Process logs
Prerequisite: To access the process logs, you must be assigned the PROCESSADM access code.
You can view process logs for a specific process instance to see additional information about it (for example, to troubleshoot a failed process). You can also export this information to Excel for further processing.

- On the start page, click
- Select the Process logs tab.
- Select a process instance ID from the droplist. A list of all process logs for this instance is displayed, where you can see the ID, server, process ID, time, instance, activity name and type, action, document type, and properties.
Tip: You can filter the displayed logs in the same way as any other lists. See Filter a list by values.

Note: The maximum number of rows to export to Excel is 1048576. If you exceed this number, filter the displayed log results to reduce the number of rows to export.
- On the start page, click
- Select the Process logs tab.
- At the right bottom corner, click
. The displayed logs will be exported to an Excel file.
- Select the needed action (Open, Save or Cancel) for the exported Excel file.
- Proceed with the Excel file as needed.