Outlook configuration

Prerequisite: To configure the Outlook email settings, you must have the CONFIGADM access code.

Here you can define the default email settings for Microsoft Outlook 365. This is the alternative way to making manual changes in settings.xml (see Configuring server settings).

  1. On the start page, click 365.
  2. Select the Outlook configuration tab.
  3. Apply your changes.

When you make a change on the WorkZone Configurator UI, you update the settings in the database (table wzc_configuration). Users need to restart Outlook to apply the updated configuration.



Email category

Define the default Outlook category for your emails saved to WorkZone.

  • Name: Provide a name for the Outlook email category. For example, WorkZone.
  • Tip: The email category name must be unique and cannot contain commas or semicolons.
  • Color: Select a color for the Outlook email category.
  • Mark saved emails: Enable this option to mark your emails saved to WorkZone with a special category.

Email attachments

  • Save emails without attachments: Enable this option to allow saving emails to WorkZone without attachments.

Default document type when saving an email on a case

Define the default document type for incoming and outgoing Outlook emails saved on WorkZone cases from WorkZone 365.

  • Incoming email: Select the default document type for incoming emails.
  • Outgoing email: Select the default document type for outgoing emails.
Contact creation
Important: This functionality is only available in WorkZone Configurator 2024.0 Hotfix 02.

Define the contact creation settings for email addresses, that do not exist in WorkZone yet.

  • Enable automatic creation of new contacts for unknown email addresses: When this option is enabled, email contacts not found in WorkZone will be automatically suggested as New parties. Users can click Add party to save that email as a new contact. When this option is disabled, users will have to create new contacts manually.
  • Suggest creation of new contacts for senders, recipients and Cc recipients, that do not exist in WorkZone yet: When this option is enabled, senders, recipients, and Cc that do not exist in WorkZone will be automatically preselected as parties with corresponding roles.
  • Enable the Suggest creation of new contacts for senders, recipients and CC recipients, that do not exist in WorkZone yet option, if you want to preselect for a new contact creation each unknown email address. This option becomes available, when the Enable automatic creation of new contacts for unknown email addresses