What's new
WorkZone Mobile 2024.0
Updated the following instructions for deploying WorkZone Mobile using Microsoft Intune):
- Publishing WorkZone Web services in Azure Application Proxy.
- Creating application API for WorkZone Mobile app clients
- Create an App configuration policy for iOS
No changes in this release.
No changes in this release.
- Feature overview updates: Sharing images is now supported for Android version. See Feature overview.
No changes in this release.
No changes in this release.
No changes in this release.
No changes in this release.
No changes in this release.
- Instructions for Citrix XenMobile users on how to Publish WorkZone Mobile in Citrix XenMobile are updated.
- Instructions for Intune users on how to Creating application API for WorkZone Mobile app clients are updated to reflect the latest UI changes.
- Feature overview updates: Browse module enhancements. See Feature overview.
Feature overview updates
- New Task - Custom filters and Task - Delegated tasks modules.
- Browse module enhancements.
See Feature overview.
- Instructions for Intune users on how to set up security and access from mobile devices are updated to include multi-factor authentication (step 14), setting up multi-factor authentication, and logging in to edit the Office documents.
- Feature overview updates: chat enhancements. See Feature overview.
Feature overview updates
- New chat enhancements.
- WorkZone Mobile version for Intune (iOS) now supports editing WorkZone documents with Microsoft Office 365.
See Feature overview.
- Chat module added to Feature overview.
- New task rank and view task as a single PDF file features (under Task module) are now available for Android version. See Feature overview.
No changes in this release.
No changes in this release.
- WorkZone Mobile feature overview updated with the new task rank and view task as a single PDF file features.
- WorkZone Mobile requirements to Citrix XenMobile infrastructure are updated.
- Instructions on publishing WorkZone Mobile in Citrix are updated to include MDX 19.X version.
- The WorkZone Mobile app can now run on Android 8.X
- Guidance on how to configure Publishing the WorkZone Mobile Android app on Microsoft Intune has been added to the guide.
A version of WorkZone Mobile can now be installed and managed through Microsoft Intune. See the WorkZone Mobile feature overview for an overview of the features that KMD WorkZone for Intune supports.
No changes in this release.
No changes in this release.
- You can now deploy WorkZone Mobile through Citrix XenMobile. See Citrix XenMobile.
- An overview of which features are available on iOS and Android and on which device type. See WorkZone Mobile WorkZone Mobile feature overview.
- You can now find instructions on how to deploy WorkZone Mobile using Microsoft Intune. See Microsoft Intune.
No changes.
No changes.
No changes.
No changes.
No changes.
No changes.
- WorkZone Mobile requires that WorkZone Mobile with policies is installed to be able to open documents in PDF format in the document viewer. See Installing WorkZone Mobile.
- Supported document formats for document preview have been updated, see Document formats supported in preview.