Configure WorkZone PDF

Configure WorkZone PDF parameters

It is recommended to perform further configuration in WorkZone Configurator. See WorkZone PDF settings in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator guide.

Configure WorkZone PDF Engine

Tip: You can find list of parameters and their descriptions in the WorkZone PDF Engine parameters table.

During installation, you can define WorkZone PDF Engine custom parameters in:

  • in WorkZone Configurator – preferable in the WorkZone environment
  • in the Web.config file
  • as API calls

After installation, you can edit the parameters:

  • in WorkZone Configurator – preferable in the WorkZone environment
  • in the Web.config file.

The WorkZone PDF Engine Web.config file is located: C:\Program Files (x86)\KMD\WorkZone\IIS\WorkZone\Render.

You can find API reference documentation under the WorkZone PDF Engine under /Help uri, for example, https://db01/Render/Help.

Any changes to the WorkZone PDF Engine parameter settings will take effect immediately.

Parameter priorities

The following list illustrates the priority ranking of each WorkZone PDF Engine parameter, with the highest ranked parameter placed first.

  1. Body: Parameters specified in the body of the request.
  2. HTTPS Header: Parameters specified in the request header of the API call.
  3. Database settings: WorkZone PDF Engine settings specified by using the WorkZone Configurator or by using an SQL tool, for example Oracle's SQL Developer to update settings directly into the database in the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table.
  4. Web.config settings: Settings specified in the Web.config file.
  5. Installation default values: the settings specified when the WorkZone PDF Engine was initially installed.

Custom parameters by instance

You can define parameters for each instance of the WorkZone PDF Engine, enabling you to set different parameters for the various usages you might invoke for the WorkZone PDF Engine, for example, defining parameters for creating pdf documents through the PDF Engine and then defining parameters for the same PDF Engine but different instance when used by the WorkZone SmartPost module.

Create parameter settings for PDF Engine instances

Since WorkZone PDF Engine custom parameter settings are stored in the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table, you should first create the parameter settings in the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table for each instance you expect to use.

Creating the parameter settings first will give you a list of valid PDF Engine instances as well as their unique names, making it easier to specify which instance to invoke in the PDF Engine Web.config file later.

Entries in the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table can be made using an SQL tool, such as Oracle's SQL Developer distributed with the WorkZone product.

Example: Create parameter settings for SmartPost PDF Engine instance

In this example, a new set of parameter settings is created in the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table for the PDF Engine instance named "SmartPost".


The copy image is missing

Unique instance names

You must uniquely name each PDF Engine instance (for example, RenderForProcess, RenderForMobile, etc.) you expect to use in the Target field of the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table.

Once you have created the PDF Engine instances you want to use and defined the custom parameters for each individual instance, these parameters will be applied to the invoked instance.

Default instances

The WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table contains one named instance with the default value: PDFENGINE. You can specify as many instances in the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table as you need.

Configure WorkZone PDF Crawler

You can set up the parameters at the time of installation. After installation, you can set up parameters in WorkZone Configurator, see Configure WorkZone PDF.

Note: If you set custom parameters via WorkZone Configurator, the changes will take effect in the next service iteration. A regular service iteration takes a few minutes, but it depends on the number of files, their size, and different settings.

Alternatively, you can define the configuration settings directly in the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table by using SQL scripts or by using an SQL tool such as Oracle SQL Developer. Parameters will be applied to all instances of the WorkZone PDF Crawler.

Note: You can only define the WorkerCount. SuspendInterval, and RecordsLimit parameters in the WZPDF_CONFIGURATION table, not in WorkZone Configurator.
Parameter Description

Specifies how many times WorkZone PDF Crawler tries to convert a document. The parameter is used when document conversion exceeds ProcessingTimeout or when you have installed multiple instances of WorkZone PDF Crawler and two crawlers try to convert the same document at the same time. In this case, WorkZone PDF Crawler may pause and then try to convert the document again.

The default value is 3.


Specifies a time-out for conversion. When time-out is exceeded, an error message is written to the DVS_RENDER_MESSAGE table.

The default value is 5 minutes.


Specifies how many worker threads should run simultaneously. This parameter configures the service to start the specified number of high priority threads and the same number of background threads.

Enter a number in the range of 1-256.

The default value is 1.


Specify a time interval between each iteration.

Enter a time between 00:00:01-23:59:59.

The default value is 00:00:30 (30 sec).


Specifies the maximum number of documents that will be fetched for processing in each iteration.

The default value is 50.

Performance optimization

WorkZone PDF Crawler instances

We recommend that you only use one WorkZone PDF Crawler instance.

Parameter settings

You can use the WorkerCount. SuspendInterval, and RecordsLimit parameters to enhance the performance of the WorkZone PDF Crawler service. If your organization processes a high volume of documents daily, such as 40000 documents, we recommend the following setup:

  • SuspendInterval and RecordLimit: The parameters define how many documents are selected for processing by WorkZone PDF Crawler during the day. If you use the default values, WorkZone PDF Crawler can process up to 50000 documents during an 8 hour working day. If you need to handle a different number of documents, you can set the parameters according to this formula:

    RecordLimit=ExpectedDocuments/(WorkingHours*3600/SuspendInterval(in sec))


    If you want to process 48000 documents in an 8 hour working day, you can set the SuspendInterval parameter to 30 seconds and the RecordLimit parameter to 48000/(8*3600/30)=50. Set the RecordLimit parameter to 50.

    If you want to process 24000 documents in an 8 hour working day, you can set the SuspendInterval parameter to 30 seconds and RecordLimit parameter to 24000/(8*3600/30)=26. Set the RecordLimit parameter to 25.

    You may also change the SuspendInterval parameter to 15 seconds, and set the RecordLimit parameter to 25. This way, WorkZone PDF Crawler can also process 48000 documents in an 8 hour working day, but it fetches new documents from WorkZone Content Server more often. Also, be aware that setting the SuspendInterval parameter to a lower value may cause more load on WorkZone Content Server.

  • WorkerCount: Set it to 2 or less than half of the logical processors on the machine, minimum 1. If the document processing speed is not fast enough, and the CPU and memory on the server where WorkZone PDF Crawler is installed are not fully used, you can increase the WorkerCount parameter slightly.

    You can also increase the WorkerCount parameter when you see fluctuations in the CPU load on the AgentServer where WorkZone PDF Crawler is installed. The recommended maximum value no more than 20.

Define HTTP redirect rules

In order to support offloading and different scalability scenarios, you can install the WorkZone PDF Engine on separate web servers and then create redirect rules from one server to another or to a farm of servers, each with a WorkZone PDF Engine installed.

The redirect rules can be defined on the web server using Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) configuration settings.

For more information on defining redirect rules, see HTTP redirects.