Process packages


To view and manage process packages, you must be assigned the PROCESSDEV access code.

About process packages

On this page, you can add new or update existing process packages. Inactive process packages are greyed out.

See also:

Add or update a process package

  1. On the main page, select Process > Process packages.
  2. On the Process packages page, click .
  3. In the Upload Process package dialog, click .
  4. Select a process package file from your file system, and click Open. If you select a new process package, it will be added. If the package already exists, it will be updated.
  5. Click Upload.

When you add a new process package, it is automatically added to the Feature settings page under WorkZone Process. To activate the new package, you must enable it.

Enable a package

To activate a process package, enable it under Feature settings > WorkZone Process.

See Feature settings.