The JSON appsetting files

All configuration settings for the CVR Update module are saved into two JSON files, one for each service. You can open the JSON files in a text editor and view and/or edit the configuration settings.

The appsetting files are located in the installation folder of WorkZone for each service.

Each .JSON appsetting file must be opened and edited configured separately but the CVR Update settings should be identical. The JSON files themselves are not identical and cannot be interchanged.

The CVR Update service

On the WorkZone Agent server, by default in C:\Program Files (x86)\KMD\WorkZone\Program\CVR Update\SubscriptionService\appsettings.json

The folder may be different if you have selected another folder to install WorkZone to.

Important: Restart the Windows service Scanjour Service COM CVRUPD DB01 after making changes to the appsetting JSON file for the CVR Update service.

The CVR Subscription service

On the WorkZone Web server, by default in C:\Program Files (x86)\KMD\WorkZone\Program\CVR Update\UpdateService\appsettings.json

The folder may be different if you have selected another folder to install WorkZone to.

Important: Recycle the CvrSubscriptionService IIS app pool after making changes to the appsetting JSON file for the CVR Subscription service.