What's new for WorkZone administrators

WorkZone Client

Configure the behavior for selection of default addresses

You can now define a specific selection behavior when WorkZone Client updates addresses of case parties on open cases. See Configure the behavior for selection of default addresses.

WorkZone Content Server

Increased Text field length

The length of the Text field in CustomDomain now allows 255 characters. This means, for example, that you can create custom droplists with values that can be up to 255 characters long.

WorkZone 365

Configuration improvements

Configure the Create new case dialog in Outlook

If you have the CONFIGADM access rights, you can configure fields in the Create new case dialog. See Configure the new case fields.

New Document Merge service for WorkZone Cloud Edition installations

The new Document Merge service is now available for WorkZone Cloud Edition installations with container-based (Azure AKS) setup. It replaces the PDF Word Merge service in the WorkZone PDF module, and is used for document merge functionality (content controls) in WorkZone 365 add-in for Microsoft Word. The new Document Merge service works on the .Net 6.0 and is enabled automatically for the customers that do not use the NTLM authentication.

  • For on-premises WorkZone installations, or in case of the NTLM authentication, document merging will still use the older PDF Word Merge service.

WorkZone Process

Add and update process packages

You can now add and update process packages in WorkZone Configurator. See Manage Process packages.

It is still possible to use the existing command line Package Loader tool to deploy process packages in an on-premises environment, but the Package Loader tool is not supported in a cloud environment.

New service subprocess: Update municipality party

Update municipality party is a new service subprocess that you can enable to ensure that a party on a case is always synchronized to match the value of the AddressKey/Municipality property of a party role that you specify. An example where this service subprocess can be useful could be in instances where you have a case with a primary case party with the Citizen role and a case party with the Municipality role. When the citizen changes municipality of residence, it is important that the municipality party on the case is also automatically updated. See Configure an Update municipality party service subprocess.

Enhanced Interact field mapping

The new way of mapping Interact form data to WorkZone data using a custom XML format (introduced with the 2023.3 release) has been enhanced.

The documentation has been updated with a new topic that describes how to map fields using the WZ_ODATA page in Interact. You will also find a sample XSLT transformation and a sample XSD schema in this topic that you can copy and customize.

See Field mapping in Interact forms to WorkZone data, Map fields using a WZ_ODATA page, and Sample XSLT transformation and XSD schema.

WorkZone Configurator

Use document creation date as Letter date for added case documents

Enable the Use letter date as document created date setting in WorkZone Configurator > Explorer > Explorer configuration to have the document creation date automatically inserted as the Letter date for your case documents added to a case via drag and drop from Outlook or from the file system.

  • For items added from Outlook, the Letter date will be the current date.
  • For items added from the file system, the Letter date will be the last modified date of that item.

The Drag and drop files setting must first be enabled in WorkZone Configurator > Feature settings > Client.

Contact lookup and Contact update (CPR/CVR) modules

The new CPR/CVR Contact lookup and Contact update modules are now available for WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.

  • Contact lookup (CPR/CVR): works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
  • Contact update - CPR: works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup.
  • Contact update - CVR: works with WorkZone Cloud Edition with container-based (Azure AKS) setup or with the on-premises WorkZone installations.

The new Contact lookup and Contact update modules replace the old CPR Integration/CVR Integration and CVR Update modules. See About Contact lookup and About Contact update.

To use the new Contact lookup, enable the following feature settings in WorkZone Configurator:

  • Client > Contact lookup
  • Client > Contact lookup > CPR
  • Client > Contact lookup > CVR
  • Content Server > Contact lookup.

Disable the Client > CPR Integration, Client > CVR Integration, Content Server > CPR Integration and Content Server > CVR Integration settings, as these settings will override the new Contact lookup.

To use the new Contact update, enable the following feature settings in WorkZone Configurator:

  • Content Server > Contact update
  • Content Server > Contact update > CPR
  • Content Server > Contact update > CVR

Disable the Client > CPR Integration, Client > CVR Integration, Content Server > CPR Integration and Content Server > CVR Integration settings, as these settings will override the new Contact update.

Manage Process packages

A new Process packages page has been added under Process. On this page, you can upload new or update existing Process packages that were deployed during your WorkZone Process installation. See Process packages.

Allow creating standard cases from WorkZone 365

New Allow to create Standard cases setting is added under Case creation in the Outlook configuration tab. Enable this option to allow users creating WorkZone cases with the Standard case case category from WorkZone 365. See Outlook configuration.

Change SCIM prefixes

A new SCIM prefixes page has been added under Services. On this page, you can change the default prefix for security groups, access groups, and profiles, for example, if you want to support multiple WorkZone instances in the same Azure AD.

See Change SCIM prefixes.