Click an issue below to see the solution or workaround.

If the installation does not succeed, or if the InfoScan programs report errors such as:
- 429 Can’t create object
- 438 Object doesn’t support this property or method
- 5 Invalid procedure call or argument
- 6 Overflow
- They already exist or are in use.
- Of insufficient write access to the disk
Or, if files cannot be registered because of insufficient administrator privileges.
If these errors occur, you must ensure that you have administrator privileges, and you must close all programs, before you begin the installation. If this does not solve the problems, you must use the program IS What, which is located in the InfoScan folder. The program reads the InfoScan installation and delivers a report in a file called iswhat.txt
. This file can be sent to InfoCD for analysis.

If errors occur in the program InfoScan Registration it is either because the installation is not performed correctly, or because there is no access to the folder used by the program.

If errors occur in the program InfoScan Capture it is either because the installation is not performed correctly, or because there is no access to the folder used by the program.

Problems with recognizing codes for cover pages can be caused either by incorrect installation of the components for recognition of the codes for the cover pages or incorrect configuration of the InfoScan programs with regards to recognizing codes for cover pages.
To find the cause of the error, you must start the program isbartest.exe
, which is located in the InfoScan folder. When you start the program, the InfoScan Barcode tester window appears. This window shows the path to a file containing codes for cover pages that cannot be recognized. To show the codes for cover pages, which the InfoScan program cannot read, you have to click Start Test in the window.
If the program cannot find any codes for cover pages in the file, it can be because the file is scanned in a resolution which is too low, or because the cover page only contains illegal codes.
If the InfoScan program finds codes for cover pages in the file, but is not able to interpret them, it is because the codes are configured incorrectly. For more information on configuration of the codes for cover pages, see Configure codes for cover pages.

When the error “Autoregister failed” occurs in the log file after scanning of a document, it is because the XML files of the document cannot be delivered in the folder, which is defined as the XML output folder. This is most likely caused by insufficient privileges.