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Improvements for saving emails to WorkZone

When saving emails from Outlook, case data will automatically refresh upon clicking the Case droplist. So, for example, if you have created a new case during the email registration, that new case will appear at the top of the Case droplist. Previously you had to close and reopen the WorkZone 365 to get the new data.

WorkZone 365 2023.0 hotfix 3 only: Improvements for working with WorkZone meetings

  • You can create WorkZone meetings as an attendee. Previously, only meeting organizers could create WorkZone meetings. See Create a new WorkZone meeting.
  • You can open a WorkZone meeting case in WorkZone Client directly from the WorkZone pane. See Open a WorkZone meeting in WorkZone Client.
  • If multiple WorkZone meetings exist for the same Outlook meeting (for example, if several participants have created parallel WorkZone meetings due to access restrictions to an already existing meeting case), they will be listed under the new Case droplist on the WorkZone pane, so you can select the needed meeting case.