What's new in WorkZone Configurator 2023.0

Apply unit configurations to all subunits

New Configuration inheritance setting is added under Global > Feature settings > Client. By enabling this feature, you can apply unit configurations saved as Unit configuration with inheritance for subunits not only to the users directly in the unit, but also to the users in all subunits and sub-subunits down the hierarchy.

Add documents to cases via drag-and-drop

New Drag and drop files setting is added under Global > Feature settings > Client. By enabling this feature, you can add documents to cases by dragging and dropping the needed files from your file system.

Support for Templafy Hive

New Templafy Hive feature setting is added under Global > Feature settings > Client >Templafy integration. By enabling this feature, you can now configure settings for Templafy Hive connection and be able to create documents (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) in WorkZone Client based on the Templafy templates. See Templafy settings.