What's new in Contact lookup and synchronization (CPR/CVR)
New guide name
The guide has been renamed from CPR/CVR Integration Configuration Guide to Contact lookup and synchronization (CPR/CVR).
Contact lookup and Contact update (CPR/CVR) modules
The new CPR/CVR Contact lookup and Contact update modules are now available for WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
- Contact lookup (CPR/CVR): works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
- Contact update - CPR: works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
- Contact update - CVR: works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup or with the on-premises WorkZone installations.
The new Contact lookup and Contact update modules replace the old CPR Integration/CVR Integration and CVR Update modules. See About contact lookup and About contact update.
Note that you can enable Contact lookup - CPR and CVR for both public-sector companies/administrations and private companies. Contact update - CPR is not yet supported for private companies.
Aligned CPR/CVR feature settings
The feature settings under Client and Content Server in WorkZone Configurator have been aligned and renamed to help selecting the feature settings that match the CPR/CVR modules that you use.
See CPR/CVR modules overview, About Contact lookup , and About Contact update .

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

CPR Lookup using KMD Logic
A new method of retrieving CPR data from the Danish CPR Office has been introduced: The CPR Lookup using KMD Logic module.
The CPR Lookup using KMD Logic module is a WorkZone application module that manages the import of CPR contact data from the Danish CPR-Office into the WorkZone database, much like the CPR Integration module. The CPR Lookup module accesses CPR data from the Datafordeler, using KMD Logic as an intermediary.
The CPR Lookup module is intended for public-sector WorkZone Cloud Edition customers but can used for on-premise public-sector WorkZone installations instead of the CPR Integration module.
The CPR Lookup using KMD Logic module requires a valid Datafordeler account as well as a KMD Logic account. Both of these accounts must be set up to communicate with other and WorkZone must then be configured to communicate with the KMD Logic platform.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

Update CVR contacts using the CVR Update module
A new update feature has been introduced to WorkZone which uses the CVR Datafordeler to automatically update company contacts (with CVR) or Production unit contacts in WorkZone with changes from the Danish Central Business Register. The following core data is updated: name, address, email, phone number and industry code.
The CVR Update module utilizes the KMD Logic platform to communicate with the CVR Datafordeler, as well as to manage the subscription and events from CVR Datafordeler, so only relevant and specific CVR data is updated.
The CVR Update module contains two underlying components: the CVR Update Service and the CVR Subscription Service. The CVR Update service schedules and performs the actual updates to WorkZone. The CVR Subscription service manages subscription and events to and from KMD Logic platform and WorkZone. It will ensure that only relevant and specific company contacts are updated with changes from CVR Datafordeler.
The CVR Update module must be configured and enabled before use. The feature is disabled by default after the initial installation of WorkZone.
For more information, see About CVR Update.

CPR Batch and guardians without CPR numbers
When importing CPR contact data from CPR Online or updating CPR contact data using CPR Batch, contacts with guardians that do not possess a Danish CPR number (for example legal companies acting as interim guardians) are now automatically imported into WorkZone as a Person (without CPR) contact. A Guardian reference is also automatically created between the contact and the guardian. System Administrators can change the default contact type a guardian without CPR number is created as.
For more information, see Configure CPR Connection
If a new guardian without CPR number is assigned to the contact and the contact subscribes to CPR Batch updates, the next update will create the new guardian in WorkZone along with a new reference with the Guardian role. The old guardian contact will not be deleted from WorkZone but the reference between the old guardian and the contact will be removed.
CPR Batch subscriptions
A subscription to CPR Batch update is now first created when a contact is imported into WorkZone. Previously, a subscription to CPR Batch update was automatically created for a contact when a user performed a search for the contact.
Contact data is only updated if a contact has been imported into the WorkZone database and also subscribes to CPR Batch updates.
Changed contact CPR number imported
When using WorkZoneCPR Batch to update contact information, CPR numbers that have been changed are now automatically imported and the CPR number updated in WorkZone. The contact's previous CPR number is registered in the Previous name code field to enable WorkZone users to search for the contact by using the contact's previous CPR number as well as the new one.
The Previous name code field can only be updated by the system and not through user interaction.

CPR Batch and Guardian/Ward relationships
When importing contacts from the Danish CPR registry, WorkZone contacts are created, updated and maintained in accordance with the new Guardian record type (017 and 052) from the Danish CPR registry. Likewise, Guardian/Ward references for WorkZone contacts are also created, updated and maintained by the CPR import.

New CVR Integration parameter
The new Certificatefilename
parameter has been introduced. The parameter enables you to reference a FOCES certificate when the certificate file is located in the Certificates folder in the WorkZone installation folder.
If the certificate file is located in a Windows Certificate Store, you must still use the Certificate

The CPR Integration and CVR Integration modules can now be activated separately in WorkZone Configurator. Previously, both modules were enabled simultaneously, even if the organization only had installed and configured one of the two. Now the organization need only select the module they employ.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

The C/O field for companies is now included in WorkZone CPR/CVR Integration.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

- CVR Integration:WorkZone CVR integration has been changed due to new integration rules from Erhvervsstyrlsen. As a consequence, it is no longer possible to search by company addresses or post code. You can still search by CVR number, P-number and/or company name.

- Captia Web Client no longer supported: The Captia Web Client is no longer part of the WorkZone product and can not be installed with the WorkZone product.

- The changes in this release.

CPR Integration, CVR Integration and CVR Integration
- The online help for all three modules have been merged into the Contact lookup and synchronization (CPR/CVR) online help to reduce the number of online help modules and to increase overview of the three related modules.

No changes in this release.