About CVR Integration

CVR Integration is a WorkZone application module that enables users to search for a business contact using the contact's CVR number and then import central contact data from the Danish Central Business Register and into the WorkZone database. The CVR Integration module does not automatically update existing CVR contacts, it only retrieves CVR data during creation. If you want to subscribe to and automatically import update to the CVR data, you must also configure and enable CVR Update.

This topic describes how to configure the CVR Integration in WorkZone to enable the import of central CVR information of your business contacts.

About the Central Business Register (CVR)

The Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen) owns and administers the Central Business Register (CVR) which contains primary business data for all businesses in Denmark. Governmental and municipal institutions and departments as well as professional & private unions and public clubs are also included in the CVR.

Small, privately-owned businesses with an annual turnover of less than 50,000 DKK are exempt from the register, but may submit their company data to the CVR voluntarily.

CVR Data

The CVR contains information on all businesses in Denmark including business sector classification, company contact address, credit information, fiscal reports, status and management reports. The CVR also contains information of persons who are connected with the company in question - for example owners, board members, major shareholders and founders.

The contents in the CVR is populated based on information and mandatory reports which the companies submit to the CVR.

Publicly accessible

Previously, access to the CVR could be purchased on a single-use basis or by subscription but today business data from the CVR itself is public and freely accessible if electronic means are used to extract the data. Company data registered and made publicly accessible from other public governmental venues might also be accessed when looking up CVR data, depending on the type of business queried.

Data from the CVR may be utilized and distributed freely but any company data regarding protection from direct advertizing must be respected.

Target audience

The target audience for this guide is project managers and technicians responsible for the configuration of the CVR Integration.