What's new for WorkZone administrators

WorkZone Content Server

Guest access (WorkZone Cloud Edition)

You can now invite people that are not part of your organization to collaborate with you in WorkZone as guest users. You can, for example, collaborate on cases and documents with users across organizations, or you can share a WorkZone instance with, for example, subject matter experts or consultants to collaborate on and share the information that they need for specific purposes. 

To invite guest users, you must add the users to your Azure AD and set up WorkZone groups that represent security codes, access codes, and profiles.

See Add guest users.

Oracle SQL Developer is no longer installed with WorkZone Content Server

SQL Developer is no longer part of the WorkZone Content Server installation. You can download SQL Developer from the Oracle Web site. WorkZone custom setup files and reports are still supplied.

See Oracle SQL Developer.

WorkZone Process

Mailbox monitor

It is now possible to set a default processing status on documents that are created by the Mailbox monitor service workflow. A new InitialDocumentProcessingStatus parameter has been added to the Mailbox monitor parameters.

See Configure a Mailbox Monitor service workflow.

WorkZone Configurator

Configure default document type for Outlook emails saved on WorkZone cases

New Default document type when saving an email on a case setting is added to the Outlook configuration tab. Define the default document type for incoming and outgoing emails saved on WorkZone cases via WorkZone 365. See Outlook configuration.

Document processing status added as a new system droplist

New DOCPSTAT, Document processing status value has been added to the existing system droplists (Global > System droplists). You can use it to describe where documents currently are in their processing flow (New, In progress, and so on). For example, you can track this way processing flow of the documents created by Mailbox monitor service workflow. See System droplists and Configure a Mailbox Monitor service workflow for more information.

Exact searching added for text filters

New Use exact search option is added for all text filters in WorkZone Configurator. Enable the Use exact search option to see only the exact matches for your filtering value, or leave it disabled to see the broad matching results. See Filter a list by values.

Azure Maps settings for address suggestion

New Azure Maps settings page is added under Services. Here you can set up Azure Maps to enable address suggestion in WorkZone Client. See Azure Maps settings and Suggest address for more information.