What's new
Mass dispatch supports the NgDP dispatcher
Mass dispatch now supports use of the NgDP dispatcher. As of this release, you must use the NgDP dispatcher instead of the e-Boks dispatcher.
See Configure dispatchers in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.
Send multiple letters to the same recipient
The guide now contains a topic that describes how you can configure WorkZone to send multiple letters to the same recipient in one dispatch.
See Send multiple letters to the same recipient.

Generate individual history documents in CSV format
You can now specify if you want the mass dispatch process to generate history documents for each individual dispatch in CSV format by turning on the new parameter GenerateIndividualReports. Previously, the mass dispatch process always generated individual history documents.

No changes in this release.

Send PDF/UA compliant letters
You can now send PDF/UA compliant letters in a mass dispatch. In the Start mass dispatch dialog, you can select the PDF/UA (Universal Accessibility) check box, and when you start the Mass dispatch process, the letter template and the generated letters will be checked for PDF/UA compliance before the letters are sent to recipients.

Save sent messages on an existing case if no case is specified in the recipient list
You can now save sent letters on a default case if there are no cases mapped to recipients in the Cases sheet in the recipient list.
In the Start mass dispatch dialog, go to the Recipient cases tab, select the Save sent messages on an existing case check box, and select a case.
See Start a mass dispatch (step 14) and Save letters on an existing case.

No changes in this release.

No changes in this release.

Save replies on recipient cases
If you have selected an e-Boks material that enables recipients to reply to a letter that was sent with mass dispatch, the reply will be saved on the same recipient case as the letter.