Install and configure F2 integration

F2 integration is a service workflow that you can select as a package when you configure WorkZone Process.

Follow the instructions below to activate the F2 integration. These guidelines assume that WorkZone Process is already installed on your system. If WorkZone Process is not installed, refer to Install WorkZone Process in the WorkZone Installation Guide and follow the guidelines for the installation.

Activate the F2 Integration package

  1. Open WorkZone Configurator.
  2. Go to Global > Feature settings > WorkZone Process.
  3. Select the check box next to F2.

Monitor email activity

The F2 integration requires monitoring of email activity in a mailbox. You specify which mailbox to monitor, and how often the mailbox will be checked for emails.

In general, the email activity in an F2 mailbox is monitored by the Exchange user that owns the mailbox. If you need to set up the mailbox to be monitored by a user different from the owner of the mailbox, see Provide access to monitor an F2 mail account.

You configure the F2 mailbox monitor by specifying parameters for the F2 requisition handler service workflow in WorkZone Configurator.

You need to create an F2 requisition handler service workflow for each mailbox that you want to monitor.

Create and configure an F2 requisition handler service workflow

The F2 integration service uses mail monitors that require a set of F2 service parameters.

  1. Open WorkZone Configurator.
  2. Go to Process > Service workflows.
  3. Add a new service workflow of the type F2 requisition handler or Cloud F2 requisition handler depending on whether your organization uses Exchange On-Premises or Exchange Online.
  4. Enter a name and description, and then click Create.
  5. Point to the F2 requisition handler service workflow that you just created, and click Edit parameters, and fill in the value for the parameters. The values that you enter, must correspond to the values that are set up for your environment. For an example, refer to the list of parameters in the following table.
Note: You can only set up one F2 mailbox monitor in a standard access code setup. In a corporate access code setup, you can set up one F2 mailbox monitor per authority.

Refer to the following table for an overview of the parameter values required for the F2 requisition handler workflow. Note that the values listed in the tables are just examples.

The Exchange configurations depend on whether your organization uses Exchange On-Premises or Exchange Online.


Name Description Sample values
ExchangeUrl The URL of the Exchange web service. https://<host>/EWS/Exchange.asmx.
ExchangeDomain The domain for the Exchange user.  
ExchangeUser Login for the Exchange user. This user must have access to the Exchange mailbox. The user must be a WorkZone user and the name must be in uppercase. The user that you have set up as the smarttask sender during configuration of WorkZone Process.
ExchangePassword The password for the Exchange user.  


Name Description Sample values
ExchangeOAuthClientId The OAuth2 Client ID that is used to access the mailbox in Exchange Online.  
ExchangeOAuthTenantId ExchangeOAuthTenantId: The OAuth2 Tenant ID used to access the mailbox in Exchange Online.  


The password of the Exchange user that is used in the public client flow also named Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC ) flow.

It is recommended to choose between setting this parameter and the ExchangeOAuthClientSecret parameter. If you fill in both, the ExchangeOAuthClientSecret parameter will be prioritized over the ExchangePassword parameter.



The OAuth2 Client secret used to access the mailbox in Exchange Online. If set, the client credentials flow is used.

It is recommended to choose between setting this parameter and the ExchangePassword parameter. If you fill in both, the ExchangeOAuthClientSecret parameter will be prioritized over the ExchangePassword parameter.


The public client flow (ROPC) with the ExchangePassword parameter is less complex to set up, but it allows logging in without multi-factor authentication to the application in the AAD, so it may decrease the security level for organizations that use multi-factor authentication to AAD.

The client credential flow with ExchangeOAuthClientSecret parameter is better suited for service accounts such as the service accounts that the Mailbox monitoring workflow monitors, but is complex to set up correctly because it requires a second application registration in the AAD (Azure Active Directory) with the access scoped only to a group of service users.

Other parameters

The parameters below are common to both the F2 requisition handler and Cloud F2 requisition handler workflows.

Name Description Sample values
ExchangeMailBox The email address of the mailbox to be monitored. ann@lmdom.local
WatchInterval Interval in seconds between checks of the Exchange mailbox for new requisition emails. With an entry of 60, the mailbox is checked every minute. 60
RetryInterval The interval in seconds between resending of mails that failed. If this parameter is shorter than WatchInterval, it has no effect. 5
RetryCount The number of retries before mails are abandoned. 2

The name used by a service to mark a mail as handled. This parameter is used if a mailbox is monitored by more than one service. The ServiceHandleName must be unique for each service.

Note, that if you change a service handle name for a service that monitors a specific mailbox or if you create a new service for the same mailbox with a new service handle name, all requisition mails will be handled again.

F2InformationCaseNo The case number of a case that stores requisitions received as CC. This case exists in the WorkZone database. 16-80/1
F2InformationMailBox Address of a mailbox that receives information about requisition emails that are received as CC by the owner of the Exchange mailbox. testadmin@lmdom.local
F2AnswerMailBox Address of the mailbox that should receive a copy of the answer mails that are sent as F2 deliveries. susan@lmdom.local

The user who becomes the owner of the process. The user must be a WorkZone user and the name must be capitalized.

The default process owner may also be a unit with an email address.

DefaultReceiver If specified, the user who should receive the requisition.  
F2PartyMap Enables mapping of parties that should be associated with cases and documents. A company-specific email domain is mapped with a name contact code and a name contact type. For a series of mappings, each mapping must be separated by a semicolon. Invalid name codes and name types and missing email domains will be skipped.,F-FOODAUTHORITY;lmdom.local,A-FSA;


Turn on IncludeTemplate if you want to include a document with instructions on how, for example, to handle F2 requisitions. You can select a document to use in the F2Template field.

The parameter is enabled by default.

The document template must have the type SKAB.



Select a Word document that will be used for building a document with instructions. If you do not select a document, a default Word document containing the F2 description will be used.

If a document is created, it is saved on the case and added to smarttask.