What's new for WorkZone users
WorkZone Client
List actions
Edit read or write access for multiple list items
You can now edit read and write access for multiple cases, documents, or contacts from a list. Previously, you could only edit the read and write access for one case, document, or contact at a time.
List items order no longer kept for the exported to Excel lists
Due to the performance issues, list items order will no longer be kept during the export to Excel. You can sort the list items as needed directly in the Excel spreadsheet, after exporting the list from WorkZone Client. See Export a list to Excel.
Share multiple saved searches
You can now share multiple searches from your saved search lists. Previously, you could only share your saved searches one by one.
Note: When sharing a list that has already been shared with another user (or users), new share options will overwrite the previous ones.
Reassign shared searches owned by the other users
With the new SEARCHADM access code, you can reassign shared searches owned by other users. Previously, you could only reassign your own shared searches. See Reassign a shared search.
Search for exact matching words or phrases
During the free text searches, multiple search words encased in single or double quotation marks will be looked up as an exact string (that is, in exactly the same order and form).
For example, entering the search words "Frank Lloyd Wright" will find the occurrences of Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Lloyd Wright Jr., but not Frank Lloyd David Wright.
Multiple search words not encased by single or double quotation marks are still treated as separate search words connected by automatically added AND operators.
WorkZone 365
Improvements for saving emails to WorkZone
- Save an already saved email on another WorkZone case, with or without editing the metadata. See Save an already saved email on another case.
- When saving email attachments to WorkZone, you can now edit their metadata. See Save email with attachments as individual documents in WorkZone
- You can now remove all parties from an email saved in WorkZone at once. Previously, you could only remove email parties one by one. See Manage email parties.