What's new in WorkZone Configurator 2023.3

@Me and @Unit parameters supported for the Read and Write access in a case group's default values

The default values for a case group now support @Me (current user) and @Unit (current user's unit) parameters for the Read access and Write access fields. See Define default values for a case group.

New relative period supported for the Relative retention period of retention policies

A new "@[Time period]+[number]" or "@[Time period][number]" format (case-sensitive) is now supported for setting up a related date at the beginning of the specified time period. For example, enter @Month+3 to set a retention period that starts on the first day of a third month from today's date. See step 3 under Create a retention policy.

Configure accounts for the third-party apps integrated to WorkZone

On the new Integrations tab under Global > OAuth you can configure access to WorkZone by the third-party apps that are registered in your Azure Tenant. See The Integrations tab.

Suggested AI redaction for PDF documents

New Entities for AI redaction page is added under PDF. Here you can configure entities that can be used for AI suggested redaction in WorkZone Client. See Entities for AI redaction.

Note: Currently AI redaction works with PDF documents in Danish language only, and supports only text format (that is, images or screenshots will not be redacted).


  • The Annotations and redaction license to Advanced PDF must be purchased separately.
  • The Suggest redaction feature setting must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator > GlobalFeature SettingsClientAdvanced PDF > Redaction > Suggest redaction.
  • In WorkZone Client, the Preview pane must be configured to make the Advanced PDF pane available to users.