Deletion logs
Prerequisite: To access deletion logs, you must be assigned the USERADM access code.
You can view the deletion logs for WorkZone cases, documents, or contacts to track who has soft-deleted and hard-deleted an item, when and why (the deletion reason), and export this information to Excel for further processing.

- On the start page, click
- Select the Deletion logs tab. A list of existing deletion logs is displayed, providing deleted item's ID, deletion date, type and text of the deleted item, username of the employee who has soft-deleted the item, username of the employee who has hard-deleted the item, reason for deletion, and comment.
Tip: You can sort or filter the displayed deletion logs in the same way as any other lists, if needed. See Filter a list by values and Sort a list.

Note: The maximum number of rows to export to Excel is 1048576. If you exceed this number, filter the displayed log results to reduce the number of rows to export.
- On the start page, click
- Select the Deletion logs tab.
- At the right bottom corner, click
. The displayed logs will be exported to an Excel file.
- Select the needed action (Open, Save or Cancel) for the exported Excel file.
- Proceed with the Excel file as needed.