Configure SmartPost
You configure SmartPost in WorkZone Configurator.
- In WorkZone Configurator, go to Process > Processes.
- Point to the SmartPost process.
- Click
Edit process parameters.
- Enter values for the parameters.
Parameter | Default | Description |
CopyCoverPageRecordId |
The template that is used to create cover pages for copy recipients. If you leave the field empty, a default standard cover page will be used. The template must be saved in WorkZone. For more information about cover page templates, see Configure templates. |
ProtectedCoverPageRecordId |
The document that will be used as template for creating cover pages for copy recipients with protected addresses. If you leave the field empty, a default standard cover page will be used. The template must be saved in WorkZone. See Configure templates. |
DefaultMaterialId |
The material that will be selected by default in the Send SmartPost dialog. To configure materials, click Process > E-boks material. See Configure materials and e-Boks materials in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide. |
AllowedNameTypes |
Select which contacts the users can select as recipients or copy recipients in the Send SmartPost dialog. Allowed contact types are: C - Persons with CPR P - Persons without CPR J - Companies with CVR V - Production units with CVR |
SPDocumentSource |
Select the origin of the created SmartPost message. The possible settings correspond to the entries in the custom domain ACTOPR, for example SP, SmartPost, DP, Digital Post, and so on. The organization must provide this information. The setting is shown on the document in the Origin field in WorkZone Client. |
MaxCombinedMessageLength |
10485760 (10 MB) |
When a user starts a SmartPost process, SmartPost calculates an estimated size of each of the messages sent to the recipients. Before SmartPost continues the process, the estimated size is compared with the MaxCombinedMessageLength setting. If the estimated size exceeds the specified value, the user is asked to reduce the size of the documents and then try to send the message again. The reason for this is that large documents may cause the Workflow Host to run out of memory later in the flow, which causes workflows to be terminated without the user being notified. Generally, the default value is used. |
DefaultDispatcherSequenceId |
The default dispatch sequence that will be selected by default in the Send SmartPost dialog. To configure dispatch sequences, click Process > Dispatch sequences. See Configure dispatch sequences and Dispatch Sequences in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide. Important: Verify this value after successful installation. After installation, the dispatch sequences may have been renumbered.
DefaultRemotePrintTypeId |
The print type that will be selected by default in the Send SmartPost dialog. To create or reconfigure print types, click Process > Print types. See Configure remote print and Print types in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide. |
StandardLetterFileNo |
The case number of the case that contains standard letters. |
ReportID |
Select the report you want to use for the history document. |
RecordType |
The document type of the history document that is generated by the SmartPost process. |
RecordState |
The document state of the history document that is generated by the SmartPost process. |
CopyWatermark |
Copy |
The text that will be used as watermark on copies. The maximum length of the watermark is 60 characters. If the text exceeds 60 characters, the text will be cut. |
TitleTemplate |
{0}: {1} {2} |
A template that is used to create the title of the history document. By default, the template has placeholders for the process type {0}, the process title {1}, and a date stamp {2}. |
ApprovalEnabled |
Turned on |
Shows or hides the Approval check box in the Send SmartPost dialog. The parameter is turned on by default, which means that the user can select the Approval check box. You can turn off this parameter if your organization does not use the approval step in the SmartPost process. |
RemergePDFEnabled |
Turned off |
Re-merges the Letter date field in PDF documents when SmartPost messages are previewed or approved. Turn on this parameter if you want the letter date in the PDF documents to be updated with the preview or approval date before sending the SmartPost messages. The Letter date field on the meta data of the PDF document will also be updated with the date of approval. The letter date of the original letter document is not changed. |
ValidationProperty |
Select the custom document field that holds the values. |
ValidationValues |
Specify which custom document values are allowed. Users will only be able to select documents (letter document and attachments) with these values in the Send SmartPost dialog. |
The maximum document classification that is allowed to be used with SmartPost. Documents with higher classifications than specified for this parameter will not be available for selection in the SmartPost dialog. |
Tun on this parameter if you want to allow that users send attachments as separate PDF documents in messages when using the e-Boks, NgDP, and Exchange dispatchers. A Send attachment as separate documents (only e-Boks/NgDP, Exchange) check box will be shown in the Send SmartPost dialog. By default, this parameter is turned on. The parameter is closely connected with the MergeAllDocuments parameter. |
Turn on this parameter if you want the Send attachment as separate documents (only e-Boks/NgDP, Exchange) check box to be selected by default in the Send SmartPost dialog. |
The parameter only has effect if you have turned on the AllowSendingSeparateDocuments parameter. If turned on, the SmartPost message will include:
If turned off, the SmartPost message will include:
Note that messages sent to recipients with protected addresses will not include a cover page, if this parameter is turned off. By default, this parameter is turned on. |
SendAttention |
Turn on this parameter if you want to send a task that will notify the process owner about a failed dispatch. By default, this parameter is turned on. |
TerminateOnFailedDispatch |
Turn on this parameter if you want to set the state of failed SmartPost dispatches to Terminated. By default, this parameter is turned off and failed dispatches get the status Completed. |
AllowOfficeRemerge |
Turn on this parameter if the content controls have already been merged in Word and you want to merge the content controls again when sending the message. For example, a case handler has merged address content controls in a letter document in Word but want to send the letter to multiple recipients. In this case, the address content controls will have to be merged again to insert each of the recipients' address information in to the different letter documents. Note: An empty content control in Word that results in a blank line will be removed and is therefore not remerged.
By default, this parameter is turned off. |
Turn on this parameter if you do not want to send messages that include documents with content that do not fit to the page, for example, a Word document with a table that exceeds the page bounds. If the parameter is turned on, the PDF conversion will fail and thus the dispatch will fail. The history document will show an error message. By default this parameter is turned off. Documents will be converted to PDF despite the content being out of bounds and the message will be sent. |
If turned on, the letter and attached documents will be validated against the PDF/UA standards. By default, the parameter is turned on and the PDF/UA (Universal Accessibility, supports only PDF and Word documents) check box in the Send SmartPost dialog is selected. |
See also Processes in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide.