Set up WorkZone Mobile
You can set up WorkZone Mobile by tapping Settings in the navigation pane.

On the settings page, you will find information about WorkZone Mobile release number and login information.

Enable this setting to report errors automatically. Reported errors do not contain any personal data.

Enable this setting to send user error logs (such as system information about network errors, errors for file loads in the background, and similar relevant data information) automatically. User error logs do not contain any personal data. This option is disabled by default.

Select the default document editing behavior of meeting documents. You can choose to edit the original document or create a copy for editing when you tap the Edit button in the document viewer.
Select Always ask to choose between the options when you tap the Edit button.

The amount of time allotted for a document to be checked out for editing outside WorkZone Mobile. This setting apply when you open a WorkZone document for editing in a third party app.
The checkout time is reset every time you make changes to a document, and when a document is saved automatically by an app.
The default checkout is 30 minutes.

If titles of your tasks and meetings are long and do not fit in one line, you can increase the number of displayed lines. To do this, tap . To decrease number of displayed lines, tap

Select if you want to see the upcoming tasks in your task list. This option is enabled by default.

Select if you want to see the closed tasks in your task list. This option is enabled by default.

This option is only selectable, if Show closed tasks setting is enabled. Select for how many days or weeks you want to keep the closed tasks in your task list. The default selection is 2 days.

Select the default case for saving your images to WorkZone. The default setting is your Desktop case. See Save images to WorkZone cases.

Click Help to open the WorkZone Mobile User Guide.