When this method is invoked, the specified message is stored in WorkZone as a new record (message record) in the specified case
Namespace: Scanjour.Workflow4.ActivityLibrary.ServiceProcess
Assembly: Scanjour.Workflow4.ActivityLibrary_23.3.0.0 (in Scanjour.Workflow4.ActivityLibrary_23.3.0.0.dll) Version: (
public string StoreMessage( Message message, string fileKey, string state, IEnumerable<Address> senderAddresses, int? senderAddressCount, File answerFile = null, string digitalPostSource = null )
- message
- Type: WorkZone.Dispatcher.Base.MessagesMessage
The message that shall be stored as a message record. - fileKey
- Type: SystemString
Key to the case file in which the message is stored. - state
- Type: SystemString
The state in which the created message record shall be initiated. - senderAddresses
- Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableAddress
The address entities of the senders, which will be associated to the created message record by the role "sender" - senderAddressCount
- Type: SystemNullableInt32
The number of addresses to be registered in a record information line. If null, then the record information line will not be created. - answerFile (Optional)
- Type: File
The file the message is answer to or null if unsolicited message. - digitalPostSource (Optional)
- Type: SystemString
The sender of the message from the MeddelelseAfsenderNavn tag
Return Value
Type: StringThe record key of the created message record.
IMessageStorageStoreMessage(Message, String, String, IEnumerableAddress, NullableInt32, File, String)See Also