What's new for WorkZone administrators

WorkZone Client

Filter available fields in the detail page configuration

When configuring a case, document, or contact detail page, you can filter the displayed available fields using the text box at the top of the Available fields pane. See Configure a detail page.

WorkZone 365

Fallback removed for Document Merge service for WorkZone Cloud Edition

The fallback to an older service, PDF Word Merge, is removed for the Document Merge service for WorkZone Cloud Edition installations with container-based (Azure AKS) setup. Document Merge replaces the PDF Word Merge service in the WorkZone PDF module, and is used for document merge functionality (content controls) in WorkZone 365 add-in for Microsoft Word. The new Document Merge service works on the .NET 6.0 and is enabled automatically for the customers that do not use the NTLM authentication.

Note: For on-premises WorkZone installations, or in case of the NTLM authentication, document merging will still use the older PDF Word Merge service.

WorkZone Process

SmartPost performance improvement

Sometimes the NgDP response times became slow when checking for NgDP receipts in the NgDP service. This is done through the NGDP service EventLog and in the receipts to ensure all receipts are received. This look-up affected other processes. The issue has been fixed in the NgDP dispatcher.

WorkZone Mass Dispatch

Mass dispatch supports the NgDP dispatcher

Mass dispatch now supports use of the NgDP dispatcher. As of this release, you must use the NgDP dispatcher instead of the e-Boks dispatcher.

See Configure dispatchers in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.

Send multiple letters to the same recipient

The WorkZone Mass Dispatch guide now contains a topic that describes how you can configure WorkZone to send multiple letters to the same recipient in one dispatch.

See Send multiple letters to the same recipient.

WorkZone PDF

PDF crawler performance parameters

The Crawler configuration page in WorkZone Configurator now includes parameters that you can use to optimize the performance of the Crawler service. The new parameters are:

  • Maximum batch size

  • Document processing interval

  • Worker thread count

  • Maximum memory threshold (MB)

See Crawler specific parameters.

WorkZone Configurator

Hide inactive items on lists

When working with lists, you can now hide the inactive items by enabling the new Hide inactive toggle.

Global 365 configuration

New Global office configuration tab is added under the 365page. Here you can enable the Allow to create Standard cases setting to allow users creating WorkZone cases with the Standard case case category from Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint in WorkZone 365. Previously, the Allow to create Standard cases setting applied only to Microsoft Outlook and was available from the Outlook configuration tab. See Global 365 configuration.