What's new in WorkZone Client
Attach WorkZone documents to your Outlook emails
Prerequisite: You must have WorkZone 365 installed.
You can copy WorkZone documents to clipboard, and then attach them to your Outlook emails as links, documents, or PDF documents. See Copy a document to the clipboard.
PDF/Universal Accessibility (UA) enhancements
- You can not only validate existing PDF documents for PDF/UA compliance, but also create new PDF/UA compliant documents from the Word documents.
- New WorkZone PDF/UA error report will help you see which documents have failed the PDF/UA validation and correct the validation errors. See Fix a failed PDF/UA document, WorkZone PDF/UA error report, and Troubleshooting .

Add documents to cases with drag-and-drop
You can now add documents to cases by dragging and dropping the needed files from your file system.
Before you can drag and drop files, the new Drag and drop files setting must first be enabled in WorkZone Configurator (under Global > Feature settings > Client > Drag and drop files. This setting is enabled by default).
Validate documents for PDF/Universal Accessibility (UA) compliance
You can now check whether a PDF document is a valid PDF/UA file. Verified PDF/UA documents will be displayed with the green "UA" badge on their document icons.
Print multiple documents from a document list
From the document list, you can now create a printable PDF file with multiple documents. Previously, you could only create a printable PDF file with multiple documents from the same case.
See Print multiple documents from a list.
Improved flow for opening email documents from WorkZone Client without having WorkZone for Office client installed locally
If WorkZone for Office client is not installed locally, upon clicking Open for an Outlook email document, you will be suggested to download that document to your hard disk instead.
See Open a document in corresponding program.
Case field is no longer prefilled when context is unknown
The Case field is no longer prefilled for documents that are uploaded from the file system or for new information items.
The Share > In mail menu will only be displayed to users who have WorkZone for Office installed
The Share > In mail menu for cases and documents will only be displayed to the users who have the WorkZone for Office client installed on their machine. From Share > the In mail menu, you can send the WorkZone link to a case or a document, send a document as an email attachment, or send a document as a PDF file.
See Send a link to a case in an e-mail message and Share a WorkZone link or a document itself in an e-mail message.
Unit configurations of WorkZone Client can now be applied to all subordinate units
A new type of unit configurations, Unit configuration with inheritance for subunits is now available. These unit configurations will apply not only to the users directly in the unit, but also to the users in all other subordinate units down the hierarchy. Unit configurations that are applied only to the unit itself (bypassing the subunits or sub-subunits) are now known as Unit configurations (no inheritance).
To apply a unit configuration to all subunits, you must save this unit configuration as Unit configuration, with inheritance for subunits in WorkZone Client, and enable the new Configuration inheritance setting in WorkZone Configurator (under Global > Feature settings > Client > Configuration inheritance. This setting is disabled by default).
- All existing unit configurations of WorkZone Client have automatically been saved as Unit configurations (no inheritance). Change them to Unit configuration, with inheritance for subunits, if needed.
- If more than one unit configuration applies to the same user, for example, a configuration of a unit, a subunit, and a sub-subunit, the configuration settings of the lowest hierarchy level will take precedence. That is, in case of conflicts between settings of unit, a subunit, and a sub-subunit configurations, the sub-subunit configuration settings will have the highest priority, and unit configuration settings will have the lowest priority.
See Configuration types and priorities and How configurations merge for more information.
Support for Templafy Hive
If your organization uses Templafy Hive, it is now possible to create Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents in WorkZone Client based on one of your organization's templates in Templafy Hive.
See Create a document (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) from Templafy.
Prerequisite: The Templafy Hive module must be installed in WorkZone Configurator (under Global > Templafy integration), and the Templafy Hive connection must be set up correctly in WorkZone Configurator under Services > Templafy settings.
Suggested redaction for PDF document (Experimental feature)
Working with PDF documents, you can use automated redaction suggestions to minimize manual work for redacting confidential or other potentially sensitive information.
- Your organization must use the WorkZone Cloud Edition.
- A licensed version of Advanced PDF (either the Annotation and Redaction license or the Advanced Editing license) must be available to your organization.
- The Suggest redaction feature must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator (under Client > Advanced PDF > Suggest redaction).

List actions
Edit read or write access for multiple list items
You can now edit read and write access for multiple cases, documents, or contacts from a list. Previously, you could only edit the read and write access for one case, document, or contact at a time.
List items order no longer kept for the exported to Excel lists
Due to the performance issues, list items order will no longer be kept during the export to Excel. You can sort the list items as needed directly in the Excel spreadsheet, after exporting the list from WorkZone Client. See Export a list to Excel.
Share multiple saved searches
You can now share multiple searches from your saved search lists. Previously, you could only share your saved searches one by one.
Note: When sharing a list that has already been shared with another user (or users), new share options will overwrite the previous ones.
Reassign shared searches owned by the other users
With the new SEARCHADM access code, you can reassign shared searches owned by the other users. Previously, you could only reassign your own shared searches. See Reassign a shared search.
Search for exact matching words or phrases
During the free text searches, multiple search words encased in single or double quotation marks will be looked up as an exact string (that is, in exactly the same order and form).
For example, entering the search words "Frank Lloyd Wright" will find the occurrences of Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Lloyd Wright Jr., but not Frank Lloyd David Wright.
Multiple search words not encased by single or double quotation marks are still treated as separate search words connected by automatically added AND operators.

Address Type field no longer mandatory
The contacts structure in WorkZone also can be used to register resources that do not have addresses (for example drones, cars, or heavy equipment), and since each contact detail page can be customized by contact type, the mandatory Address type field prevented the removal of address fields for contacts types that did not have addresses. This is because mandatory WorkZone fields can not be removed when customizing a details page.
In order to support this application of WorkZone contacts, the Address type field is no longer mandatory. Default values can still be defined for the Address type field.
Assign delegates for other users
A user assigned the new DELEGATEADM access code can now assign delegates for other users. This reinstates functionality that had been removed from WorkZone2018.1.
Previously, users could only assign delegates for themselves and not for other users. Users that are not assigned the DELEGATEADM access code can still only assign delegates for themselves.
Save or Cancel buttons introduced in the Advanced PDF pane
The Advanced PDF editing feature no longer automatically saves the PDF document currently being edited.
Previously, the PDF document currently being edited was automatically saved every 10 seconds. Now, Save and Cancel buttons have been introduced to the Advanced PDF menu instead of automatically saving the document. The buttons allow the user to make changes to the PDF document and actively decide whether to save the changes or to cancel all changes.
The Save button already existing in some Advanced PDF pane menus while the Cancel button is a new addition.
Adding and editing bookmarks in Advanced PDF pane removed
The editing of existing bookmarks and the creation of new bookmarks on a PDF document from the Advanced PDF pane features has been removed as the 3rd party application used to edit and add bookmarks was not sufficiently stable.
Users can still view and use bookmarks generated when the PDF document was created but cannot edit or add to these bookmarks.
Fuzzy searches on free text searches
A new search operator has been introduced to free text searches in WorkZone Client: Fuzzy searches.
Fuzzy searches utilize Oracle Fuzzy Matching to search for similarly spelled words that only diverge marginally from the searched terms. The level of sensitivity to divergence can be defined in your Oracle database to enable more or less results.
Example: The search criteria "+petersen" will find contact names similar to "petersen" such as peddersen, pedersen, and petersen.
The default parameters of Oracle's Fuzzy Matching (similarity score lower limit and maximum number of expanded terms) can be changed in your Oracle database to increase or decrease the number of search results. This change must be made at index time.

Export to Excel from WorkZone Client
When exporting a list from WorkZone Client to Microsoft Excel, users are no longer prompted for Query Privacy settings in Microsoft Excel.
Copy documents from Microsoft SharePoint (Experimental)
If your organization also uses Microsoft SharePoint Server for document management and/or document repository and your organization has set up WorkZone integration from Microsoft SharePoint, you can copy one or more documents from SharePoint into WorkZone.
When documents are copied from SharePoint to WorkZone, the documents are not deleted from SharePoint or marked in any way to indicate they are now also stored in WorkZone. The documents will effectively exist in two document management systems: Microsoft SharePoint and WorkZone and can be edited in both systems independently of each other. Apart from copying documents to WorkZone, there is no other integration between Microsoft SharePoint and WorkZone
If you want to only have the SharePoint documents managed in WorkZone, you must manually remove the documents from SharePoint or edit the document titles/names in SharePoint to indicate that the documents in question no longer are considered active in SharePoint.
It is not possible to copy documents from WorkZone to Microsoft SharePoint.
Meta data in WorkZone
Document meta data is not transferred from SharePoint to WorkZone and must be added to the copied documents in WorkZone Client after the documents have been copied. Copying documents from SharePoint will circumvent any fields (standard or custom) that have been defined as mandatory but once the document meta data needs to be saved in WorkZone, all mandatory field requirements will be respected.
The only document meta data that will be created when copying documents from SharePoint to WorkZone is the document title and the Document Type field, which will automatically be assigned the DOK, document value.
Note: The copy integration from Microsoft SharePoint is an experimental feature for this release.
Expanded data logging on custom fields, custom types and custom type fields
Data logging in WorkZone has been expanded to include custom fields, custom types and custom type fields.
In previous versions of WorkZone, only changes made to standard WorkZone fields were registered in the log tables. Now, changes made to custom fields, custom types or custom type fields are also saved to the respective tables.
Only changed values are stored, not entire sets of data.
Changes made to WorkZone fields can be seen in the Life cycle detail tab page for cases, documents, contacts and custom types. The Life cycle detail tab page is not displayed in the detail page by default and must be added manually.
Custom fields are not automatically displayed in the Life cycle detail tab and must be added manually.

Contacts can now be write-protected
Users can define both read access and write access restrictions to contacts as a new Write access field has been added to the contact meta data. The field is displayed on the Contact detail page. The Write access field is also available on contact search pages and contact lists, including filtering options.
The read and write restrictions on contacts behave in the same way as read and write restrictions on cases and documents. Users that do not have read access to a contact, cannot open that contact’s detail page and cannot view contact data from that contact. Users must be assigned read access to a contact to open the contact detail page and view contact data for that contact. Users must be assigned write access to a contact to change contact data for that contact.
Default Contact Read access and Contact Write access
Default read and write access codes for contacts can be defined for each contact type in WorkZone Configurator > Contact > Contact types. During contact creation in WorkZone Client, the Read access and Write access fields in the contact detail page will initially be populated with the defined default access codes.
The default access codes can be changed during contact creation or later if the user is assigned sufficient permissions. Any read or write access codes specifically defined in the configuration of the contact type detail page will be applied instead of the default contact access codes.
Note: Clearing the access code fields during contact creation will result in the default access code defined in WorkZone Configurator being applied to the contact again when the contact is saved. After the contact has been created, the access code fields can be cleared and the contact can be saved without the default access code values being applied.
WorkZone Chat Chat
New chat information box
New chat messages and chat messages that were received while the user was offline, are displayed more prominently in a blue information box located in the upper right- hand corner of the browser used for WorkZone Client. Clicking the blue information box will open the chat in the chat form.

Character limit in Case text field removed
The 4,000 character limit has been removed for the Case text field, enabling case workers to enter longer detailed descriptions for the case.
Update CVR contacts using the CVR Update module
A new update feature has been introduced to WorkZone which uses the CVR Datafordeler to automatically update all Company (with CVR) or Production unit contacts in WorkZone with any changes from the Danish Central Business Register. The following core data is updated: Company name, address and industry code.
Once enabled, CVR Update will perform the update once an hour, ensuring all Company (with CVR) or Production unit core contact data is continually up-to-date with the Danish Central Business Register.
CVR Update is part of the CVR Online feature set and must be enabled separately in WorkZone Configurator > Global > Feature Settings > Content Server > CVR > CVR Update. CVR Update utilizes the KMD Logic cloud service to administer and manage connection to the CVR Datafordeler and both the KMD Logic cloud service and Datafordeler connection must also be configured correctly. Currently, both the KMD Logic cloud service and CVR Datafordeler may be accessed and used free of charge.
If the CVR Online feature has been enabled and the CVR Update feature is not enabled, users will still be able to import core CVR data from Danish Central Business Register during contact creation but any subsequent changes made to the contact data in the Danish Central Business Register will not be automatically imported into WorkZone.
Note: The CVR Update feature is by default disabled after the initial installation of WorkZone.
Advanced PDF viewer full version
The Advanced PDF feature is no longer an experimental feature and changes saved to PDF documents will no longer contain a PDFTron viewer watermark.
System administrators can activate individual features of the Advanced PDF feature set in WorkZone Configurator > Global > Feature settings > Annotations. Separate licenses for the Advanced PDF feature must still be purchased for legal use of the feature set.

Change case group and child case groups for multiple cases
Users can change the case group and the child case group for multiple cases in a case list, for example after updating the classification scheme for the case taxonomy where the case group of existing cases needs to be changed. Previously, each case had to be updated individually but now users can search for cases and mass-update their case groups from the search results tab.
Select the cases in the list, click Edit > Case groups and then select the new case group and/or child case group to apply for all the selected cases.
References to deleted cases or documents detail tabs
Two new read-only detail tabs have been introduced to the contact details page: References to deleted documents and References to deleted cases.
Each detail tab displays all references of the active contact to documents or cases respectively that have been deleted and are currently in the recycle bin. The new tabs can be used with the existing Case references and Documents detail tabs on the contact detail page to get an overview of a contact's references before deleting the contact.
The new detail tabs are not displayed by default and must be added to the detail page, either manually or as part of a WorkZone configuration.
CPR Batch and guardians without CPR numbers
When importing CPR contact data from CPR Online or updating CPR contact data using CPR Batch, guardians that do not possess a Danish CPR number (for example legal companies acting as interim guardians) are now automatically imported into WorkZone as a Person (without CPR) contact. A reference with the Guardian role is also automatically created between the contact and the guardian.
Note: The default contact type (known as Name types) of guardians without CPR numbers can be changed to better suit your organization's requirements.
If CPR Batch is employed
If a new guardian without CPR number is assigned to the contact, the next CPR Batch update will create the new guardian in WorkZone along with a new reference with the Guardian role. The old guardian contact will not be deleted from WorkZone but the reference between the old guardian and the contact will be removed.
CPR Batch subscriptions
A subscription to CPR Batch update is now first created when a contact is imported into WorkZone. Previously, a subscription to the CPR Batch update was automatically created for a contact when a user performed a search for the contact.
Contact data is only updated if a contact has been imported into the WorkZone database and also subscribes to CPR Batch imports.
CPR number updates
If a contact's CPR number is updated, for example if the contact has registered a gender change, the contact's CPR number in WorkZone will be updated automatically if CPR Batch is subscribed to and set up correctly. If a subscription to CPR Batch is not active, the contact's CPR number can be updated manually through CPR Online.
When updating a contact's CPR number, regardless of how it is done, the contact's previous CPR number is stored in the Previous name code field to help users search for the contact using the previous CPR number as well as the new one. The Previous name code field is not displayed by default and must be added manually to the contact searches, contact detail pages and contact lists.
The Previous name code field is read-only and cannot be updated through user interaction.
Changed free text search behavior
The behavior of free text searches has been changed.
If three search words or less are entered in the free text search field, the entire search expression will be interpreted as containing an AND operator between each search word. The automatically applied AND operators will not be displayed in the free text search field. Since free text searches look up in all indexed text, the values in the Name 1 and Name 2 fields can be searched for more effectively.
For example, entering Anne Fingerton in the free text search field will display the contacts named Anne Marie Fingerton Smythe and Anne Marie Fingerton Smith in the search results tab when the search is executed.
If any search operators (AND, OR, NOT, etc) are manually applied to the search words in the free test search field (for example “Frank OR Lloyd OR Wright”), the free text search expression will not be interpreted as containing an AND operator between each search word and the search expression will be applied as it is entered in the field.
If four or more search words are specified in the free text search field, all the individual search words will be joined into one single search expression – for example entering Anne Marie Fingerton Smythe in the free text search field will result in a search for “Anne Marie Fingerton Smythe”. When the search is executed, the contact named Anne Marie Fingerton Smythe will be displayed in the search results tab but the contact named Anne Marie Fingerton Smith will not be displayed.
Copy documents to other cases and register as archived
Documents can be copied to other cases and registered as archived during the copying process. This enables archived documents can be copied to other cases and still retain their archived states on the new cases.
Copied archived documents are created as drafts in the case they are copied to by default, but you can select to register the document as archived on the new case when you copy it.
Annotate, redact and edit PDF documents
PDF documents can be annotated, redacted and edited using the new Advanced PDF functionality. Advanced PDF replaces the Advanced PDF viewer introduced in WorkZone 2020.3 all aspects.
Separate Advanced PDF licenses are required to annotate/redact and edit PDF documents. A free version of the Advanced PDF is however available and installed by default. The free version of Advanced PDF can only be used to read PDF documents and the default WorkZone PDF Viewer is still installed and enabled for all users.
Note: Licensed versions of Advanced PDF must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator.
The Advanced PDF license consists of three tiers. The first tier is installed by default and is free of charge. The second tier includes annotation and redaction features while the third tier contains annotation, redaction and advanced PDF editing features. The PDF Viewer is still available by default and enabled for use.
Both the Advanced PDF and PDF Viewer panes are opened from the preview pane. By default the preview pane contains and displays the PDF Viewer pane, but the preview pane must be configured to also display the Advanced PDF pane.
Advanced PDF enables WorkZone users to do the following on a PDF document:
- Add advanced annotations such as highlights, notes, callouts, comments, apply text formatting such as striking out, underlining or marking text, adding text boxes and free hand drawings.
- Search for and mark terms for redaction.
- Preview text marked for redaction before applying the redactions as well as sending the redaction-marked document for review before redaction is applied.
- Rotate, move or delete pages.
- Extract existing pages.
- Add, remove or edit temporary bookmarks.
- Add a watermark to the document.
Note: Advanced PDF editing is not supported by the Internet Explorer 11 browser.
Updated pinned tabs behavior
Pinned tabs are now collapsed and grouped in the far left of the tab row, freeing up space for the detail page tabs. Pinned and unpinned tabs can be rearranged by dragging the tabs to new positions within in the tab groupings (pinned or unpinned). Pinned and unpinned tabs cannot be mixed in the tab row. A tooltip text is displayed when hovering a mouse cursor over a pinned tab.
Pinned tabs as well as their tab order are restored whenever WorkZone Client launches and can be used as a quick way to have a set of favorite or important pages ready for work when WorkZone Client is opened.
To pin, unpin as well as close a tab, right-click the tab and select the relevant option from the menu. Closing a pinned tab will also unpin it.

Updated fields available for Case searches
Three new search fields are available for general and type-specific case searches:
- Updated by: The WorkZone user who last updated the case meta data fields.
- Updated date from: The start date used when searching for updates to cases within a specific time period.
- Updated date to: The end date used when searching for updates to cases within a specific time period.
The new search fields are not displayed on the case search page by default and must be manually added to the page.
These search fields (Updated by, Updated date from and Update date to) have been available for document searches in previous WorkZone versions but have been added to case searches in this version.
Users can display an aggregated value of a field in the dashboard widget by selecting an aggregation function and then selecting a field to apply the function to in the widget. The selected aggregation function reduces the values of the field it is applied to, down a single value.
Only number fields (Integer or Decimal) can be aggregated.
Number (Integer and decimal) fields are not by default present in WorkZone and have to be created using custom fields or custom type fields.
Aggregate functions can be applied to cases, contacts and documents. Aggregate functions cannot be applied to meeting cases, or to widgets and lists that do not contain number fields that can be aggregated, for example WorkZone Process-related widgets.
Note: Fields with the value 0 are included in the aggregation but fields that are empty (do not contain any value) are not included.
The aggregation function can be applied to the following widgets:
- Donut chart
- Bar chart
- Time line
- Speedometer
- Counter
The following aggregate functions can be applied in the widgets:
- Avg: (Average): The average (arithmetic mean) value of the selected field.
- CountDistinct: (CountDistinct): The number of unique values in the selected field.
- Max: (Maximum): The highest value of the selected field.
- Median: (Median): The median value of the selected field.
- Min: (Minimum): The lowest value of the selected field.
- Stddev: (Standard Deviation): The statistical standard deviation of the selected field.
- Sum: (Sum): The sum of the selected field.
- Variance: (Variance): The statistical variance of the selected field.
WorkZone Search
When creating a free text search, users can toggle between normal and extended searches as a search parameter to the Free text field.
- Normal searches will exclude any leading asterisk wildcard characters (*) from the search term and is the default setting.
For example the search term *Case* will be treated as Case*. - Extended searches will include any leading asterisk wildcard characters (*) to the search term.
For example the search term *Case* will be applied directly to the search as *Case*.
If the extended search parameter is selected, the search can produce a large number of results, consume noticeable system resources and take significantly longer to display the search results as all WorkZone elements in the search are traversed for all full and partial occurrences of the search term.
New Pages field on Document lists
A new Pages field has been added as a selectable field (column) to all document lists. The Pages field displays the number of pages in the PDF rendition of the document.
If the document does not yet contain a PDF rendition, the value in the Pages field will be empty. This does not mean the document itself is empty or does not contain any pages. It only means there is no current PDF rendition of the document and the field therefore cannot display any value.
The Pages field is not displayed in document lists by default and each individual document list must be edited to include the Pages field.
Templates for advanced submissions
Templates for advanced submissions have been introduced in this version. A template consists of a series of process steps that indicate actions which one or more WorkZone users must complete in order to complete the process the template is applied to. The templates are created and maintained in the Templates for advanced submissions detail tab on the user's User Profile page.
Applying a templates to a advanced submissions adds a larger degree of adaptability in defining and completing the actions required of the submission. Each step can be assigned its own relative deadline.
The template's process steps can be defined as either sequential or parallel steps. Sequential steps must be completed in strict order, one after the other, while parallel process steps can be completed independently of all other process steps, including sequential process steps.
Other WorkZone users' access to a template can be restricted by defining access codes for Read and Write access to the template and its steps.
Only users assigned the STEPSUBMISSION access code may create, edit or delete templates for advanced submissions.

Filter child cases
A new filter called Filter Child cases that can be applied to custom detail tabs has been introduced. The filter enables a user to create a custom detail tab on the case detail page with a filter on the custom detail tab that displays all child cases belonging to the active case.
Create new child case option
Users can create a child case directly on the case detail page by clicking New on the Child case detail tab or a custom detail tab that contains the Filter Child cases filter.
In previous versions, users first had to create child cases as ordinary cases and then add the newly-created cases as child cases on the Child case detail tab on the case detail page of the parent case. It is still possible to create and assign child cases like this, but now users can create the child cases directly from the parent case.
User access lists for the case
Two new lists have been introduced for display in the case detail tabs: Users with read access and Users with write access. The tabs display all users registered with read and write access on the case.
The tabs are not displayed by default and must be added by the detail, either manually or as part of a WorkZone configuration.
Auto purge respects defined the retention period
To prevent premature automatic deletion of soft deleted cases and documents, the retention period for deleted cases and document is now by default respected by the Auto-purge and Auto-delete Retention policy options. Users assigned sufficient rights (SOFTDELETE for ordinary deletion and RETENTIONADM for permanent deletion) can still manually delete cases and documents.
Previously, users with SOFTDELETE rights could delete a case or document by sending it to the recycle bin before the retention period expired. Once in the recycle bin, the case or document could be automatically deleted permanently after the purge period. Since the purge period was typically shorter than the overall retention period, a case or document could be permanently deleted inadvertently.
New fields in documents list
Three new fields have been added to all documents lists:
- Extension: Displays the file extension of the document.
- Locked by: Displays the WorkZone user who has locked the document.
- Lock expires: Displays the date and time when the current document lock expires.
The new fields are not displayed in the list by default and the list must be edited to display the fields. As with all fields in the list, you can filter and sort the list using the fields.
The Locked by and Lock expires fields can be combined with the Checked out and Checked out by fields to display who has opened and saved a particular document and whether or not it is available for you to edit.
User access lists for the document
Two new lists have been introduced for display in the Document detail tabs: Users with read access and Users with write access. The tabs display all users registered with read and write access on the document.
The tabs are not displayed by default and must be added by the detail, either manually or as part of a WorkZone configuration.
New Process created field in the list My Open tasks
Users prioritizing their tasks can use the Process created field in the list My Open tasks to sort and filter the list.
The Process created field is not displayed by default and the My Open tasks list must be edited to display the field.
New Personal configuration export/import functionality
WorkZone users not assigned the CONFGIGADM access code can export their own Personal and Private configurations to JSON file and import their own or another user's Personal and/or Private configuration files from the file system into their own Personal and/or Private configuration.
Importing configurations into other configuration types (Organizational, Unit, etc) still requires the CONFIGADM access code.
Users assigned the CONFIGADM access code can, in addition to all other configuration export and import rights, export and import Personal configurations into their own and the original owner's Personal configuration.

Quickly execute a case activity multiple times
Recurring case activities can be executed multiple times without opening the Confirmation form by clicking the recurring check box (), located to the left of the activity icons. Previously, a user could only execute a recurring case activity once without the Confirmation form being opened. If the user subsequently executed the activity again, the Confirmation form was opened and the user had to click again to close the form to continue.
View case activity history
A list of all actions performed on an activity can be displayed in the activities preview pane, allowing users to filter the list to gain an overview of past actions on the activity.
The activity history displays the activity name, the action performed, WorkZone user who performed the action, when the action was registered and any comments the user added when performing the action.
New All Processes case detail tab
The new All Processes case detail tab displays all processes registered on the case, including active, ended and expired processes. The All Processes case detail tab contains the same functions as the Processes case detail tab: Users can create a new process, edit a process, export selected processes to Microsoft Excel, open a selected process in a preview pane and finally cancel a selected process. Users can also refresh the tab in order to update the tab and display any changes made to your processes by other users.
Create filters for the Case references detail ribbon tab
On the Case detail page, users can create a filter and apply the filter to the Case references detail ribbon tab in the same way filters can be applied to the Documents detail ribbon tab and the Case parties detail ribbon tab. An existing saved search can also be applied to the Case references detail ribbon tab if necessary.
WorkZone Explorer for the Google Chrome browser
The Explore button is now displayed in the Main ribbon of the active case when using the Google Chrome browser. Due to the security model of the Google Chrome browser, the Windows File Explorer is not opened automatically when you click the Explore button. Instead, you must open the Windows File Explorer manually and then press CTRL+V in the address bar to open WorkZone Explorer for the active case.
The link address is automatically copied to your clipboard when you click the Explore button.
In previous versions, the Explore button was removed when using the Google Chrome browser.
New advanced PDF viewer enables extended PDF document editing
The advanced PDF viewer is an experimental feature that enables you to edit PDF documents directly. When you save your changes to the document, the document will be stamped with a PDFTron viewer watermark.
If your organization has enabled the advanced PDF viewer and also updated your WorkZone Client configuration to include the View editable PDF version pane in the preview pane, you can edit a PDF document directly in the preview pane, for example from the Documents detail tab on the case detail page.
An overview of all changes to documents is displayed in the Versions detail tab on the case details page.
The advanced PDF viewer enables you to edit the PDF document by:
- adding a comment (annotating)
- highlighting text passages
- adding freehand and predefined regular shapes
- adding a signature
- removing (erase) your edits
Note: Additional advanced PDF viewer editing features such as adding free text blocks, stamps and call-outs are currently not supported in WorkZone.
PDF documents that are locked for editing, archived , deleted, attached to closed cases, have been re-journalized, or which the current user does not have editing rights to, cannot be edited using the advanced PDF viewer (View editable PDF version). These documents can be read unless read access is also prevented.
You can make the advanced PDF viewer the default PDF viewer on the preview pane by placing the View editable PDF version pane before the View PDF version pane.
New advanced print options on the case report
Users can specify whether or not annotations, comments and revisions are to be included in the documents when creating a print out of case documents.
In the Print case form in the Advanced tab, users can specify whether or not to include comments and notes to the Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents of the report as well as display, accept or reject any revisions made to Word or Excel documents. You can also specify whether or not to flatten any PDF forms included in the report.
The advanced print options will override the default values defined in WorkZone Configurator > PDF > Engine configuration to the current report only.
Municipality code field can be displayed in detail tabs and Contact searches
The municipality field (called Municipality code in WorkZone Client) now can be displayed in the Address detail tab on the Contact detail page, the Parties detail tab on the Case detail page and added to Contact searches using the Show all fields button. The Municipality code field can also be added in contact reference selectors.
System messages
System messages created by system administrators are displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the browser whenever the browser is opened or loaded. The content of each system message is defined by the system administrator and can inform users of any important information, for example if the system will be offline for maintenance in the near future.
System messages can be displayed to all WorkZone users as well as only displayed to users that match the access codes defined in the system message parameters.
Users can close a message by clicking on it, although system messages can be set up to prevent users closing the message.
There are three types of system messages:
- Error: The message is displayed in a red message field.
- Information: The message is displayed in a blue message field.
- Warning: The message is displayed in a orange message field.

Searching for old case numbers
Old case numbers can now be used as search criteria when conducting a case search. If the case group is a part of the case number and the case group was changed on a case, the case would receive a new case number. You can use the old case number as a search criteria when conducting a case search by specifying which case number to use as criteria in the Case number field on the Case search page. [actual] uses the current search number while [history] uses a old (historical) case number.
New fields in the case life cycle detail tab
The Case number and Responsible unit fields can now be selected and displayed in the case life cycle detail tab, enabling users to see any changes made to these fields.
New field in the document life cycle detail tab
The Responsible unit field can now be selected and displayed in the document life cycle detail tab, enabling users to see any changes made to this field.
Generating PDF reports
Users can monitor the progress of their own PDF report generation requests in a new navigation list called My reports today. The My reports today list displays the status of all report PDF generation requests made by the user within the current day, including the progress of any report PDF generation requests currently in progress.
When PDF report requests are being processed, a red counter with the number of requests currently being processed will be displayed on the Reports status button.
The My reports today list can be added to the dashboard and navigation pane as well as opened from the Reports status button in the bottom pane of the browser page.
Enable hidden custom fields
If the cases, documents or contacts selected for mass editing contain hidden custom fields (custom fields that have been created but not added to the respective detail pages), you can enable these fields for mass editing by customizing the Edit menu in the main ribbon.
Exporting list results to Microsoft Excel
WorkZone Client no longer requires the WorkZone 365 plug-in to export list results to Microsoft Excel. Previously, the plug-in was used as an intermediary between WorkZone Client and the WorkZone server. Now, the export request is sent directly to the WorkZone server.
Export to Excel
The Export to Excel function has been changed and now uses Excel Power Query to manage the connection and data transfer between WorkZone and Microsoft Excel. Power Query is an improvement over the previous connection type but users must set up their Excel connection the first time they export a list from WorkZone to Microsoft Excel.
Once they have set up the connection, users only need to define the privacy level for the current spreadsheet the next time they export WorkZone data to Excel.
New system fields in custom lists
Four new system fields (columns) have been made available for all custom lists:
- Created: The date and time the row in the custom list was created.
- Updated: The date and time the row in the custom list was last updated.
- Updated by: The user who last updated the row.
- Created by: The user who created the row.
The new system fields are not added to custom lists by default and must be added manually by a user or administrator.
WorkZone Configurations
The functionality for editing and deploying (previously called distributing) WorkZone configurations has been simplified and streamlined.
Users not assigned the CONFIGADM access code can still customize and reset their Personal configurations but the functionality, menu options and user interface texts have been re-done for improved usability and ease-of-use.
A user can now also open an overview of all the changes made to configurations the user is affected by: Organizational, Unit, User and Personal configurations. Users and other interested parties (administrators, consultants, super-users, etc) can navigate the list and see which changes have been made to the elements of each configuration type.
The overview will be empty if no changes have been made to these configurations.
Read access text strings displayed in drop-down lists for searches and filters
When filtering lists or when specifying read access codes in the Read access code field for case, document and contact searches, all existing read access codes for cases, contacts or documents respectively will be displayed as a text string in a drop-down list. This enables users to select from and/or filter the drop-down list instead of creating a new access code solely used for searching or filtering.
The Read access search field is a new field and will be displayed by default on all search pages. If your search pages were configured to hide the old Read access search field, you will have configure the same search pages to hide the new Read access search field.
Note: The read access code text string is ordered alphabetically and filtered from left to right and filter terms are also applied from left to right. For example if a user filters the read access code drop-down list with "aaa bbb ccc", the access code "aaa ccc bbb" will not be displayed. If the filter applied is "aaa ccc" instead, the access code "aaa ccc bbb" will be displayed.
Important: This change will invalidate any saved searches or saved filters that contain the Read access field. On filters, the Read access field will appear to be updated with the read access text string, but will not work as expected. On saved searches, the Read access field will be empty and still not work as expected.
Users must manually update the read access filter or search criteria and update the filter or search in order to trigger the new functionality.
Filtered detail ribbon tabs must contain filter criteria
Users can add their own tabs in the detail ribbon on a detail page (case, document, or contact) and specify a custom search to apply to and filter the tab. Previously, empty searches (searches not containing search criteria) could be saved and applied to the tab. Now, searches must contain search criteria if the user wants to save and apply it to the detail ribbon tab.
WorkZone configuration editing changes
As a result of the redesign of WorkZone configuration editing, filtered tabs and the default dashboard cannot be removed (meaning deleted from the configuration). You can chose not to display a filtered tab or the default dashboard, but you cannot remove them.
Custom types
If there is only one custom type field that can be used as a reference, the name of the field will not be displayed in the Tab selector form when adding a custom type to a case, contact or document detail tab.

Display all documents in a case hierarchy
A new Documents in hierarchy detail tab is now available for the case detail page. The Documents in hierarchy tab displays all documents attached to the active case as well as all documents attached to any child cases of the active case. In previous versions of WorkZone, users had to create a custom search for all documents in a case hierarchy, specifying search filters and criteria to obtain the same document list as the new tab displays automatically.
The Documents in hierarchy tab is not displayed by default and must be manually added to the case detail page.
Public access report
A new case report Public Access, print out of the case documents has been introduced and is accessible in the Advanced tab of the Print case form. The report creates a PDF with all case documents and a list of document parties on the case for public access requests from citizens.
The report is opened from the ribbon on the case detail page > Print > Advanced > Template.
Deleting documents and cases
Cases containing references to documents and documents containing references to cases and other documents can now be sent to the trash bin and deleted from the trash bin. Previously cases and documents containing references to other documents and cases could not be deleted. This also affects the automatic deletion of cases and documents if this functionality is used.
Automatic deletion of cases and documents
WorkZone can be configured to automatically send a case or document to the recycle bin when the defined retention period for the case or document expires. The automatic deletion parameter is set for each individual retention policy in WorkZone Configurator > Retention> Retention Policies.
Automatic deletion of cases and documents from the recycle bin
Cases and documents can be automatically deleted from the recycle bin after a predefined grace period, set as the number of days after the case or document initially was deleted (sent to the recycle bin). The grace period can be defined for each retention policy and is set up in WorkZone ConfiguratorRetention > Retention policies. Items deleted from the recycle bin are deleted permanently.
Cases and documents will not be automatically deleted from the recycle bin if the grace period has not been defined for their retention policies.
Cases and documents that are to be deleted from the recycle bin will contain a date in the Purge date field in the respective recycle bin lists. If the Purge date field is empty, the case or document will not be automatically deleted from the recycle bin.
Improved document list search/filter
All document lists and document detail tabs now display a Search in list field on top of the list. The Search in list field is a free text search field where users can enter free text search criteria to filter the displayed documents list. The Search in list field accepts all WorkZone search operators, such as wildcards (*) and question marks (?) and pressing Enter will apply the search to the list.
When a search criteria is applied to the document list, the Search in list field will be displayed with a yellow background to indicate that the items in the list have been filtered.
Clear the Search in list field to load normal unfiltered document list.
Importing supplementary documents from other WorkZone databases
When importing main documents with supplementary documents from another WorkZone database, the supplementary documents were always imported with the original access code despite the Import without access codes check box setting.
Now, the Import without access codes check box is ignored for supplementary documents. Supplementary documents are always imported without any access codes and automatically restricted by case and restricted by (main) document.
Supplementary documents imported as main documents still respect the Import without access codes check box and are treated as main documents with regards to assigning access codes.
Create a document from Templafy
If the organization uses Templafy to store and manage its Microsoft Office templates, documents (Word, Excel, or Powerpoint) can be created based on the Templafy templates.
The document is created from the ribbon using the Create from Templafy menu option. A Templafy template is then selected and applied to the document.
The document is opened in the relevant Microsoft Office application and the user can add any relevant text. After the document has been completed, it can be saved back on the case again.
Note: Valid Templafy log-in credentials (User name and password) must be available, and the Templafy connection must be set up correctly in WorkZone Configurator > Global > Templafy settings before documents can be created using Tempalfy templates.
For Microsoft Internet Explorer: Integration with Templafy (3rd party product) using the https protocol is not supported.
For Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge: Integration with Templafy (3rd party product) using the http protocol is not supported.
For Safari browser
If you are using a Safari browser, third-party party cookies must be enabled to use the Templafy integration in WorkZone Client.
Third-party cookies are enabled by clearing the Prevent cross-site tracking privacy setting in the Safari browser settings. The Prevent cross-site tracking setting is fully implemented from Safari version 13.,1 but present in Safari browsers from version 11.0.3 (3604.5.6).
For earlier versions of the Safari browser (before version 11.0.3(3604.5.6)), the Prevent cross-site tracking setting is not present.
Group by Custom field types
Donut and Bar widgets displaying contact data in a dashboard can be grouped by the following custom field types: Employee, Contact, and Unit
New widget display option - Use short label
A new display option has been introduced to the Donut and Bar chart widgets - Use short labels. Use the Use short labels check box to display the code of the grouping selected in the Group by field instead of the name. The Display Legend check box must also be selected in order to display the short labels.
New widget display option - Data ordering
A new display option has been introduced to the Bar chart widgets - Data ordering. Use the Data ordering to display the bars in the bar chart by ascending or descending order, going from left to right.
WorkZone Chat
This version of WorkZone introduces a new generally available module called WorkZone Chat to help WorkZone users increase collaboration and improve coordination in their daily work.
WorkZone Chat is an internal communication tool which enables WorkZone users to communicate about specific cases or documents, add additional case and document references, or remove existing references. WorkZone Chat can also be used to communicate more informally with other WorkZone users without being associated to a case or document.
WorkZone Chat can only be used to communicate with other WorkZone and can only be used internally through WorkZone.WorkZone Chat cannot be used to communicate with other parties or contacts externally. If you need to communicate with an external contact or party, you must use another 3rd party chat program.
Note: WorkZone Chat is disabled by default and must be enabled by a system administrator in WorkZone Configurator > Global > Feature settings > Client > Chat.
WorkZone Chat can be opened from the bottom of the browser page or from any case or document the chat contains references to. If the chat is opened from the bottom of the browser page, all chats for the user are displayed, and if a chat is opened from a referenced case or document, only that specific chat with the case or document reference is displayed.
WorkZone Chat respects all existing case and document read and write permissions. Users will not be able to view chat references to cases or documents they do not have read access to. Users will still be able to participate in chats, but will not be able to access cases or documents they do not normally have access to.
Chats can be created from the bottom of the browser page or directly from a case or document. If a chat is created from a case or a document, a reference to the case or document has already been created. The user can then add participants and start chatting. If the chat is created from the bottom of the browser page, the user must manually add any relevant references and add participants.
Any chat participant can edit a chat, and case and/or document references as well as participants can be added and removed during the chat. Additionally, chat details, such as title and description can be changed by any chat participant at any time.
A WorkZone Chat can be defined to be retained, which means that the chat cannot be deleted. Ordinary (unretained) chats can be deleted manually and are also automatically deleted from the system after a predetermined amount of days. Chat can be toggled between retained and ordinary chats by any chat participant.
New counter on detail tabs
A new counter has been introduced as a configurable setting on the case, document and contact detail tabs. The counter displays all unread items on the tab and uses the MRU (Most Recently Used) and Reading lists to determine whether or not an item (document, chat, processes, case references, parent cases, child cases, document references, documents in hierarchy, supplementary documents, and items in the recycle bin) has been opened by the current user. The counter is red in order to differentiate it between the other (light blue) counter on the detail tab which displays the number of items on the tab.
Note: Unread items are displayed in bold in the tab and in lists.
The unread items counter is by default enabled for the Chats detail tab and disabled for all other tabs.
You can enable or disable the unread items counter in the detail tab settings by toggling the Display unread items counter check box on the Edit tab form.

Case activities
The Deadline column is now available to the Activities tab and displays the deadline defined in the DCR process for the activity. The Deadline column is not displayed by default and must be manually added to the Activities tab.
New list - My Open and Pending Tasks
A new list called My Open and Pending Tasks has been added to the Navigation pane lists in the User Tasks group. The new list combines the My Open Tasks list and the My Pending Tasks list into one list. You can right-click a task and jump to the case the task is registered on to continue work there.
Changing case group during case creation
A field on a case detail page will not be overwritten by the default values from a case group if the default values are undefined or empty. Case detail page fields where default values have been defined on the case group are still overwritten. This only applies when creating a new case. If you select another case group on an existing case, case group default values are not applied to any field.
Actor Sequences relocated
The menu item Actor Sequences has been relocated from the main ribbon to the User's user page and added as a new Actor Sequences detail tab. You can now add, edit and manage actor sequences from your user page.
Case Group default values
Applying a case group to a case will not overwrite any existing values in fields that normally are overwritten by case group default values as long as the selected case group does not contain default values for the fields in question.
In previous versions, selecting a case group without defined default values would result in the Case handler field being overwritten with the current user, the Responsible unit field being overwritten with the organizational unit of current user's and the Case type field being cleared if default values had not been defined for the Case handler, Responsible unit, or Case type fields.
You can add a custom contact list that your system administrator has created to your contact detail tabs and afterwards enter contact information in the custom list fields for the list. When searching for contact information, custom list fields can also be added as search criteria to your search.
Custom contact lists can also contain references to other cases, documents, or contacts, and you can open these references in a new tab by selecting Navigate to and then the reference to open, or by right-clicking a row and selecting the reference to open.
State field for meetings displayed
The Meeting State field for meetings can now be displayed in the two Meeting lists: Meetings and Meetings organized by me. The meeting status is also displayed on the Meeting detail page in the State field and can be added as a search criteria when searching for meetings (Meeting state search field).
The State field displays the current meeting status (Active or Canceled) and is updated automatically from Outlook (if you are using the Microsoft Office Web add-in for WorkZone) or manually from WorkZone (if you are using the VSTO-based Microsoft Office add-in for WorkZone).
The Meetings list is automatically filtered to only display active meetings (the Meeting state field equals Active) while the Meetings organized by me displays all meeting states but can manually be filtered to display selected meeting states.
Quick Searches
The Quick search functionality (Go to) has been relocated from the ribbon of the case, document, and contact pages to the
Open button in the tab area. As a consequence of the relocation, the shortcut keys have been reassigned. The CTRL+G shortcut key now displays a menu at the
Open button where you can select Case, Document, or Contact to open the corresponding Go to... form. You can also click the
Open button to display the menu.
A new detail tab has been introduced to the detail tabs for the case, document, and contact detail page. The new tab is called Notes. The Notes tab contains all the notes created for the case, document or contact in question and replaces the old WorkZone functionality for creating and editing notes. The new Notes tab aligns the WorkZone notes functions with the current options for working with detail tabs such as selecting multiple items in the detail list, opening a preview pane, as well as creating, editing, and deleting notes. Users can also access a menu of options by right-clicking a note in the detail list. Likewise, a counter can be displayed on the tab to display all current items in the detail list of the tab.
As a result, the notes icon () and functionality has been removed from the ribbon on case, document, and contact detail pages.
Character usage count in text fields
The total number of characters available for content in a text field is displayed in gray text in the upper right hand corner of the field. The number to the left of the slash is the number of characters used and the number to the right of the slash is the total number of characters available. Some text fields can contain 4,000 characters while other text fields can contain less, for example the Case text field can contain 4,000 characters while the Note text field can contain 2,000 characters.
For text field containing formatting options, such as Note text fields, the hidden formatting codes will also be included in the total amount of used characters.
Select tabs to view button in the detail tabs relocated
The Select tabs to view button in the detail tabs has been relocated to tabs-section on of the detail ribbon and a new image is now used as the button image. Previously, the Select tabs to view button was located to the far right of the detail ribbon and a sprocket icon () was used as the button image.
Counter on detail tabs
A detail tab can contain many rows in the detail list and you can configure each detail tab to display a counter on the tab, showing the number of rows in the list. The counter displays the number of rows currently displayed in the list so any filters on the tabs will be respected.
The display counter is disabled by default for all tabs except the Notes tab but you can display the counter for each tab on the Edit tab form.
Custom types/custom case lists
Custom case lists have been expanded and renamed to Custom types. Custom types are collections of customizable fields that can be defined by a WorkZone administrator and applied to case, document, or contact detail pages.
Toggle maximized/minimized main ribbon
The main ribbon toggle function has been expanded. Previously you could only toggle between the maximized and minimized main ribbon by double-clicking the tab title. Now, new Toggle and
Toggle icons have been introduced in the main ribbon which also enable you to toggle between the maximized and minimized main ribbon.
New shortcut keys for search pages, form and dialogs with drop-down lists.
If a field on a search page, form or dialog contains a drop-down list, you can press any Arrow key (Up, Down, Left, Right) or Space to open the drop-down list in the field. In previous versions, you could also press Enter to open the drop-down list in the field. This has been removed as pressing Enter in a Search page or dialog with search functionality will start the search.
In order to prevent searching the entire database and thereby negatively impacting performance, pressing Enter in a search page with no defined criteria will not start the search.
Columns that contain numbers in lists are right-aligned
If a custom field in a list is defined to contain a number (decimal or integer), the column will be displayed as right-aligned in the list. Text columns (fields) are still displayed left-aligned.
Many standard fields, while displayed as numbers, are not considered number fields for this purpose; for example case or document numbers are considered ID fields and not number fields despite potentially containing number values.
New shortcut key to toggle the Preview pane
In the Detail tab, select an item and press p to toggle between opening and closing the Preview pane for that selected item only.
Open the Select columns form directly
The Select columns form can now be directly opened from the detail tab list columns by clicking Column options in the right side of the list columns.
You can still right-click a column heading and select More to open the Select columns form.

Case activities
You can start and manage multiple case activities for a case by using the new Activities case detail tab.
The Activities tab lists all case activities created on the case and enables you to better manage the case activities. From the Activities tab, you can start a new case activity, open the Case activities pane where you can update activity tasks, refresh all activities on the case, delete an activity, and export selected activities to Microsoft Excel.
As a result of the new Activities case detail tab, the following changes have been made:
- The Activities button is no longer displayed in the case ribbon and the Case activities pane is no longer opened from the case ribbon.
- The open activities counter is no longer displayed on the button.
- The Delete and Update buttons have been moved from the Case Activities page to the Activities tab on the case details page.
- The deadline date and time of the activity is no longer displayed in the case detail page. Previously, the activity deadline date was displayed in the far right of the case title.
- Newly created activities will be displayed in a Preview pane by default.
- Required case activities (case activities that must be completed) are indicated by a blue exclamation mark in the far left column in the Preview pane.
Filter by status in the Activities list
All case activities are displayed in the Activities list, including inactive activities (for example Completed or Terminated). Use the Status column to filter the Activities list by the desired activity status.
Activity column removed from all case lists
The Activity column has been removed from all case lists in the navigation pane. The default column rows are now Title, Case Number, Created Date, Planned Completed, Reminder date and Closed date.
Lock access rights inheritance
WorkZone can be set up to lock access rights inheritance, preventing users from removing inheritance of access codes for documents. Inherited access rights are still displayed, but users will not be able to clear the Restricted by case and Restricted by document check boxes in the Edit read access and Edit Write access forms.
Access rights inheritance are locked by enabling the Enforce Access Code Inheritance feature setting, found in WorkZone Configurator > Global > Feature settings > Content Server.
Ditmer Agenda Management module
You can add multiple documents (called Enclosures in the Agenda Management module) to an agenda item. The documents can be added within WorkZone for example from the case you are creating an agenda item for or from the file system (outside of WorkZone.
Case handlers can now gain an overview of all processes on a case in the new Processes case detail tab.
The Processes case detail tab enables a user to:
- Create a new process based on the active case
- Export selected processes to Microsoft Excel
- Open a selected process in a preview pane
- Cancel a selected process.
- Refresh the tab in order to update the tab and display any changes made by other users.
Additional user task information has also been added to the Process lists on the Home Page in the Status column as well as providing a visual overview of the state of the task using user task icons (Green, Yellow, Red, indicating "in time", "near due", "over due").
Order user tasks by rank
When a new process is created, user tasks are automatically assigned the next available ranking but can be ordered and reordered in the My Open tasks list in the navigation pane and in the User tasks detail tab page in the current user detail page. The rank order of the tasks is displayed in far left column in the list. You can additionally display the Rank column in the list.
To reorder a user task, in the tab page drag the row to its new placement. You can only reorder your own user task or user tasks of user you are a delegate for.
Process Notifications
You can configure when to send notifications from WorkZone Process as emails and notifications on a mobile device in your personal settings. Your personal settings override the global process notification settings.
There are three types of notifications:
- Send Smarttasks as emails: Emails that contain a task with response buttons.
- Email notifications: Emails sent when a task is changed, for example, a task has been updated by another user.
- Push notifications: Notifications sent to a mobile device when a task has changed.
Restore document version
If you have restored an older version of a document and it is the current version being worked on, you cannot restore the older version again. The Restore version button will be inaccessible for the older version. You can still restore other older versions. Previously, the
Restore version was still accessible for the old version of the document, even if the old version had been restored and was now the current version being worked on. The button was merely accessible, clicking the button would still not restore the old version again as long as it was the current version.
Two new reports have been introduced for cases and documents.
- A filtered case list with parties and documents
- A filtered document list with parties and supplementary documents
The A filtered case list with parties and documents report creates a PDF report of the case data for all cases in the list that satisfy the applied list filters. while the A filtered document list with parties and supplementary documents report creates a PDF report of the document data for all documents in the list that satisfy the applied list filters.
Both reports are available in all case and document lists. Filtered case and document list reports cannot be executed on document and case reference lists.
Editing field values in lists
When editing field values for items in a list (Cases, Contacts, Documents, Meetings, et. al.), the corresponding column no longer needs to be displayed in order to edit the value. Previously, users were required to display the column of the field they wanted to edit. Now, all editable fields can be accessed through the Edit button in the ribbon, either from the menu or from by right-clicking and selecting Edit.

Custom case lists
You can add a custom case list that your system administrator has created to your case detail tabs and afterwards enter case information in the custom list fields for the list. When searching for case information, custom list fields can also be added as search criteria to your search.
Custom case lists can also contain references to other cases, documents, or contacts, and you can open these references in a new tab by selecting Navigate to and then the reference to open, or by right-clicking a row and selecting the reference to open.
Custom case lists can be copied along with other case references when copying a case.
Maximum number of characters in Name & Address fields
The number of characters that the Name 1, Name 2, Address 1, Address 2, and Address 3 fields can contain on the Contact detail page has been increased to 150 characters for each field. Previously, the maximum number of characters each field could contain was 60.
Customize Search results for each contact type-specific search
The Search results tab can be customized for each contact type that you base your search on. In this fashion, you can configure the Search results tab for each contact type you want to search for and display only the search results you need for each contact type.
Agenda Management
As an experimental version, WorkZone Client can integrate with the Agenda Management module produced by Ditmer, which enables you to create a meeting agenda from a WorkZone case in the Agenda Management database.
You can create agenda items for the meeting as well as upload meeting documents to each agenda item from WorkZone. The title and attached documents can also be edited from WorkZone.
Additionally, the Agenda Management module can be accessed normally by users who are registered in the Agenda Management module.
Installing and activating
The Ditmer Agenda Management module is installed by default during the initial installation of WorkZone but is not activated by default. If you want to use the Ditmer Agenda Management module, you must activate and configure the module.
When the Ditmer Agenda Management module is activated, the Case preparation detail tab will be available in the Case detail page. When you add the detail tab to your Case detail page, you can start using the module.

Contact types
When creating new contacts, you must select the contact type to be created in the Contacts menu.
Each contact type now has its own configurable contact detail page in order to enable superusers to customize each contact detail page to the contact type. The previous contact detail page contained the same layout, fields and custom properties for all contact types, despite requirements for layout, fields and contact information may be different from contact type to contact type. The contact data you might want readily available for a company may not be the same as the contact data you would want for persons, employees or municipalities.
Contact searches
Contact searches: You can create a search for a specific contact type by selecting the contact type in the Contact menu of the New search button in the Main ribbon. The contact type selected for the search cannot be changed when the search is run or if saved as another search. The contact type (the Type field) can be displayed and changed for general contact searches.
New default case
New default case: A new case, the Standard case has been introduced and is set as the default case. This means when a case is created using OData or WorkZone Explorer, a Standard case is automatically created. In previous versions, the Subject case was created by default. When manually creating a case, you must select the case category before creating the case.
Standard cases do not have a case category. When searching for Standard cases, all cases where the case category field is empty are therefore found.
The Standard case is a WorkZone system category and can be edited but not deleted.
A case category can be changed to any other category, for example changing a Standard case to a Subject case and back.
The case category of a case can also be cleared, effectively changing the case to a Standard case and changing the case template used for the case to the default case template.
Change case category, case group, and primary party
You can change the case category, case group, and child case group of an active case. If the active case has a primary party, you can also change the primary party
In the ribbon of the case detail tab page, the Category button has been moved into the new button called Change which now contains all change actions you can perform on a case:
- Change case category
- Change case group (and child case group)
- Change primary party
Note: Changing a case category is not new functionality, but is mentioned because the functionality has been moved to the new Change button.
The planned close date can be defined before the created date on a case
The planned closing date on a case can now be defined before the date the case was created (the Created date field). Previously, you could not define a planned closing date earlier than the date the case was created and an error message would be displayed. Now, you are informed of the potential error but not forced to change the date in the Planned closing date field.
Some organizations will in certain situations start work on a case, including estimating when the case is to be closed, before the case is physically created in the WorkZone.
The value in the Created date field is automatically generated by WorkZone when the case is created while the value in the Planned closing date field can be entered manually.
Additional columns displayed in the Case life cycle sub tab
The columns available for the Life cycle tab on the case detail tab have been increased and now include the Case group, Child case group and Primary party columns. The Case group column is displayed by default while the Child case group and Primary party columns can be added to the Life cycle tab if necessary.
New check box for case activities
A new check box has been introduced in the Case activities pane. The check box enables you to quickly complete an open or executed (recurring) activity without opening the process dialog.
The check box is only displayed for case activities which can be completed.
Case activities (Replicated from WorkZone Process)
- A new Update button in the Case activities pane, which updates the activity list to make sure that the list reflects data changes.
- You can now select No filter in the View list in the Case activities pane. if you select this filter, you will see all case activities including activities handled by the system.
Print PDF versions of documents without document classification
You can print PDF versions of existing documents that do not contain document classification without having to select a document classification for the documents. Documents without document classification values could exist after an upgrade to WorkZone 2018.0 or newer if the documents were not updated with document classification codes.
If you were operating on an older database created prior to WorkZone 2018.0 and the database you are operating on has been closed (preventing you from updating the document meta data with document classifications), you could not print documents from the database as PDF files.
If you print a PDF versions of existing documents that do not contain document classification and save the PDF back on the case, you must still select a document classification as well as other mandatory fields such as document title and document type for the PDF document. This is because the PDF document is now considered a separate document within the WorkZone case / document structure and must adhere to the document policies defined for your organization.
Generate PDF versions of documents on Closed cases
You can generate a PDF version for documents on cases that are closed. Previously, a case had to be reopened to generate a PDF of its documents and then closed again once the PDF file had been generated.
Document search in a case hierarchy
You can find for all documents in a case hierarchy by selecting a parent case in a document search query and setting the search behavior to search the case hierarchy. All documents on the parent case and any child cases will be listed in the search results. You can save your search query as usual for reuse as well as distribute (share) it to other WorkZone users.
The case hierarchy document search can only search downwards in a case hierarchy and you can only specify one parent case to base the hierarchy search on. Furthermore, the case hierarchy document search uses the Case (simple) field in the document search tab page to contain the parent case and can only contain one case when using the hierarchy search.
When creating a new document search query or editing an existing, you must select the search behavior in the Case (simple) field:
- [case]: Search by case only, can contain multiple cases.
- [hierarchy]: Searches downwards through the parent-child case hierarchy, can only contain one case.
Apply access code of the current case to documents imported from other WorkZone databases
When importing documents from another WorkZone database, you can apply the access code of the current case to all the documents selected for import by selecting the Restricted by case check box in the Edit read access form.
User tasks
You can now to see the date and time of the latest received user task. To do this, you must add the new Updated field as a column to the user task list. The values in the Updated field are displayed as a date and time. You can sort the Updated column in the list to list the most recent or oldest user tasks in the list.

- The Case activities list contains a light blue comment counter for each activity in the list. This enables the case handler to quickly gain an overview of the number of comments on each activity in the entire list and see which activities have generated most comments.
- Shared searches can be reassigned to other WorkZone users. As a result, a new field called Owner has been created. The Owner field defines who the current owner of a saved search is and can be added to lists, for example Shared lists and My list in order to display ownership of searches.
If you are the owner of a search, you can reassign the search to another WorkZone user, transferring ownership of that search to the user. You can also take over ownership of a saved search from an inactive WorkZone user if you have the same access code on the search as the old owner.
This enables you to take over shared searches created by employees who no longer are with the organization. As the new owner, you can edit the searches, to ensure continued maintenance and making updating of the searches possible.
For more information, see Reassign a shared search - Searches can be used as a base for new searches by other users by saving the new search with a new name to avoid naming conflicts. Saved searches you own can be edited, updating the search itself, or saved as a new search.
Shared searches not owned by you cannot be overwritten and can only be used as a base for creating a new search.
This enables an organization to define several core searches which can then be re-used by other users and edited to fit their particular work flow.
For more information, see Create a new search based on a saved search - When applying a list filter, you can select to save the filter to your local configuration. The next time you open the list, the filter will automatically be applied. If you reset the configuration, all your list filters will also be reset. You can still edit the list filter and save it again.
For more information, see Filter a list - For Cases, Documents, and Contacts, right-clicking a list item will open a List menu with the same options as the Main ribbon but filtered to fit the list item type (case, document, or contact).
- When you delete a saved search which is used in one or more configurations, for example in lists or customized tabs, all configurations that use the search will be listed in a dialog box where you can cancel the deletion of the search or continue to delete.
For more information, see The list menu - List selectors for the Case, Document, and Contact detail pages can be customized, enabling you to add, re-arrange, and remove search fields for the searches for the following detail tab pages:
- Parties
- Case references
- Document references
- Child cases
- Parent cases
For more information, see Configure list selectors
- Meeting reports can be printed directly or printed and saved on the parent case. The meeting report must exist in PDF format before you can print it. You can define document meta data when printing the report to ensure that the meeting report is registered with the correct data when saving on a case.
For more information, see Printing meetings - Documents can be imported to an active WorkZone case from other WorkZone databases. Documents in the other databases can be searched for and selected for import. The case handler and/or responsible unit can be inherited from the imported document or reused from the case to contain the imported documents prior to importing. Generally, all document meta data is imported, with significant exceptions (custom properties, access codes, document references, document states and document types). Please refer to the online help for more details.
You can use document lists to identify imported documents by their source database in the Originates from column.
For more information, see Importing documents from other databases - When using the Quick search, closed cases are also included in the search.
For more information, see Quick Search - Due to a new implementation of CVR integration, it is no longer possible to use a company's address or postcode as search criteria when importing company contact details using WorkZone's CVR integration. You can query the CVR online database by CVR number, P-number and/or company name and select only to display CVR number results.
- For WorkZone Content Server, Standard Edition:
When browsing for access codes to apply to a case or document, you can apply a filter to display access codes by All codes, Term access codes or Organizational codes. For large organizations with many access codes, this can improve performance and overview by reducing the number of search results a user has to browse.
If the access code name is known, a user can still enter the name in the Access code field to additionally filter the list.
For WorkZone Content Server, Corporate Edition, no changes have been applied to the way access codes are selected and assigned.
For more information, see Manage access rights - Column selection has been improved. When selecting columns (fields) to display in lists and other WorkZone elements, you can see which columns are currently available, which columns are currently displayed in the list as well as manually adjust their width, optimizing the list space used for displaying information.

New User Interface
The user interface of the WorkZone Client has been updated with the following changes:
- New, sharper and more precise icons that retain their clarity when resizing the web page.
- Tab-page color-coding has been removed and replaced with small icons of the contents of the tab page.
- When items (Cases, Documents, Contacts, Meetings) on a tab page contain unsaved data, a small red marker is displayed on the title of the tab page. Previously, unsaved data was not displayed prominently.
- All items selected in lists are highlighted with a light blue overlay instead of an item-specific color.
- Counter icons are now light blue instead of red; they still display the number of selected items in the list.
- The labels of the ribbon groups in the main ribbon are no longer displayed, and some ribbon groups are collected in the Manage button if the web page is too small to display all the ribbon groups.
- Ribbon options that have prerequisites, for example sharing document links in e-mail messages, are not displayed if the prerequisites are not installed. In the example above, the share document link will not be displayed if WorkZone for Office is not installed on the server.
- Double-clicking the item tab will compact the main ribbon, displaying smaller icons and hiding button labels.
- The field labels are reduced in size and font, drawing attention to the field instead of the field label.
- Mandatory fields are underlined with red and displayed with red asterisks, drawing attention to the fields that require input. Previously, mandatory fields were displayed in red only, complicating use for color-blind users.
- Fields that have been selected (fields in focus) are outlined in light blue.
- In general, the use of bright colors has been toned down or reduced greatly, apart from places where user attention is considered important, in order to facilitate better overall orientation and to improve work flow.
Editing multiple items
- You can select multiple items (cases, documents or contacts) and add an Information or Date Type to or remove an Information type or Date type from the selected items by using the respective lists (Contact, Case or Document). For more information, see Edit multiple items in a list.
- You can select multiple items (cases, documents or contacts) and add contact references to and remove contact references from the selected items by using the respective lists (Contact, Case or Document) to select and update multiple items. For more information, see Edit multiple items in a list.
- You can change the case category for multiple cases in the case lists. To do so, you must first add Case category to the ribbon. For more information, see Change a case category.
- The Speedometer widget (sometimes called a Gauge chart) combines the Counter widget with a pie chart to indicate the number of a items in a list as well as visually indicate where the counter value is placed in a predefined range. For more information, see The Speedometer widget.
Search feature
- You can directly search for a case, document or contact by opening a quick search form and entering key search criteria such as case number, case title, document number, document title, contact name or contact ID. Quick Search supplements standard WorkZone search functionality by sacrificing multiple search criteria for speed and ease of use. For more information, see Quick Search
Microsoft Office Online Server
- If the Office Online Server is installed and set up to integrate with WorkZone, you can edit office documents in your browser, using all Office Online functionality instead of having a Microsoft Office Suite installed on the local machine. Office Online Server enables concurrent users to edit and save the same document but contains less advanced office functionality.
- You can change a draft document (UÅ) or Personal draft document (UP) to any of the four document states (UÅ, UP, UL or ARK). Locked documents can only be archived. The state of Archived documents cannot be changed.
- You can display the document size in Kb in document lists by selecting the Size field when adjusting the columns in a document list. For more information, see Add / Remove columns in a list
- You can keep, delete, and restore previous versions of your documents. For more information, see Draft versioning.
Other features
- The Case text column can now be displayed in the Case list. The Case text column is not by default a part of the Case list and must be manually added by right-clicking the column header and selecting Case Text. For more information, see Display or hide list columns.
- Any pinned detail tab pages are opened when the WorkZone Client is launched. This enables you to have a set of pinned tab pages always available whenever WorkZone Client opens. A new detail tab page menu enables you to pin or unpin all open tab pages or just the active open tab page as well as unpin all other tab pages. For more information, see About detail pages.
- You can use the favorites icon to add an item to or remove an item from the favorites list. In the detail tab page, click the favorite icon to toggle the item's favorite status. In the list, double-click the favorite icon to toggle the item's favorite status. For more information, see About favorites.

Search features
- If you search for cases by a case group, you can include or exclude its child case groups in the search.
- If you search for cases or documents by a responsible unit, you can include or exclude its child responsible units in the search.
- If you search for documents by a case and you know which case(s) must be included to the search criteria, simply select these cases in the Case (simple) field.
- If you search for a case, document, or contact by a numerical field, you can define an interval of numbers as search criteria. For example, if there is a field that stands for floors of a building , you can search for buildings that have between 20 and 30 floors.
Print features
- Print case documents from the detail tabs. Use this functionality to easily print a specific subset of documents that you can collect in a custom document list and add as a detail tab.
- Print case notes to a PDF file.
Other features
- Delete contacts of any type except Employee and Unit.
- Possibility to restore a deleted document has been extended with new options:
- you can restore the document with its original case;
- you can restore only the document and move it to another case.
- Create custom tabs for parties to display parties only with a specific type and/or role. You can add such custom detail tabs on cases, documents, or contacts.
- You can filter case activities by Role.
- You can filter case activities by State and this filter is kept when you restart WorkZone Client.
- You can set a relative period for the time line widget.
Considering this change, the Authors detail tab on documents has become obsolete and is no longer available.
New options to add and edit fields
- Edit case handler, responsible unit, read access, and retention code on a closed case.
- Change case category after case creation.
- Rename detail tabs on cases, documents, and contacts. Note that new titles on the case detail page are only applied to cases within the same case category.
- Edit Acting unit on case and document lists.
- Custom fields with integer and decimal values can be added to the case, document, and contact detail pages.
- Users who have the MULTIEDIT access code can see up to 500 list items on a page. This feature is design to help managers reorganize work scope between units.
User interface changes
- Multiple dashboards help you view and group even more widgets.
- Version format has been changed. Now it is unified among all WorkZone products.
- The Report button has a new icon.

EU GDPR requirements
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the primary law on personal data protection in the EU. It unifies data protection, so that each EU member state no longer needs to write its own laws concerning data security. GDPR becomes effective on May 25, 2018.
With this release, WorkZone introduces the following functionality to meet the GDPR requirements:
- You can delete cases and documents temporally (so that they are stored in the recycle bin) or permanently.
- Retention policies define for how long a case or a document should be retained in the database. For example, some cases must be retained for 10 years after closure, while some cases can be deleted at any time. All these rules are defined and automated in the retention policies. Each retention policy has a retention code associated with it.
- Document classification orders and prioritizes data based on its sensitivity. For example, some documents can be available to everybody, while other documents might contain information that cannot be shared with a wide audience. Starting with this release, document classification code, that it defines its sensitivity level is a required field for each document.
Note: Documents created in WorkZone Client 2017 SP1 and earlier versions are not classified automatically. You can apply classification codes to them manually.
New features
- Meet new types of widgets available on the dashboard – counter, donut chart, time line and bar chart. Apple the most relevant widget type to a list and get extended information by a quick glance.
- The dashboard has become more flexible and functional. You can easily add, resize and reorder widgets to form the dashboard that you want.
- Cross-register search. Use this functionality when you have search requirements both to cases and documents. In other words, you can search for documents that belong to specific cases and you can search for cases that contain specific documents. For example, you can find emails that must be replied today and that belong to cases assigned to you.
- You can define two new settings for subscriptions:
- number of items that you want to receive in emails, and
- whether you want to see all items in the lists or only new ones.
- You can view all access codes assigned to you on the My access codes detail tab.
- Content-sensitive help. When you click
Help in WorkZone Client, you see the relevant page in WorkZone Client documentation. This simplifies the search of the needed information.
Missing description of the existing functionality has been added to this guide:
- Concept of facets and case groups
- How to import contacts with CPR and CVR numbers
- Glossary. Find the list of terms and their definitions on the Glossary tab next to the Contents tab. If you meet a term written in green when you read the guide, click the term to read its definition in a pop-up window.

- Case activities have been introduced in this release. Use the case activities functionality to track and manage workflows in WorkZone Client.

- You can mark any case, document, or contact as unread in order to view it later in your Reading list. When you have viewed an item, it is removed from the list.
- In the case lists, you can expand a parent case to view its child cases. This enables you to see connections between cases on the same tab. Double-click the name of a child case to open its detail page on a new tab.
- In the document lists, you can expand a main document to view its supplementary documents. This enables you to see connections between related documents on the same tab. Double-click the name of a supplementary document to open its detail page on a new tab.
- You can export the lists that include custom fields to Microsoft Excel.
- You can generate PDF reports to view or print information about cases and documents. See Reports.
Sometimes PDF versions of documents may be not created due to technical issues. To view a list of such documents, add the All unsuccessful PDF documents and My unsuccessful PDF documents lists to the navigation pane.
- You can print main and supplementary documents of a case to a PDF document and save the PDF document on the case or on a local disk.
- You can find extended information about each button in the Ribbons section.
- The User interface section has been restructured and simplified.
- The WorkZone Client configuration section now only contains descriptions and actions that are relevant for regular users. Information for administrators has been moved to the WorkZone Client Administrator's guide.
- You can start a process from a document detail page. The new process is connected to the case of the corresponding document and automatically includes this document.
- The "copy a case" functionality has been extended. Now you can copy a closed case or a case with contacts that no longer exist in the database. See Copy an existing case.
- You can create notes on contacts. This functionality works in the same way as notes on cases and documents.
- The Archive approved field is added. It informs whether the Danish National Archives accepts a document type. This field is read-only.