Released hotfixes for WorkZone 2023.2
Hotfix descriptions are in English only.
For an overview of the bugs fixed in the initial release of this version of WorkZone, see the Fixed Bugs list.
For the 2023.2 version overview, see 2023.2 version overview .
WorkZone Client
237937: Widgets based on Custom Types load too slow
With databases that have a lot of cases and documents, WorkZone Client widgets based on custom types generate too many redundant requests, which results in slow loading.
238548: Widgets based on custom properties fail to render
WorkZone Client widgets based on custom properties fail to render, returning the "Bad request" error.
In addition, this hotfix contains overall improvements of widget performance in WorkZone Client.
235074: Improved authorization flow for Agenda Management
Previously, users were prompted to log in into the Agenda Management service upon opening the WorkZone Client. Now, the login dialog is only shown, when the user tries to connect to the Agenda Management.
WorkZone Configurator
No current hotfix.
WorkZone Content Server
242749: OData queries involving multiple deep navigation custom properties of the same type, could yield zero results
OData queries involving multiple deep navigation custom properties of the same type, could yield zero results.
WorkZone Explorer
No current hotfix.
WorkZone Mobile
237940: Problems with editing documents in WorkZone Mobile
Upon trying to edit a document from WorkZone Mobile, users were redirected to the App Store and prompted to download the Office app, even though it was already installed.
WorkZone 365
No current hotfix.
WorkZone for Office
No current hotfix.
WorkZone PDF
229036: After upgrading to 2022.3, the event log on the web servers is spammed with errors
After upgrading to 2022.3 version, the event log on the web servers is spammed with the remote server errors (The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Uri:
237968: Failed PDF/UA validation for some document does not generate errors in RenderInfo
For some PDF documents, failed PDF/UA validation does not generate errors in RenderInfo, so these documents do not appear in WorkZone Client under Documents > All unconverted.
239890: PDF/UA errors appear after generating PDF documents
PDF/UA validation errors are generated (and appear in WorkZone Client under Documents > All unconverted), even when the PDF crawler and PDF Engine are set to PDF (not PDF/UA) and the user does not validate that document for PDF/UA-compliance.
240270: PDF/UA documentation link for Danish version has wrong language
When WorkZone Client is set to Danish language, link to WorkZone documentation on how to fix PDF/UA errors (shown in the PDF/UA validation error message) leads to documentation in English.
245629/CS2072931: The process owner did not receive a PDF/UA validation failed task/smartmail
When sending a SmartPost message with documents that failed the PDF/UA validation, the process owner did not receive a PDF/UA validation failed task/smartmail.
253009/245629: The process owner did not receive a PDF/UA validation failed task/smartmail - update
This bug is related to hotfix 2. There were additional situations where the process owner did not receive a PDF/UA validation failed task/smartmail.
WorkZone Process
No current hotfix.
WorkZone Mass Dispatch
No current hotfix.
WorkZone Interact
No current hotfix.