code, the retention code on the documents will be cleared.

WorkZone Content Server: Subscription did not work as intended for users without global access

Bug number 207860
Description In some situations, subscription emails were sent with the full list of the corresponding saved search although the New items only check box to receive only new items had been selected.
Correction Fixed.

WorkZone Mass Dispatch: Mass dispatch processes fail when the document state is "ARK, Archived"

Bug number 203910
Description When starting a mass dispatch with the document state set to "ARK, Archived" on the Recipients tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog, an error would sometimes occur.
Correction Fixed

WorkZone Process: Random number of mass dispatch processes fail due to incorrect processing of receipts

Bug number 211279
Description Under some circumstances when receiving lists of receipts from NgDP, the receipts were not processed correctly in WorkZone, which caused the mass dispatch process to get stuck waiting for receipts that had already been received.
Correction Fixed

WorkZone Process: SmartPost not able to receive empty document

Bug number 213650
Description SmartPost was not able to save replies with empty attachments.
Correction Replies are now saved correctly in WorkZone with information about empty attachments.

WorkZone Process: STEPSUBMISSION (grant) does not work as expected

Bug number 206113
Description The Advanced submission (Extended) process was protected by an STEPSUBMISSION access code, so that only users with this access code could use this process.
Correction It no longer requires an access code to use the advanced submission. The STEPSUBMISSION access code is obsolete.