Manage documents

Create a new document

You can create different document types in the ribbon.

  • If you create a document from the case detail page, the new document is automatically saved on this case.
  • If you create a document from the Home tab, for example, the document is automatically created on your desktop case, unless you choose another case.

Create a Word document

  1. In the ribbon, click Word to open Microsoft Word with the New window displayed.
  2. (Optional) If your organization uses templates, select a template.
  3. Click OK to open a new Microsoft Word document.
  4. Add content to your document.
  5. Fill in the fields in the Document Registration pane.
  6. Click Save on Case.

Create an Excel document

  1. In the ribbon, click Document and select Excel to open Microsoft Excel with the New window displayed.
  2. (Optional) If your organization uses templates, select a template.
  3. Click OK to open a new Microsoft Excel worksheet.
  4. Add content to your document.
  5. Fill in the fields in the Document Registration pane.
  6. Click Save on Case.

Create a PowerPoint document

  1. In the ribbon, click Document and select PowerPoint to open Microsoft PowerPoint with the New window displayed.
  2. (Optional) If your organization uses templates, select a template.
  3. Click OK to open a new Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
  4. Add content to your document.
  5. Fill in the fields in the Document Registration pane.
  6. Click Save on Case.

Create a document (Word, Excel or Powerpoint) from Templafy


  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer: Integration with Templafy using the https protocol is not supported.
  • For Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge: Integration with Templafy using the http protocol is not supported.

If your organization uses Templafy to store and manage your Microsoft Office templates, you can create documents (Microsoft Word, Excel or Powerpoint) in WorkZone Client based on one of your organization's Templafy templates.

You must have your Templafy log-in credentials (User name and password) available and your organization's connection to Templafy must be set up correctly in WorkZone ConfiguratorServicesTemplafy settings before you can create your documents.

  1. In the ribbon, click DocumentCreate from Templafy to open the Create document from Templafy form.
  2. In the Create document from Templafy form, select the template you want to base your new document on and fill out any fields required for the template.
    Depending on the template, templates might contain additional fields that must be specified before creating a document from them.
  3. Click Create to download the template, apply the specified field values and open Microsoft Office.
  4. In Microsoft Office, you can edit the document and then click Save on case to save the document on the active case.

Using the Safari browser

If you are using a Safari browser, 3rd party cookies must be enabled to use the Templafy integration in WorkZone Client.
3rd party cookies are enabled by clearing the Prevent cross-site tracking Privacy setting in the Safari browser settings. The Prevent cross-site tracking setting is fully implemented from Safari version 13.1 but present in Safari browsers from version 11.0.3 (3604.5.6).
For earlier versions of the Safari browser (before version 11.0.3(3604.5.6)), the Prevent cross-site tracking setting is not present.
While Templafy integration might work with other Safari versions, only the Safari browser, version 13.1 was used for testing Templafy integration.

Create a document from the case detail page

You can also create a document based on the active case in the case detail page.

  1. In the Documents detail tab on a case detail page, click Add and then select the action you want:
    • Word: To create a Microsoft Office Word document in Microsoft Office.
    • Excel: To create a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet in Microsoft Office.
    • Powerpoint: To create a Microsoft Office Powerpoint document in Microsoft Office.
    • Import from file system: To import an existing document into WorkZone from another location.
    • Import from WorkZone: To import an existing document into WorkZone from another WorkZone database.
    • Information: To create a WorkZone information entry on the case.
    • Create from Templafy: To create a Microsoft Office document (Word, Excel, or Powerpoint) using templates managed by the 3rd party product, Templafy. This menu option is only displayed if your organization uses the Templafy 3rd party product and has configured the Templafy settings correctly in WorkZone ConfiguratorServicesTemplafy settings.
  2. In Microsoft Office, you can add your changes to the document and when you click Save on case in the WorkZone Office add-in pane, the document will be uploaded to the WorkZone server and saved on the active case.

Create document information (new information)

You can create document information without an associated document (that is, a document detail page without, for example, an associated .txt, .doc, or .xls document).

  1. In the ribbon, click Document New information to open a new document in a new tab.
  2. Fill in the required fields.
  3. In the ribbon, click Save . Your newly created document is now displayed under Documents > Today in the navigation pane.

Import a document

You can add a document outside WorkZone Client to your case. For example, a scanned document.

Documents can only be imported into a case and will be imported to the active case in WorkZone. Note that you can only import documents into one active case at a time. If you need to import documents into multiple cases, you must import the documents once for each case.

You can only import documents to open cases. Documents cannot be added to closed cases. For more information, see Closed and open cases.

The active case

An active case is the case last selected by you. If multiple case detail pages are displayed, the page title of the active case is displayed clearly while the page title of inactive cases will be dimmed.

The active case will also be displayed when you select which documents in the source database you want to import into WorkZone, enabling you to ensure you are importing documents into the correct case before you perform the import.

No active case

If there is no active case selected to contain the imported documents, your desktop case will automatically be used as the active case. You can also select the desktop case manually if you want to be sure the desktop case is the active case.

Tip: You can transfer the imported documents from the desktop case to another case later if you need.

  1. In the ribbon, click Document > Import from file system to open the Import document tab.
  2. In the Select document field, click the folder icon to open the Choose File to Upload form.
  3. the Choose File to Upload form, browse to the document you want to import, select the document, and click Open to import the document.
  4. A new document detail tab is opened to contain document meta data for the document you are importing.
    The title of the document is automatically transferred to the Title field but you can change the title of the document as it is registered in WorkZone by entering a new title in the Title field.
  5. In the new document detail tab, Document type field, select a document type.
  6. Define the rest of the document meta data information in the fields in the tabs.
  7. In the ribbon, click Save to save the imported document in WorkZone.

Edit a document

You can edit a document until the document is locked or archived.

  • You can only edit documents of the type Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • The documents must have the state Personal draft or Draft.

Microsoft Office Suite

If the Microsoft Office Suite is installed on the local machine, you can use Microsoft Office to edit your document.

If WorkZone for Office is also installed on the WorkZone Content Server, the special WorkZone office pane will also be available in the Office application.

WorkZone Explorer

If you are using the WorkZone Explorer, you can open a document for editing (and reading) by clicking the Explore button in the main ribbon for the case to open the WorkZone Explorer and then double-click the document.

Due to the security model of the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium browser, the Windows File Explorer is not opened automatically when you click the Explore button. Instead, you must open the Windows File Explorer manually and then press CTRL+V in the address bar to open the Explorer for the active case.
The link address of the active case is automatically copied to your clipboard when you click the Explore button.

If you are using the Microsoft Edge browser, you must be signed in to the WorkZone IdentityServer to enable integration to the Windows File Explorer. If you select the Keep me signed in check box during sign in, you will not be required to sign in again. The persistent cookie storage can however expire so you may be required to sign in later.

If WorkZone Explorer has been deactivated, the Explore button will not be displayed, regardless of which web browser is used. WorkZone Explorer can be activated and deactivated by a system administrator in WorkZone ConfiguratorGlobalFeature SettingsClientExplore.

Microsoft Office Online Server

If the Microsoft Office Suite is not installed on the local machine and if your organization is using Microsoft Office Online Server to create, read and edit documents, you can edit a document directly in your internet browser through the preview pane, but you must first add the Office Online pane to the preview pane in order to have access to the Office Online options.

See Customize the preview pane

Edit document state

Document state shows what you can do with the document - who can see and edit it, and what can be edited. The document state is reflected in the document's life cycle.

A document can have the following states:

  • Personal draft - UP. Can be viewed, edited and deleted by the creator only. To allow other employees view, edit and delete your personal draft document, you must release it (Change > Release personal draft). The document state can be changed to UÅ or UL. The document may use draft versioning.
  • Draft - UÅ. Can be viewed, edited and deleted by anyone. The document state can be changed to UP or UL. The document may use draft versioning.
  • Locked document - UL. The document itself cannot be edited by anyone, but the document metadata can be edited. The document may be deleted (see notes below). The document state can only be changed to ARK. The document is locked and therefore does not use draft versioning.
  • Archived - ARK. The document is archived, assigned a record number in the database and the state cannot be changed. The document itself cannot be edited, but the document information can. The document can only be deleted by users with the SOFTDELETE access code. An archived document is bound to the original case and cannot be moved to other cases. However, documents archived from the desktop case may be moved to other cases.
    Archived documents can be copied to other cases. Copied archived documents are created as drafts in the case they are copied to by default, but you can select to register the documents as archived on the new case when you copy them.


  • Scanned documents and incoming e-mails are by default registered with the state Archived.
  • Locked documents can be deleted, unless they contain references to with other documents, cases, tasks, or contacts.
  • When you archive a document, it should be associated with a case. If you archive a document on your desktop case or an sj-temp case, the document will have no record number, and you will be able to move it to another case.

Edit document state

  1. Open the detail page of the document which state you want to edit or open a document list that displays the document you want to edit.
  2. In the main ribbon, click Change or in the document list, right-click the document and select Change.
  3. Select a new state or click Lock.

Considerations regarding changing a document state

  • An Archived document (ARK) cannot be changed to any other state.
  • A Locked document (UL) can only be archived (ARK).
  • A Draft document (UÅ) or Personal draft (UP) document can be locked (UL), archived (ARK) as well as changed to and from Draft (UÅ) or Personal draft (UP).


Send a link to a document in an e-mail message

You can send a link to a document, send the document itself or send the document as a PDF file in an e-mail.


  • WorkZone for Office must be installed. These options will not be displayed if WorkZone for Office is not installed on your local machine.
  • When sending links, the e-mail recipient must have access to WorkZone Client to see the case the document is attached to.
  • When sending documents as PDF files, you can only send documents that already have been generated as PDF files.

View the life cycle of a document

Life cycle shows the actions that have been performed on the document since its creation. For example:

  • Which Case handler has carried out the action.
  • Which action has been performed with the document.
  • When the State field has been updated.

View the life cycle of a document

  1. Open the detail page of a document.
  2. From the detail tabs, open the Life cycle tab.

Reply to a document

If WorkZone for Office is installed on your local machine, you can reply to a document either from a list or from the document detail page, and have case information automatically inserted to your reply document. If WorkZone for Office is not installed on the server , the Reply menu option will not be displayed.

  1. Find the document to which you want to reply.
  2. In the ribbon, click ManageReply to open a new Microsoft Word document with relevant information from your original document automatically inserted and displayed in the Document Registration pane:
    • The reply document type is set to Outgoing.
    • The Title of the original document is copied and prefixed with Re:.
    • Document parties with Sender role in the original document are used as Recipients.
    • A document reference to the original document is created.
  3. Make your changes to the reply document.
  4. Click Save on Case.

Copy a document

You can copy an existing document to a case. In that way you can reuse information and content from the original document.

The new document retains the original document's references to:

  • Documents
  • Supplementary documents
  • Contacts
  • Cases

It will also have a document reference to the original document added.

If the document you want to copy is archived (Document state = ARK), you can select to register the document as archived on the new case when you copy it. Copied archived documents are created as drafts in the case they are copied to by default.

You can also copy non-archived documents to other cases and in the process, archive the document on the cases.

Copy a single document

  1. Open the document that you want to copy.
  2. In the ribbon, click Copy to open the Copy document form. If you are using a document list, you can also right-click on the document in the list and select Copy.
  3. In the Copy document form > Copy to case field, select the case you want to copy the document to.
  4. In the Copy document form, select the Archive documents on new case checkbox to archive the document on the case it is copied to.
  5. Click Copy to copy the document and open the detail page of the copied document where you can apply changes to the new document and save it.

Tip: To edit the document contents, see also Edit document.

Copy multiple selected documents

You can select a series of documents from a list and copy them to a case.

  1. Open a list, for example, the Documents list or a list of document search results.
  2. In the list area, select the documents that you want to copy to a case.
  3. In the Main ribbon, click Copy to open the Copy documents form. If you are using a document list, you can also right-click on the document in the list and select Copy.
  4. In the Copy document form > Copy to case field, select the case you want to copy the documents to.
  5. In the Copy document form, select the Archive documents on new case to archive the documents on the case they are copied to.
  6. Click Copy to open the selected case with the copied documents added to the Documents detail tab.

Archive a document

When you archive a document, the following happens:

  • The document is assigned a record number on the case it is connected to1.
  • The document state changes to Archived.
  • The document can no longer be edited.
  • To delete an archived document, you must be assigned the SOFTDELETE access code.

1Documents that are archived from the desktop case are not assigned a record number. Instead they keep the original record number (0) which was assigned when the document was created. If the archived document is assigned to another (non-desktop) case, the document will be updated with a new record number that corresponds to the new case.

You can archive a document either from the document detail page or from a document list.

Archive from the document detail page

  1. Find the document you want to archive and open it.
  2. In the ribbon, click Archive .

Archive from a document list

  1. Open a document list with the document you want to archive.

Example: On the Home tab, open the Documents list.

  1. Select a document that you want to archive and click Archive on the detail ribbon or right-click the document in the list and select Archive .

Delete a document

When you delete a document for the first time, the document is moved to the recycle bin. You cannot see the document in regular lists, but it is not removed from the database and you can restore it if required.

WorkZone can be configured to automatically soft delete a case or document when the defined retention period for the case or document expires. The automatic deletion parameter is set for each individual retention policy in WorkZone Configurator > RetentionRetention Policies.


  • If you soft delete a main document, its supplementary documents are also soft deleted automatically.
  • If you want to hard delete the main document, you must hard delete its supplementary documents first.
  • You cannot delete a main document if its supplementary document requires specific access rights that are not assigned to you.
  • You cannot delete a document if it has document or case references created by a user. References created automatically by WorkZone Client, for example, Replies/Replied by, do not restrict deletion.

Soft delete a document


  • To delete a document that is archived and has a record number, you must have the SOFTDELETE access code. Note that everybody can delete an archived document if the document is saved on the desktop case or belongs to the SJ-TEMP case group.
  • Everybody can delete a document that has the states Personal draft, Draft or Locked document.

When you soft delete a document, the document is moved to the recycle bin. At the same time the document will still exist in the WorkZone database. This enables you to restore the document if required.

To soft delete a document, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Select the document you want to delete in a list or open it on the detail page.
  2. In the ribbon, click Recycle to open the Delete document dialog. If you are using a document list, you can also right-click on the document in the list and select Recycle.
  3. For a non-draft document, select a reason for deletion from the list and add your comment to the Description field, if needed. For a draft document, go to step 4.
  4. Click Delete.

Deleted documents are dimmed in the document lists and have crossed-out title on the detail pages.

Hard delete a document

Prerequisite: To delete a document permanently, you must be assigned the SOFTDELETE access code as well as the access code associated with the document's retention policy.

You can hard delete documents from:

  • Recycle bin detail tabs on cases
  • Recycle bin list in the navigation pane
  • The detail page of the deleted document
  1. Open detail page of the deleted document or select it in a list. Note that you can select multiple items in a list.
  2. In the Main ribbon, click Delete and then Yes. If you are using a document list, you can also right-click on the document in the list, select Delete, and then Yes

The documents are permanently deleted from WorkZone including their supplementary documents.

Deleting an archived document

If an archived document is deleted, a new document record of the type DEL will be assigned to the now vacant record number in order to fill the gap in the record number sequence and also serve as an indicator that the original document was deleted.

Automatically hard delete documents

WorkZone can be configured by a system administrator to automatically hard delete a case or document after a predefined purge period. The purge period is defined as number of days after the case or document has been initially soft deleted. Hard deleted items are deleted permanently.

The purge period can be defined for each individual retention policy in the Purge period field for the retention policy and is found in the settings for the retention policy in WorkZone Configurator > Retention > Retention policies.

Cases and documents will not be automatically hard deleted if the Purge period field has not been defined (that is, if the field is empty and contains no values) .

Cases and documents that are to be hard deleted will contain a date in the Purge date field in the respective recycle bin lists - Recycle bin - Cases for cases and Recycle bin for documents on the Home page as well as the Recycle bin tab in the Case details page. You can use the Purge date field to search for, filter, and sort cases or documents in the respective recycle bins.

How the Purge date field is determined

The value in the Purge Date field is determined by adding the value of the Purge period field for the assigned retention policy to the Retention date of the case or document.

For cases with no value in the Retention date field (for example SJ-TEMP cases or open cases that have been manually deleted), the Purge date is determined by adding the value of the Relative retention period field and the value of the Purge period field to the date the case was last updated – usually the date of deletion.

The Purge date will always be at least equal to the date the case or document was last updated (usually the date of deletion) plus the value of the Purge period field.

If the Purge date field is empty, the case or document will not be automatically hard deleted.


Find / View deleted documents

You can find and view deleted documents in the following lists:

  • In the search results if the documents meet the search criteria1:
  • In a saved search list if the documents meet the search criteria1.
  • On the Recycle bin detail tab of the related case.
  • In the Recycle bin list in the navigation pane under the Documents section.

Note: You can see all soft deleted documents on a case on its Recycle bin detail tab. In the Recycle bin list in the navigation pane, you can see only documents deleted by you.

1 Add the Deleted by search criteria field to the Document search page and specify @Filled in to find deleted documents.

Restore a deleted document

You can only restore a soft deleted document from the recycle bin. Hard deleted documents cannot be restored.

Prerequisite: To restore a Terminated or Archived document, you must be assigned the SOFTDELETE access code.

  1. Find and select the document(s) you want to restore.
  2. In the ribbon, click Restore. If you are using a document list, you can also right-click on the document in the list and select Restore.

    There are three options for document restoring :
    • Restore – Use this option if you need to restore only the document to the current case.
    • This option is disabled when original case of the document is deleted.

    • Restore with case – Use this option if case of the document is deleted and you want to restore both document and case.
    • Restore and move to another case – Use this option if case of the document is deleted and you don't want to restore the case. Instead, you restore the document and move it to another existing case.