CommonFunctions Class

Scanjour Workflow4 Reference Manual
Basic functions for access to the Scanjour SOM database.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Scanjour.Workflow4.Base
Assembly:  Scanjour.Workflow4.Base (in Scanjour.Workflow4.Base.dll) Version: (

public static class CommonFunctions

The CommonFunctions type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberDateTime2OdataDateTime
Convert a DateTime to the nullable datetime format used by odata.
Public methodStatic memberDateTime2SomDateTime
Convert a DateTime to the string format used by Scanjour SOM.
Public methodStatic memberEqualDateTimes
Tests whether two DateTime values are equal within the rounding errors that can occur if a DateTime is written to the SOM database and read back again.
Public methodStatic memberGetBytesInMegaBytesFormatted
Converts bytes to Mega bytes and formats with 2 decimals
Public methodStatic memberGetDatabasesFromRegistry
Gets the installed databases from registry.
Public methodStatic memberGetHostBaseUri
Get base Uri of host for database.
Public methodStatic memberGetLargestDateTime
Return the smallest datetime in the list
Public methodStatic memberGetNextFutureDateTime
Return the smallest datetime in the list
Public methodStatic memberGetODataUris(Boolean) Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberGetODataUris(Uri)
Gets OData URIs based on input contentServerUri or environment variable.
Public methodStatic memberIsProcessInstalled
Check if process is installed in a database.
Public methodStatic memberIsProductionDatabase
Check if a database is a production or historic database.
Public methodStatic memberOdataDateTime2DateTime
Convert nullable DateTime to DateTime format used by Som.
Public methodStatic memberOdataTimeSpan2TimeSpan
Convert Scanjour SOM string representation of a TimeSpan to TimeSpan.
Public methodStatic memberRound
Round to nearest second
Public methodStatic memberSomDateTime2DateTime
Convert Scanjour SOM string representation of a DateTime to DateTime.
Public methodStatic memberSomTimeSpan2TimeSpan
Convert Scanjour SOM string representation of a TimeSpan to TimeSpan.
Public methodStatic memberTimeSpan2OdataTimeSpan
Convert a TimeSpan to the string format used by odata.
Public methodStatic memberTimeSpan2SomTimeSpan
Convert a TimeSpan to the string format used by Scanjour SOM.
Public methodStatic memberToLocalTime
Converts a DateTime to local DateTime.
Public methodStatic memberTruncateString
Shortens a string to the maximum length specified.
See Also
