Receive emails from a monitored mailbox

When emails are received from a monitored mailbox, all incoming emails, both unread and read emails, are automatically saved on cases. Appointments, meetings, and automatic replies are not saved.

An incoming email is saved on a case based on the information in the title of the email.

  • If an email title contains a case number in brackets, for example "[00001234-2016]", and the case exists, the email is saved on this case.
  • If an email title does not contain a case number in brackets, all incoming emails are saved on the default case.
  • If there is no case number in an email title or a default case is not identified, a new case is created for the individual email. The new case gets the title of the mail subject.
    Tip: In WorkZone Client, search for cases with case numbers starting with "SJ-TEMP" to see these cases.

Unsaved emails

It may happen that incoming emails are not saved on cases due to issues in the emails or and their attachments. You must save these emails manually on cases.

Your organization may have decided to separate faulty emails from the emails in the monitored mailbox to get a better overview of emails that need to be handled manually. It is possible to set up that faulty emails are moved to a specific subfolder and that a user is notified when an email is not saved automatically. For more information, see Mailbox Monitor in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.