Configure Digital Post

SmartPost uses NgDP to implement Digital Postital mail. In Denmark, this service is called Digital Post. Digital Post is used to communicate securely between public authorities, residents, and businesses in Denmark. For SmartPost to be able to communicate with NgDP, the organization must make an agreement (tilslutningsaftale) with the Agency for Digital Government (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen).

To configure digital mail using NgDP, you need to complete the following steps.

  1. Acquire and install a certificate.

  2. Ensure Internet access.

  3. Configure sender/receiver system.

  4. Configure contact points.

You need to complete all steps for both test and production environments.


To establish the connection between WorkZone and NgDP, you need to install a FOCES3/VOCES3 certificate (Funktionscertifikat) on all WorkZone web and agent servers that communicate with NgDP. The certificates must be private versions (.p12 or .pfx) that require an access code during the installation. Each environment must have a unique certificate. For installation of certificates, follow the instructions for Certificates in the WorkZone Installation Guide.

Internet access to NgDP

For SmartPost to be able to communicate with NgDP, it is required that both the web and agent server have Internet access to NgDP for NgDP to be able to access the WorkZone e-Boks Push Service that handles digital mail. You must also ensure access to and make sure that certificate validation endpoints, such as and, are reachable for the and certificates.

Environment IP address/URL Port Protocol Direction










Access to the Administrativ Adgang portal

Your organization has received an email from the Agency for Digitisation that describes how to get access to the Administrativ Adgang portal. You use MitID to log in to the portal.

Create a sender/receiver system

When you upgrade from e-Boks to NgDP, there are specific requirements to IP addresses, creation of endpoints, and configuration of contact points.

IP addresses of WorkZone servers

When you create a sender/receiver system in the Administrativ Adgang portal, you need to specify the IP address of the WorkZone web and agent servers from which digital mail is received. If you have access to the Internet from the server, you can find the IP address by entering, which will list the public IP addresses of the server. Alternatively, contact your organization's operations service provider to get the IP addresses.

When you have created the sender/receiver system, you can download a PDF document that documents the configuration of the system. You should be aware of the following information that you will need in order to configure an NgDP dispatcher.

See NgDP parameters.

Create endpoints (applies to the PUSH model only)

The sender/receiver system requires an endpoint for receipts (kvitteringer) and an endpoint for messages (MeMo). Both of these endpoints must point to a public HTTPS endpoint that is exposed to the push service. You set up endpoints in the Administrativ Adgang portal. Depending on whether you use the PULL or the PUSH model, define the protocol as REST_PULL or REST_PUSH.

The receipt endpoint must be declared as:

<base address of push service>/api/MeMoV1/<systemid>/receipt

The message endpoint must be declared as:

<base address of push service>/api/MeMoV1/memos/?system-uuid=<systemid>

When you have set up the sender/receiver system, make a note of the system ID and the authorization header as you will need them when you configure the WorkZone NgDP dispatcher.

Configure contact points

Your organization must also define a contact point that specifies how citizens, companies, and authorities can send messages and replies to messages to your organization. The following applies to contact points:

  • Always create a least one contact point for the receiver system. If you do not create a contact point, replies to messages will be sent to your standard mailbox, which may result in replies not being saved on cases in WorkZone.

  • You can create and map multiple contact points to the same receiver system.

  • You can configure contact points for citizens, companies, and authorities. You must specify at least one of the three options.

  • If your organization only wants citizens, companies, and authorities to be able to reply to messages, it is possible to hide the contact point.

You can create and configure contact points in the Administrativ Adgang portal. A contact point has a GUID. When you have created the contact points and the GUIDs have been created, note down the GUIDs. You will need the GUIDs when you configure the NgDP dispatcher (the ContactPointGuid parameter).

When you upgrade from e-Boks to NgDP, mailboxes must be mapped to contact points.