What's new
New features in WorkZone Process 2023.0
No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

New OAuth2 properties
All container interfaces, such as the init, edit, smart task, and case activity interfaces have been extended with three new properties string odataUri, string processUri, and object AuthorizationHeader. See Init form container interface, Edit form container, Smart tasks container, and Case activity container.
Use these properties when you build forms that will run on an environment that is configured with OAuth authentication.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

- The SDK now includes a sample SmartPost dispatcher, which can be used as a starting point for create a customized dispatcher. See Create a SmartPost dispatcher.

No changes.

No changes.

The SimpleMergeDocumentsToPdf activity now supports the ability to specify a plugin that allows additional properties to be set on the resulting PDF document metadata used in the ExternalCommunication package. See About plugins and Extend packages using plugins.
PowerShell script to start a SmartPost process
A new sample PowerShell script that shows how you can start a SmartPost process. The script replaces the C# example. See Start a SmartPost process using a script.
OpenCase parameter
A new OpenCase parameter that opens a closed case so that it is possible to send SmartPost messages. The parameter is only used if you want to integrate from another system.
Case activities
The documentation that describes how to create and deploy case activity lists based on DCR processes has been moved to Case activities in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.

No changes.

No changes.

No changes.

No changes.

- You can configure the SmartPost process comply with customized of locations of CVR and CPR numbers in the database. See Configure SmartPost PartyIdentifierSources (sending) and Configure SmartPost ContactAddressSources (receiving).

- The topics on case activities have been revised.
- You can now create a DCR process based on a default WorkZone template.
- You can now use Fiddler for debugging. See Enable Telerik Fiddler tracing.
- The Configure packages topic has been extended with a description of DataContextDefinition controls and a new details section control.
- The WorkZone Client form container now supports a Dirty Marking API. See Support for dirty marking in containers (Dirty Marking API).

- New document filter control
A new control for filtering documents in <wzp-multi-selector> and <wzp:rollbackselector> has been introduced. The new <wzp:document-selector-filter> control replaces the <wzp:filter-selector> control, which is now obsolete. Configuration of new control is identical for SmartTask and InitForm.
For more information, see To add a filter control in the <wzp-multi-selector> and <wzp:rollbackselector> parent controls. -
New sequence mask control
A new control for selecting actors from sequence masks in <wzp-multi-selector> and <wzp:rollbackselector> has been introduced. The new <wzp:sequence-mask-selector-filter> control replaces the <wzp:sequence-mask-selector> control, which is now obsolete. Configuration of new control is identical for SmartTask and InitForm.
For more information, see To add a sequence-mask control in the <wzp-multi-selector> and <wzp:rollbackselector> parent control. -
Obsolete filter controls and controller.
The following filter controls and controllers are obsolete and should be removed from the html:- wzpInitFormFilterForSelectorCtrl
- wzpSmartTaskFilterForSelectorCtrl
- wzpInitFormSequenceMaskForSelectorCtrl
- wzpSmartTaskSequenceMaskForSelectorCtrl
New contact type filter: <wzp:contact-type-selector-filter>.
A new control for filtering contacts and addreses by contact type for <wzp-multi-selector> and <wzp:rollbackselector> has been introduced. Configuration of new control is identical for SmartTask and InitForm.
For more information, see To add the control in <wzp-multi-selector> and <wzp:rollbackselector> parent control - The RollbackSelectors have been updated.

Selector controls were upgraded
In WorkZone Process 2017 the selector controls in forms have been upgraded. For more information about the upgrade, see Upgrade selector controls from 2016 to 2016 R2.
Two elements were removed from the html forms:
: Previously this attribute was used in "<ui:usertask ng-controller="ApproveTaskCtr" ui-intl="task.Submission." formname="taskform" wzp-usertask-rollbackselector-panel-helper>
". From now on, you can just use "<ui:usertask ng-controller="ApproveTaskCtr" ui-intl="task.Submission." formname="taskform" >"
: Previously this element was used in "<ui:actions capability="execute" ng-disabled="isNotValid()" ng-controller="uiActionsCustomController">". From now on, you can just use- "<ui:actions capability="execute" ng-disabled="isNotValid()" >"
Data model changes
The following new elements have been added to the registers and tables in the data model:
In this guide, the descriptions in the Database section was updated and the information is now divided into descriptions of tables and registers.
For more information about the new database elements, see Database.
Case activity graphs available for workflows
You can now use case activity graphs to model workflows in WorkZone for standard work processes as well as for ad-hoc tasks.
Case activity graphs enable you to model tasks in responsive workflows and the flow of tasks need not be known in advance. You can, for example, handle conditions such as these:
- The order of activities to be completed can vary.
- All possible activities need not be executed within each workflow.
- Activities must be repeated or disregarded depending on the outcome of other activities.
New integration features are now available. See Integration.
New form types
New form types have been introduced. Now the following form types are available:
- Init Forms
- Smarttasks forms
- Edit forms
- CaseActivity forms
For more information, see The forms concept.