What do I get with WorkZone Cloud Edition?

WorkZone Cloud Edition is a new way of operating the WorkZone platform from wherever you need it.

WorkZone Cloud services

WorkZone Cloud Edition offers the following WorkZone services:

  • WorkZone Enterprise Information Management (EIM): A digital platform that supports your day-to-day work in areas, such as procurement, contract management, management secretariat, HR, law, sales, support, and many others. For more information about EIM capabilities, see Capabilities. If you are interested in WorkZone EIM, please contact Leif Ilsø, Area Director, Sales Cloud Business Solutions (LI@kmd.dk) for more details.
  • WorkZone Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM): A configuration with powerful WorkZone capabilities for supporting contract lifecycle management, from simple to very complex contract lifecycles. WorkZone CLM is a solution for post-award contract management, such as maintaining, fulfilling obligations, re-negotiating, and terminating a contract. The solution can also be extended to support pre-award processes and contract authoring.

Software as a service (SaaS) services

WorkZone Cloud Edition is delivered as a traditional SaaS platform which includes the following services:

  • Evergreen software maintenance. WorkZone is always updated with the latest patches and hotfixes.
  • Active monitoring. Operational logs from WorkZone, Microsoft, and Oracle, as well as logs from hardware (virtual and physical machines, and inventory). The networking architecture is continuously monitored and any occurring issues are analyzed and mitigated as they are discovered.
  • Proactive optimization. Based on the monitored logs, customer environments are constantly tuned and optimized for efficiency by KMD operational staff.
  • Backup and recovery. Customer data is continuously backed up, and is restorable within 60 days.
  • Scaling up and down. Environments can effortlessly be permanently or temporarily scaled up or down according to your needs. WorkZone can be scaled up or down with regards to computer power, database size and performance, number of WorkZone instances, number of users, clients and servers, and more.
  • Isolated access. Each customer environment is compartmentalized in a separate entity and isolated from other customers' environments and data. Customers can only access their own environments.
  • Security. Only customers and key KMD operational staff can access customer environments, and all access is granted on the least sufficient rights basis.
  • Auditing. All actions performed on customer environments by KMD operational staff are logged and subject to regular audits to ensure that security and privacy regulations and policies are upheld.