My reports today list

The My reports today list displays the status of all report PDF generation requests made by you within the current day, including the progress of any report PDF generation requests currently in progress. The display period of the list is from midnight the previous day to midnight today.

The My reports today list can be added to the dashboard and navigation pane as well as opened from the Reports status button in the bottom pane of the browser page.

Note: When PDF report requests are being processed, a red counter with the number of requests currently being processed () will be displayed on the Reports status button in the bottom pane of the browser page.

Fields in the My reports today list

The list contains the following fields by default:



Report name

The name of report. The report name is typically the internal WorkZone name for the report.


The date and time the PDF report generation request was submitted.

Created by

The WorkZone user who submitted the PDF report generation request

Report ID

The unique PDF report generation ID, expressed as a GUID. Use the unique report ID to locate the specific report when troubleshooting potential generation errors or failures.

This column is not displayed by default and must be added manually.


The WorkZone server that has processed or is processing the PDF report generation request.

This column is not displayed by default and must be added manually.


The date and time the list was last updated.

This column is not displayed by default and must be added manually.

Error description

Displays a detailed description of any PDF conversion errors retrieved from the server-based error messages and not always user-friendly.

This column is not displayed by default and must be added manually.

Report status

The status of the reports in the list is displayed using the following icons:



The report has been generated without any errors discovered.
The report is currently being processed and PDF report generation is ongoing.
The PDF report generation has failed.

In the My reports today list, hover the mouse over a PDF report request to display a more detailed status of the selected report.

Note: The My reports today list blinks regularly as the list is updated with the status of PDF report requests from the processing server.