Registers and tables

The WorkZone database is based on a set of registers. A register in WorkZone is a set of tables that describe an entity (case, document, or contact), or entity information. The data in tables correspond with the data presented in the user interface in WorkZone Client.

You can configure separate permissions for entities and their information in the corresponding tables:

  • Entities: Case, Document, and Contact tables
  • Entity information:
    • For Case entity: Case date, Case information, Case party tables
    • For Document entity: Document date, Document information, Document party tables
    • For Contact entity: Contact date, Contact information, Contact reference, and Address tables.

End users

The end users have permissions to entity registers (case, document, and contact) depending on the rules and regulations their organization has to comply with. In many organizations end users do not have the permission to delete entities.

Important: The end users must have Search permissions to all entity and entity information tables. Otherwise the users would not be able to find or view any information in any entities and their details in WorkZone Client.

System administrators

The system administrators are usually given the highest security code to access all levels of the system and its registers in order to maintain the systems configuration.

See also

Permissions .