About Register Security

The module Register Security is part of the WorkZone security system. The purpose is to assign the proper permissions to the WorkZone users.


The prerequisite for gaining access to the Register Security module is the access code DATAADM.

Security Codes

The WorkZone Security System is based on 10 security c Codes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. For each of these security codes, the system administrator must configure a set of permissions for every register and table of the system.

Only security codes 1 through 9 are used by WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client end users. Security code 10 is exclusively for the use of KMD technicians.


You can configure 4 permissions with regard to each security code. They are:

  • Search = permission to find and view information in the database.
  • Update = permission to edit and change existing information in the database.
  • Insert = permission to create new entries or new entities in the database.
  • Delete = permission to delete entries or entities in the database.

For the file and contact registers you can configure two more permissions:

  • Lock = permission to terminate cases and contacts.
  • Unlock = permission to unlock cases and contacts that have been terminated.

See also Permissions.

Permissions per register

The system administrator must define which permissions are assigned to each security code in the registers and tables of the database.

Permissions per table

Some registers consist of several tables, such as the File register, the Record register, and the Contact register (containing the cases, documents and contacts).

The permissions of the security codes on the table level may deviate from the permissions on the register level. Consequently a security code with few permissions may have more or extended permissions with regard to one or several of the register's tables.

See also Registers and tables.

Groups of users

The permissions of each security code can be configured to reflect the demands of specific groups of users. When a user logs on to Captia Web Client, the security code assigned to the user defines what the user is allowed to do.

Active Directory - AD

You can assign security codes to users in Active Directory (AD). When a WorkZone user is created in AD, the user must be made a member of a distribution group, representing one of the security codes.  When the user's relevant AD information is transferred to the WorkZone Content Serverdatabase, the user is automatically allocated the correct security code and the corresponding permissions for registers and tables in the database.

Resetting of the IIS Admin service

If you change the configuration of security, you must reset the IIS Admin Service before your changes take effect.

For more general information about resetting the IIS, see Important notes on usage.

Restriction of user permissions

Despite a user's high security code and extensive access code profile, it is possible to restrict an individual user's access to the system with regard to Case Permissions,  Organizational Permissions and  Contact Permissions.

See also Restrictions of user permissions.