Create and configure an Interact connector service workflow
You can create an Interact service workflow in WorkZone Configurator. You must create an Interact connector service workflow per form that you want WorkZone to fetch data from.
Configure an Interact connector service workflow
- Open WorkZone Configurator.
- Go to Process > Service workflows.
- Point to the Interact connector service workflow that you have created, and click
Edit parameters to configure the service workflow.
- Enter values for the parameters, and click Save.
Name | Description | Sample value |
WatchInterval |
The interval in seconds between checking for new data from Interact. A value of 60 – 300 seconds is suitable in most cases. |
60 |
Url |
Enter the URL for the Interact service. Depending on whether the configuration is made for test or production, enter one of the two URLs. |
Test: Production: |
ClientId |
The organization's Interact ID, which is defined by ACOS. |
mycompany-workzone |
CertificateThumbprint |
Enter the thumbprint that identifies the Interact certificate. |
FormIds |
The IDs of the Interact form that the Interact connector service workflow fetches data from. You can see the form ID in the Interact client. You can select multiple forms by listing the form IDs separated by a comma. If you do not specify a form ID, data from all forms will be fetched. |
800636 |
Select the user that will be used to create and update cases, documents, and contacts in WorkZone. The user you select as the executing user must have sufficient permissions to perform the actions on cases, documents, and contacts that the Interact forms are designed to do. The executing user's permissions must always be aligned with the functionality of the Interact forms. If you introduce new forms or change existing forms, you should always verify that the executing user's permissions are still valid. Security groupInteract requires Create, Read, and Update permissions. By default, security group 6 includes these permissions but your organization may have defined the groups differently. For information about security groups, see Apply security groups to users in the WorkZone Installation Guide. Access codesThe selected user must also have the necessary access codes to be able to perform create and update actions on cases, documents, and contacts. The required access codes depend on how your organization has set up WorkZone. If you want Interact to be able to create and update cases, documents, and contacts that are protected with certain access codes, the executing user needs to have the same access codes. For example, if you want to update a case with the access code HR, the executing user will need to have the HR access code applied as well. Note: If you run on a corporate access environment, the selected user determines which organizational unit and access code will be applied to a case that is created.
UseLegacyFormat |
Turn on this parameter, if you use the WorkZone add-in in Interact to map fields in the Interact form to WorkZone. The add-in generates the standard WorkZone Interact XML format that the Interact connector service workflow can retrieve. By default this parameter is turned on. See Map fields. |
CustomTransformationRecordId |
If you have mapped fields in a custom XML format, enter the document number of an XSLT transformation that can convert the retrieved XML to the WorkZone Interact XML format. If you specify an XSLT transformation in this parameter, the setting of the UseLegacyFormat parameter will be overwritten. |
CustomSchemaRecordId |
Enter the document number of an XSD schema that the retrieved custom XML format is validated against. This parameter is only relevant if you have set the CustomTransformationRecordId parameter. |
FetchInterval |
Specify the interval in seconds between fetching data from Interact and processing it. The minimum interval is one second. By default, the parameter is set to one second. Example: When the Interact connector service workflow fetches and processes Interact data every second, it may result in resource issues. You can reduce the resource load by setting the value to, for example, 60 seconds so that the service workflow only retrieves and processes Interact data every minute instead of every second. |
RunParallel |
Turn on this parameter, if you want to optimize the capacity by running the service workflow in parallel on all available servers with an agent profile. |
- Point to the Interact connector service workflow, and click Edit
- Turn on Enabled to start using the service workflow.
See Service workflows in the WorkZone ConfiguratorAdministrator Guide.
You can check the status of processed Interact forms in the Workflow log in the same way as any other service workflow, see Monitoring WorkZone Process in the WorkZone Operations Guide. In addition, you can see the status in the Interact app. In Interact, go to Submitted dialogues. The table below describes what the Interact status means in WorkZone context.
Interact status | What does it mean in WorkZone? |
Delivered | The form has been submitted for handling in WorkZone. |
Temporary blocked | An error has occurred when creating an error case in WorkZone. See Error cases. If a submission has this status, it means that some WorkZone setup is missing or wrong, for example there is no access to OData or the default case group that are automatically assigned to error cases is no longer valid. |
Imported | The submission was successful and has been processed in WorkZone or an error case has been created in WorkZone. |