Creating lists from queries
You can create your own saved search list based on a saved query and add it to your dashboard and navigation pane.
Queries you create and save in WorkZone QueryBuilder are available to you in the My Lists group in the Dashboard Configuration form and in the Navigation Configuration form.

Important: While using WorkZone QueryBuilder does not require any special access rights, you must have a technical understanding of the database structure in WorkZone as well as a working knowledge of the names and relationships of the underlying WorkZone database tables and fields.
Using WorkZone QueryBuilder is usually a task for system administrators, database technicians or very experienced super-users.
In WorkZone QueryBuilder, create a query and define all relevant query parameters such as the query endpoint, which entity to query and which filters to apply, the select and expand statements as well as apply a sorting order of the results and define aggregate functions if desired.
Click Search to test the query and click Save Query to save the query. The saved query will then be available to you in WorkZone Client.
Sharing saved lists
You can also share your saved list with other users, enabling them to access the list and add it to their customized navigation panes or include the list in their personalized dashboards
Saved or shared lists are not automatically added to your WorkZone Client. You must reload your WorkZone Client page to update the WorkZone Client with any newly created or shared lists.
System administrators
Other users can share their lists with you, granting you access to the list, for example a system administrator can share a list based on a query saved from WorkZone QueryBuilder with you and other users. Sharing lists this way enables system administrators to distribute specific lists to relevant users, ensuring all users have the same list as a base to work from and base their decisions on.
See Also