SaveMailActivity Properties

Scanjour Workflow4 Reference Manual

The SaveMailActivity type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAttachmentGroup
The attachment group.
Public propertyAttachmentIsAppendices
Attachments are appendixes to mail.
Public propertyAttachments
The saved mail attachments.
Public propertyAttachmentType
The attachment type for mail attachments.
Public propertyAuthority
The Authority the case belongs to.
Protected propertyCacheId
Gets the identifier of the cache that is unique within the scope of the workflow definition.
(Inherited from Activity.)
Public propertyCanAddPartiesToCase
Determines if parties should be added to case.
Public propertyCaseID
The ID of the Case to store the mail on.
Public propertyCcRole
The Cc role in document party.
Public propertyConnections
The Exchange web service connection parameters.
(Inherited from ExchangeActivity.)
Protected propertyConstraints
Gets a collection of Constraint activities that can be configured to provide validation for the Activity.
(Inherited from Activity.)
Public propertyCreateNewCase
Determines if new case should be created.
Public propertyDefaultCaseGroup
The Case group for the created case.
Public propertyDefaultOfficer
The Case officer for the created case.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets an optional friendly name that is used for debugging, validation, exception handling, and tracking.
(Inherited from Activity.)
Public propertyDocuments
The saved mail and attachments.
Public propertyDocumentState
The Document state. UÅ, UL, UP, ARK, AFS.
Public propertyEmail
The saved mail.
Public propertyFailOnError
If false continue if errors occurs.
Public propertyFaultedCount
The Exchange web service connection parameters.
(Inherited from ExchangeActivity.)
Public propertyForceNewConnection
The Exchange web service connection parameters.
(Inherited from ExchangeActivity.)
Public propertyFromRole
The From role name in document party.
Public propertyId
Gets an identifier that is unique in the scope of the workflow definition.
(Inherited from Activity.)
Protected propertyImplementation
Not supported.
(Inherited from CodeActivityBoolean.)
Protected propertyImplementationVersion
Gets or sets the implementation version of the activity.
(Inherited from CodeActivityBoolean.)
Public propertyInitialDocumentProcessingStatus
The processing status assigned to all new documents
Public propertyLetterDate
The Letter date of the documents.
Public propertyMailGroup
The mail document group.
Public propertyMailID
The mail item ID.
Public propertyMailList
The post list option
Public propertyMailType
The mail type for the mail item. I - Ingoing mail, U - OutGoing mail
Public propertyPartyMap
The party type to map email address to party.
Public propertyRecipientAddressProperty
Property name for Recipient Address.
Public propertyRecipientMailbox
Current mailbox when monitoring multiple mailboxes.
(Inherited from ExchangeActivity.)
Public propertyRecordInfoLabel
Name of the custom info label for the sender email address.
Public propertyResult (Inherited from ActivityBoolean.)
Public propertyResultType
When implemented in a derived class, gets the type of an activity OutArgument.
(Inherited from ActivityWithResult.)
Public propertyToRole
The To role in document party.
Public propertyValidRecipients
Dictionary of valid recipient mail addresses and corresponding custom domain code.
See Also
