What's new for WorkZone administrators

WorkZone Client

Postcode field can now be set as Read-only

In configuration mode, you can now set the Postcode field for the contacts as Read-only. See Configure a detail page.

WorkZone Client and WorkZone Content Server

New HARDCOPYADM access code

A new HARDCOPYADM access code has been introduced. Users with this access code can:

  • Add hard copies and duplicates to a document.

  • Accept a distribution of a hard document or a duplicate on behalf of another user.

  • Destroy a hard copy or a duplicate.

  • Cancel a destruction of a hard copy or a duplicate.

See Access codes and What's new for WorkZone users.

WorkZone Process

Case activities

Activity types are now called activity effects to reflect the terminology change in the DCR Portal.

This release includes a number of new and updated activity effects.

CreateEntity activity effect

Using the new CreateEntity activity effect, you can create new WorkZone entities, such as cases, documents, contacts, or custom types.

See CreateEntity.

New MergeDocument activity effect

With the new MergeDocument activity effect, you can merge values from WorkZone with merge fields in a document.

See MergeDocument.

SendSmartPost activity effect supports PDF/UA

SendSmartPost now uses the ValidatePDFUA setting in the SmartPost process parameters in WorkZone Configurator. If this setting is turned on, letters and attachments are validated for PDF/UA compliance.

Apply access codes

The SetValue, CreateEntity, and UpdateEntitities activity effects now supports applying access codes, which makes it possible to control access to information in WorkZone when you update information automatically by using case activities. You can, for example, fetch the access code from one entity and set this access on another entity, for example on cases.

See Apply access codes.

Reference values from DCR activities

Some activity effects return values such as IDs of new cases, documents, contacts, process instance IDs, or values from properties. You can now reference these values in other activities by using the syntax {DCR.ID}, where DCR is a prefix and ID is the ID of the activity effect which value you want to refer to.

See Reference values from previously executed activities.

Query options

You can now use OData clauses such as $top, $ordeby, $count, $skip, and $Aggregate in a new QueryOptions parameter in the GetValue and ValidateEntities activity effects.

See Use query options.

Flexible mapping of Interact form data to WorkZone data

The Interact connector service workflow now supports that you can create field mappings by using a custom XSLT transformation. You can create more advanced mappings in a custom XML format compared to what the WorkZone Interact add-in offers. You can, for example, handle multiple contacts, contact roles, and that a contact has more than one address. An XSLT transformation is required for the Interact connector service workflow to retrieve Interact data from a custom XML format.

To support both the use of the existing Interact add-in and the custom XML format, the Interact connector service workflow has three new parameters:

  • UseLegacyFormat

  • CustomTransformationRecordId

  • CustomSchemaRecordId

See Create and configure an Interact connector service workflow for a description of the parameters.

WorkZone PDF

Conversion of PDF 1.3 versions of documents to PDF/UA compliant documents is now supported.

WorkZone Configurator

@Me and @Unit parameters supported for the Read and Write access in a case group's default values

The default values for a case group now support @Me (current user) and @Unit (current user's unit) parameters for the Read access and Write access fields. See Define default values for a case group.

New relative period supported for the Relative retention period of retention policies

A new "@[Time period]+[number]" or "@[Time period][number]" format (case-sensitive) is now supported for setting up a related date at the beginning of the specified time period. For example, enter @Month+3 to set a retention period that starts on the first day of a third month from today's date. See step 3 under Create a retention policy.

Configure accounts for the third-party apps integrated to WorkZone

On the new Integrations tab under Global > OAuth you can configure access to WorkZone by the third-party apps that are registered in your Azure Tenant. See The Integrations tab.

Suggested AI redaction for PDF documents

New Entities for AI redaction page is added under PDF. Here you can configure entities that can be used for AI suggested redaction in WorkZone Client. See Entities for AI redaction.

Note: Currently AI redaction works with PDF documents in Danish language only, and supports only text format (that is, images or screenshots will not be redacted).


  • The Annotations and redaction license to Advanced PDF must be purchased separately.
  • The Suggest redaction feature setting must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator > GlobalFeature SettingsClientAdvanced PDF > Redaction > Suggest redaction.
  • In WorkZone Client, the Preview pane must be configured to make the Advanced PDF pane available to users.