Organizational units
The Organizational Units configuration page is intended for the creation and maintenance of organizational units for WorkZone installations that use the Microsoft Entra ID for user administration, specifically WorkZone Cloud Edition.
The creation and maintenance of the organizational hierarchy must be performed in WorkZone Configurator for WorkZone Cloud Edition because Microsoft Entra ID does not currently contain features for the creation and maintenance of organizational units required for WorkZone user administration and hierarchical structure.
On-premise WorkZone installations must utilize an on-premise Microsoft Active Directory, which does contain features for the creation and maintenance of organizational units and therefore this configuration page cannot be used for creation and maintenance of organization units for on-premise WorkZone installations.
Navigating the organization hierarchy
You can navigate up or down the hierarchy of the organization by clicking the breadcrumbs in the upper top left hand corner of the Organizational units page. You can also expand the hierarchy overview in the upper right hand corner of the page and click the unit you want to display in the hierarchical overview.
Finally you can navigate to the next lower level of a unit by double-clicking the unit row in the list.
You can see if a unit contains child units by either the tool tip text when hovering the mouse over a unit or by the child icon to the left of the unit's name ().
Editing units
Changes made to units in WorkZone Configurator are not immediately effective in WorkZone. Changes to units are synchronized with Microsoft Entra ID and made available to WorkZone users at regular fixed intervals. You can see when a change has been saved within WorkZone Configuration Management in the Last modified date and when that change has been synchronized to WorkZone in the Effectuated field. If the Effectuated date is before the Last modified date, then your changes have not yet been synchronized.
Units and users
The units are created without any users assigned to them. You can assign WorkZone users to units in WorkZone Configurator > Organization > Users.
Organizational unit fields

The following fields are displayed in the organizational units form and the list on the Organization units page. Unless otherwise noted, all fields are not mandatory.
Field | Description |
Name Code |
The unique identifier of the unit. The Name code and Name 1 will be displayed in lists that contain the unit. This field is mandatory. |
Name 1 |
The name of the unit. The Name code and Name 1 will be displayed in lists that contain the unit. This field is mandatory. |
Name 2 |
Additional names of the unit |
Address 1 |
The main address of the unit. |
Address 2 |
The secondary address of the unit. |
Address 3 |
The tertiary address of the unit. |
Country |
The country code of the unit. |
Postcode |
The postal code of the unit. |
Phone |
The main phone number of the unit. |
Mobile |
The cell phone number of the unit. |
The unit's e-mail address. |
Parent unit |
The parent unit of the unit. The parent unit will be displayed by the value in the Name 1 field. If the Parent unit field is empty, the unit is a top level unit. |
Start date |
The date the unit can be used. |
End date |
The date the unit no longer can be used. You cannot delete a unit that has been created. You must instead define an end date for the unit. |
Last Modified |
This field is only displayed in the list overview. The date the unit was last modified in WorkZone Configurator. Values in this field cannot be edited by WorkZone Configurator users. |
Effectuated |
This field is only displayed in the list overview. The date that changes made to the unit were submitted into WorkZone. A to a unit change can be effectuated on one date but still not be effect if the start date of the unit is later than the Effectuated date. Values in this field cannot be edited by WorkZone Configurator users. |
Organizational unit tasks

- On the WorkZone Configurator start page, click Organization to open the Organization page.
- On the Organization page, click Organizational units to open the Organizations units page.
- To create a top level unit, click
Add to open the Create organizational unit form.
- To create a child unit , navigate to the organizational unit you want the new unit to belong to and click
Add to open the Create organizational unit form.
- To create a top level unit, click
- In the Create organizational unit form >
- Name code field: Enter a unique identifier for the unit.
- Name 1: Enter a name for the unit.
- The rest of the fields are not mandatory.
- Click Save to save your changes and close the form.

You cannot delete an organizational unit once it has been created.
If you need to remove a unit from use, you can set a date in the End date which defines when the unit no longer can be used.

- On the WorkZone Configurator start page, click Organization to open the Organization page.
- On the Organization page, click Organizational units to open the Organizations units page.
- In the Organizational units page, click
Actions for the unit you want to edit and then click
Edit to open the Create organizational unit form
- In the Create organizational unit form, update the relevant fields.
- Click Save to save your changes and close the form.
See Also
Users for WorkZone Cloud Edition installations)