What's new in WorkZone Client


  • You can download WorkZone documents as single files. See Download document.
  • You can check out the WorkZone documents to prevent the other users from editing them, and then check the documents in once you are done with your change. You can also cancel your own or another user's checkout to unlock the document for editing by other users. See Check out and check in WorkZone documents.
  • New Processing status custom field for documents is available on the document detail pages, document lists, and document search pages. It can be used to track where documents currently are in their processing flow (for example, New, Under processing, etc.). Relevant document processing statuses can be created in WorkZone Configurator under Global > System droplists > DOCPSTAT, Document processing status. For example, you can track this way processing flow of the documents created by Mailbox monitor service workflow (by creating relevant document processing statuses in WorkZone Configurator under DOCPSTAT, Document processing status, and then enabling InitialDocumentProcessingStatus in the Mailbox monitor service workflow (Process > Service workflows)).

Address suggestion

When adding or editing a contact address in WorkZone Client, you can review and verify it in the interactive map, and have additional details for that address (for example, postcode and country) automatically filled from WorkZone database. See Suggest address.


  • The Address service setting must first be enabled in WorkZone Configurator (under Global > Feature settings > Client > Address service. This setting is enabled by default).
  • You must have Azure Maps settings configured by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator (under Services > Azure Maps settings). See Set up Azure Maps settings for more information.
  • You must have Azure Maps account created and configured for your organization. See Manage your Azure Maps account article from for more information.
  • For address validation to work properly, the postcode of that address must be added by an administrator to relevant country in WorkZone Configurator. See Countries and postcodes for more information.