Defines an enumeration whose members represent the kind of ActivityException thrown.
Namespace: Scanjour.Workflow4.Base
Assembly: Scanjour.Workflow4.Base (in Scanjour.Workflow4.Base.dll) Version: (
Member name | Value | Description | |
Sending | 0 | Shipment of message to {0} via{1}. | |
SentOk | 1 | Message was successfully shipped to {0} via {1}. | |
SentFail | 2 | Shipment of message to {0} via {1} failed. The message was not sent. | |
SentRetry | 3 | Shipment of message to {0} via {1} failed. The message will be resent. | |
SentManual | 4 | Message to {0} is handled manually.. | |
GenDoc | 5 | Generate documents for receivers. | |
GenDocDone | 6 | The document generation completed. | |
GenDocFail | 7 | The document generation failed. | |
PdfStart | 8 | Pdf document generation started. | |
PdfSuccess | 9 | PDF document generation completed. | |
PdfError | 10 | PDF document generation failed. | |
Information | 11 | Information. | |
ProcessCancel | 12 | Process is cancelled by {0}. | |
ProcessSubject | 13 | THE Process has failed. Title: {0} | |
ProcessBody | 14 | The process ’{0}’ has failed. (Instance Id: {1}) Process Log: {3} | |
MailSubject | 15 | The smarttask concerning the process ”{0}” has not been sent to "{1}". | |
MailBody | 16 | The mail concerning the process “{0}” to the recipient "{2}" has not been sent. Both you and "{2}" can access the task through the Processes overview, WorkZone Client or WorkZone Mobile to continue the process. Process ID: {1} You can access the process through the Process overview. Please send this email to your local WorkZone Process responsible to investigate why sending the smartmail has failed. | |
NoCprOrCvr | 17 | The recipient with ID {0} does not have a CPR or CVR number | |
NoAssociatedMaterial | 18 | No associated materials for e-boks | |
DocumentSizeExceeded | 19 | The message size of {0} MB, exceeds the maximum size of {1} MB | |
NoPostalAddress | 20 | The recipient with ID {0} does not have a postal address | |
IncorrectPostalCode | 21 | The recipient with ID {0} has an invalid postal code | |
GreenlandPostalCode | 22 | The recipient with ID {0} has a postal address in Denmark but a postal code in Greenland | |
OneTooXSystemKeyNotFound | 23 | The system key for the OneTooX dispatcher was not found | |
OneTooXSystemKeyInvalid | 24 | The system key for the OneTooX dispatcher is invalid | |
NoDispatcherId | 25 | No dispatcher ID is provided | |
RecordNotExist | 26 | The document with the ID {0} was not found | |
RecordStateUP | 27 | The document with the ID {0} has the state Personal Draft | |
NoResponsibleOU | 28 | The document with the ID {0} does not have a responsible unit associated | |
NoSubject | 29 | Title is missing | |
AddressNotExist | 30 | The address with the ID {0} does not exist | |
ProcessSettingNoExist | 31 | The process setting with key {0} does not exist | |
NoValuesCustomDomain | 32 | No values exist for the custom domain {0} | |
ProcessSettingInvalid | 33 | The specified value {0} is invalid for the process setting {1} | |
ProcessSettingInvalidFormat | 34 | The format of the value {0} for the process setting {1} is invalid | |
ProcessSettingPositiveNumber | 35 | The value of the process setting {0} must be a positive number | |
CaseIsClosed | 36 | The case with the ID {0} is closed | |
AddressEndDateInPast | 37 | The recipient address has an end date in the past, and is no longer valid {0} | |
RecordOfficerInvalid | 38 | There is no associated case handler on the document with the ID {0} | |
CaseHandlerNoExist | 39 | The case handler with the ID {0} does not exist | |
CaseHandlerNoNameCode | 40 | The case handler for the document with document number {0}, does not have an ID | |
RecordNoCaseHandler | 41 | The case handler {0} is not associated with the document with document number {1} | |
CaseHandlerStartDateInFuture | 42 | The document case handler ({0}) is not employed before {1} | |
CaseHandlerResigned | 43 | The document case handler {0} is not employed as of {1} | |
CaseHandlerNoRecordAccess | 44 | The document case handler ({0}) does not have access to the document(s) with the document number(s) {1} | |
DeadlinePassed | 45 | The deadline ({0}) has passed | |
OriginalRecordNoDelete | 46 | The original document cannot be deleted: | |
RecordAppendixes | 47 | The document includes supplementary documents | |
RecordReferenced | 48 | The document is referenced from another document | |
RecordArchieved | 49 | The document is archieved | |
RecordClosed | 50 | The document state is Closed | |
DispatchFailed | 51 | Unable to dispatch message. The error(s) are: | |
ProcessSettingRequired | 52 | The required process setting "{0}", is missing | |
DispatcherSettingRequired | 53 | The required dispatcher setting "{0}" is missing | |
DispatcherSettingInvalidFormat | 54 | The format of the dispatcher parameter named '{0}' for the dipatcher (ID={1}) is invalid. | |
NoValidCertificate | 55 | The certificate for the dispatcher {0} is expired, or is not yet valid | |
NoCertificate | 56 | The certificate with the thumbprint {0} does not exist for the dispatcher {1} | |
NoCertificatePermissions | 57 | The current user {0} does not have the required permissions to access the certificate {1} | |
NoEmailProcessOwner | 58 | The process owner {0} does not have an email address. This is required to be able to receive notifications | |
NoEmailCaseHandler | 59 | The process owner {0} does not have an email address. This is required to be able to receive notifications | |
ReportStart | 60 | Generate PDF report. | |
ReportSuccess | 61 | PDF report generation is complete. | |
ReportError | 62 | PDF report generation failed. | |
CoverPageRecordNotExist | 63 | The document "{0}" does not exist | |
CaseNotFound | 64 | The case with the ID {0} was not found | |
SecurityProtocolInvalid | 65 | The value for the process setting {0} is invalid for the dispatcher {1} | |
NoCasePermissions | 66 | The current user {0} does not have the required permissions to access the case {1} | |
LetterNoDelete | 67 | Failed to delete original letter with ID {0} | |
DocumentUpdateFailed | 68 | Dispatching succeeded, however, and error occured while updating the document with the ID {0} | |
ProcessTakeover | 69 | Process ownership changed | |
ProcessOwnerExpired | 70 | The owner is no longer an active user. Select new process owner of the process. | |
InvalidContext | 71 | Illegal context passed. Current context is {0}. | |
TitleTooLong | 72 | The title is too long. Maximun length is 256 characters. Current length is {0}. | |
DeadlineInThePast | 73 | The deadline has passed. ({0}). | |
NoDocuments | 74 | No documents selected. | |
NoActors | 75 | No actors selected. | |
CaseClosed | 76 | The case has been closed. | |
InvalidActor | 77 | Actor {0} has illegal type. Only employees or departments are allowed. Current type: {1} | |
NoEmail | 78 | The actor {0} has no email address. | |
NoFileAccess | 79 | Actor {0} has no access to the case. | |
NoRecordAccess | 80 | Actor {0} has no access to the documents: {1} | |
RecordDeleted | 81 | The document {0} is deleted or protected. | |
InvalidCoverPageRecord | 82 | The document "{0}" is invalid as CoverPage | |
InvalidPrintTypeParam | 83 | The print type ({0}) contains an invalid value. The error is: {1} | |
InvalidExternalMaterialId | 84 | The specified external materials ID is not present or has an obviously invalid value. | |
InvalidDispatcherGuid | 85 | The configured dispatcher GUID does not match any dispatcher type (Dispatcher ID={0}). | |
InvalidDispatcherVersion | 86 | The configured dispatcher version does not match any dispatcher type (Dispatcher ID={0}). | |
MissingReqDispatcherParam | 87 | The configured dispatcher (Dispatcher ID={0}) does not contain the mandatory parameter '{1}'. | |
InvalidRecordClassification | 88 | It is not allowed to send documents with the classification {0} | |
PdfRemergeFailed | 89 | Pdf document remerge failed ({0}). | |
NoRecipients | 90 | No recipients specified. | |
NameTypesNotAllowed | 91 | The following types of contacts are not allowed: {0} | |
ContactKeyDoesNotExist | 92 | Contact with key {0} does not exist | |
Preliminary | 93 | Preliminary | |
NoTitle | 94 | No title | |
ProcessUpdate | 95 | Process is updated. | |
UsertaskUpdate | 96 | Userr task is updated. | |
CreateActor | 97 | The following 16 messages used the following argument sequence "0" "TaskType" "1" "Title" "2" "Actor" "3" "Priority" "4" "Action" "5" "Changes" "6" "Recipient" You have a new {0} task: {1}. | |
UpdateTaskActor | 98 | {2} has updated the {0} task: {1}. | |
UpdateProcessActor | 99 | {2} has updated {5} for the process: {1}. | |
NearDueActor | 100 | Remember to respond to the task: {1}. | |
OverDueActor | 101 | The deadline has been reached for the {0} task: {1}. | |
CancelActor | 102 | {2} has cancelled the process {1}. | |
ObsoleteActor | 103 | The {0} task {1} is obsolete. | |
ActionActor | 104 | {2} has {4} the task {1}. | |
ActionOwner | 105 | {2} has {4} the process {1}. | |
RejectToOwner | 106 | {2} has rejected the task {1} to {6}. | |
NearDueOwner | 107 | {2} has a {0} task that has reached its reminder date in the {1} process. | |
OverDueOwner | 108 | {2} has a {0} task that has reached its response deadline in the process {1}. | |
CancelOwner | 109 | {2} has cancelled the process {1}. | |
TakeOverOwner | 110 | {2} has taken ownership to the process {1}. | |
NotSubscribing | 111 | 'The recipient with id {0} is not subscribing to material ID {1}. | |
NotSubscribingError | 112 | 'Error from eBoks when validating the user : ''{0}'': {1}' | |
CaseActNoLetter | 113 | 'The activity cannot find the specific letter document to send.' | |
CaseActNoValidRecipient | 114 | 'The activity cannot find valid recipient addresses.' | |
CaseActMaxLetterRecipient | 115 | 'The total number of messages to send exceeds the allowed maximum number. The maximum number is 50 messages.' | |
CaseActNoValidSmartpost | 116 | 'The activity cannot start the SmartPost process. The SmartPost process is not valid.' | |
CaseActNoValidProcessOwner | 117 | 'The activity cannot start the process. Invalid value for the ProcessOwner parameter.' | |
CaseActGraphCompleted | 118 | 'The graph is completed successfully.' | |
CaseActUpdateEntityFailed | 119 | 'Cannot update {0}, as it does not exist in the database.' | |
CaseActInvalidState | 120 | 'The activity with ID {0} has the state {1} and cannot be executed. Please, refresh the case activity list.' | |
CaseActAutomaticallyExecuted | 121 | 'Automatically executed.' | |
CaseActAutomaticallyFailed | 122 | 'Failed to execute automatically.' | |
CaseActStartProcessNotAuto | 123 | 'Start Process cannot be executed automatically.' | |
CaseActGetValueFailed | 124 | The activity cannot get the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}. | |
CaseActGetValueNoResult | 125 | The activity found no result for the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}. | |
CaseActGetValueManyResult | 126 | The activity found more than one result for the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}. | |
CaseActNotExactOneResult | 127 | The activity did no find exactly one result for the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}. | |
CaseActCopyValueNotSet | 128 | The value to copy was not set on the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}. | |
CaseActCopyValueFailed | 129 | The activity was not able to set the value {0} for the property {1} on the entity {2} with the filter {3}. | |
CaseActWildcardLookupFailed | 130 | Failed to retrieve wildcard value for {0} on case with the ID {1}. The error was: {2} | |
CaseActInvalidProcessGuid | 131 | The value provided for the parameter ProcessGuid is not valid. | |
CaseActStartProcessFailed | 132 | The activity could not start the process with name {0}. The error was: {1} | |
CaseHandlerMissing | 133 | The case has no case handler | |
MassDispatchNotAllowed | 134 | The person sending the mass shipment has no authority to do so. | |
CaseActUpdateEntitiesThreshhold | 135 | The activity cannot be executed because the number of values to update exceeds the limit of {0}. | |
CaseActNoDocumentToCopy | 136 | The activity could not find any documents to copy. | |
PendingReceiptsFromEboks | 137 | Awaiting receipts from e-Boks | |
MassDispatchInProgress | 138 | Mass dispath in progress | |
ValidationReport | 139 | Mass dispatch validation errors | |
HistoryReport | 140 | Mass dispatch history | |
RecipientReport | 141 | Mass dispatch history per recipient | |
CaseActGetValue | 142 | The activity has fetched the value '{value}' for the property {property} | |
CaseActSetValue | 143 | The activity has set the value '{value}' for the property {property}" | |
MassDispatchServiceNotConfigured | 144 | Mass dispatch servicen is not responding or is not configured correct | |
MdValidate | 145 | Validating {0} recipients in WorkZone. | |
MdValidateResult | 146 | Validated {0} recipients in WorkZone. {1} recipients are not created in WorkZone. {2} recipients lack recipient data information. | |
MdValidateEboks | 147 | Validating {0} recipient subscriptions in e-Boks. | |
MdValidateEboksResult | 148 | Validated {0} recipient subscriptions in e-Boks. {1} recipients are not subscribed to e-Boks. | |
MdDocument | 149 | Generating {0} documents. Currently, {1} documents have been generated. | |
MdDocumentResult | 150 | {0} documents are generated. | |
MdCopyDocument | 151 | Copying {0} documents to WorkZone. Currently, {1} documents have been copied. | |
MdCopyDocumentResult | 152 | {0} documents are copied to WorkZone. | |
MdSending | 153 | Sending {0} messages to e-Boks. | |
MdSendingCount | 154 | Sending {0} to e-Boks. Currently, {1} messages have been send. | |
MdSent | 155 | {0} messages sent to e-Boks. | |
MdPendingReceiptsFromEboks | 156 | Receiving {0} receipts from e-Boks. Currently {0} receipts are pending. | |
MdCaseTitleTemplateError | 157 | New case title template validation error: {0} | |
PdfSuccess1 | 158 | PDF document generation completed. Document {0} | |
ReportSuccess1 | 159 | PDF report generation is complete. Document {0} | |
NothingToPreview | 160 | Nothing to preview. | |
PushServiceNotReady | 161 | The push service is not yet ready to serve request for subscriptions. | |
DeadlineAfterFollowingStep | 162 | The deadline is set to a date after one of the following step deadlines. Enter an earlier deadline or adjust the step deadlines. | |
DeadlineAfterProcessDeadline | 163 | The deadline is set to a date after the process deadline. Enter an earlier deadline or adjust the process deadline. | |
CaseHandler | 164 | Case handler | |
ProcessOwner | 165 | Process owner | |
MdLetterTitleTemplateError | 166 | Letter title template validation error: {0} | |
CreatePdfUaReport | 167 | Ua validation report | |
FindInvalidUa | 168 | Identify failed PDF/UA documents | |
ValidationReportHeadings | 169 | Header for each record in validation report | |
UaValidationReportTitle | 170 | Title of the report | |
UAVALIDATIONREPORTNAME | 171 | Name of the root node in ua validation report | |
ValidatePdfUANoValid | 172 | Value is not a valid boolean |
See Also