The Process Settings module

The Process settings module is used to configure WorkZone Process.

CreateProcessHistoryDocuement Setting

The settings below apply to the process history document.


Default setting Description
DocumentState ARK

You can define a document state for history documents generated by a specific process. Click Operations > Processes, and select a process to configure process specific settings.

If the document state is neither specified for each process nor here, the ARK (Archived) state will be used as the default state.

Overview Settings

The settings below apply to the Processes overview.

Key Default setting Description
CaseHandlerShownShortNames TRUE

Specify if you want to display the casehandler's initials or full name in the Processes overview.

TRUE - Initials

FALSE - Full name

CaseHandlerUnitShownShortNames TRUE

Specify if you want to display the short name or the full name of the casehandler's unit in the Processes overview.

TRUE - Initials

FALSE - Full name

MaxODataPages 3

Specify the default maximum amount of data to display on a page in the Processes overview. See Customize maximum data to display on a page in the WorkZone Process Administrator's Guide for information about how the amount of data is calculated.

OwnerShownShortNames TRUE

Specify if you want to display the process owner's initials or full name in the Process overview.

TRUE - Initials

FALSE - Full name

PendingShownShortNames TRUE

Specify if you want to display the pending actor's initials or full name in the Process overview.

TRUE - Initials

FALSE - Full name

PendingUnitShownShortNames TRUE

Specify if you want to display the short name or the full name of the pending actor's unit in the Process overview.

TRUE - Initials

FALSE - Full name

Workflow host settings

The settings below apply to the workflow host.

Key Default setting Description

Defines who can access processes on the current environment.

The default value is DELEGATE. See Configure default access settings in the WorkZone Process Administrator's Guide.

AllowNewInstancesInAD FALSE

Defines whether to recycle names in WorkZone Process using Active Directory Replication.

The default value is FALSE, which disables recycling of names. See Configure the use of new name instances in the WorkZone Process Administrator's Guide.

WatchDelay 30 Controls the amount of time passed since the workflow should have been started. The setting has a default value of 30 minutes.

See Configure workflow failover in the WorkZone Process Administrator's Guide.

WatchInterval 5 Controls intervals between checks. If a web server is unavailable, workflows are not reactivated. In order to avoid this, all workflow hosts periodically check for workflows that are overdue. The setting has a default value of 5 minutes. See Configure workflow failover in the WorkZone Process Administrator's Guide.


Key Default setting Description

Default location of WorkZone CPR and CVR data.

Specifies where the SmartPostsending process looks up sender information such as CVR or CPR numbers.

Change the XML element in this setting if the location of the CPR and CVR data has been customized.

See Configure SmartPost PartyIdentifierSources in the WorkZone Process Developer's Guide.


Default location of WorkZone CPR and CVR data.

Specifies where the SmartPost receiver process looks up sender addresses based on the CVR and CPR numbers provided by e-Boks. For example, for the purpose of linking the received documents to the addresses of the senders.

Change the XML element in this setting if the location of the CPR and CVR data has been customized.

See Configure SmartPost ContactAddressSources in the WorkZone Process Developer's Guide.