Editing the Preview pane
The Advanced PDF pane is not displayed in the Preview pane by default, and must be made accessible to users manually. To do this, you must edit the configurations for users who are to employ Advanced PDF.
Prerequisite: You must be assigned the CONFIGADM access code to edit, manage and distribute configurations,
- Open a configuration in editing mode and open the preview pane from the Documents detail tab in the case detail page.
- In the preview pane, click
configure pane to display to panes: Available panes (the red left hand pane) and the panes currently displayed. (the green right hand pane)
- Select the Advanced PDF pane in the Available panes and click
select item to add it to the displayed panes.
- (Optional) Drag the Advanced PDF pane to a new location in the displayed panes.
- Click Apply to apply the changes to the Preview pane.
Change the default PDF reader option
The first PDF reader option in the list in the Preview pane will always be used as the default when the Preview button is clicked for a PDF document in WorkZone Client. If there are no PDF reader options in the list in the Preview pane (both PDF Viewer and Advanced PDF panes are not in the list), the preview pane will be empty when the Preview button is clicked for a PDF document in WorkZone Client.
- In the preview pane, drag the Advanced PDF pane to a location above the PDF Viewer pane to make the Advanced PDF pane the default PDF reader.
Users can still access the PDF Viewer pane as long as the pane is still available in the Preview pane.
Restore the standard PDF Viewer as the default PDF reader option
- Drag the PDF Viewer pane to a location above the Advanced PDF pane to make it the default PDF reader.
Users can still access the Advanced PDF pane as long as the pane is still available in the preview pane.