Configure the KMD Logic platform

The KMD Logic platform is developed, managed and distributed by KMD A/S and used by the CVR Update module as an endpoint to manage and administer imports from the Datafordeler web service. Using the KMD Logic platform increases update performance by selecting which data from the Datafordeler web service is applicable to the WorkZone CVR contacts, which reduces the amount of irrelevant data the system must process before importing into WorkZone.

After you have configured the Datafordeler and obtained the FOCES certificate, you can configure the KMD Logic platform subscription. The KMD Logic platform must be configured correctly to import CVR data into WorkZone.

To configure the KMD Logic platform, you must:

  • Create a KMD Logic subscription
  • Configure the connection to Datafordeler

Once you have set up your KMD Logic account, you must record or copy 5 important identifiers that are to be used when configuring the CVR Update module in WorkZone.

Create a KMD Logic subscription

  1. Go to at KMD Logic Marketplace.

  2. Sign in as a Logic User.

If you do not have a KMD Logic account, please contact KMD Service Desk who will create the account. You will be notified by email when the account is ready for use.

Record or copy the KMD Logic subscription identifier

In the KMD Logic portal, create a KMD Logic subscription and record or copy your subscription identifier (GUID).

Record or copy KMD Logic Client ID and KMD Logic Client Secret

When your subscription is saved, record or copy the Client ID (GUID) and Client Secret (GUID) subscription credentials. These unique identifiers are generated when the subscription is saved.

The credentials and scope are used to authenticate the CVR Update module when connecting to the KMD Logic service and are required when configuring the CVR Update module in WorkZone.

Configure the connection to Datafordeler

Once the subscription has been created, configure the connection from the KMD Logic platform to the Datafordeler by adding a product in the resource overview of your KMD Logic subscription.

When you add a product, you can define any name to your product, but you must select Data Fordeler as the provider and upload the FOCES certificate you received from the Datafordeler as well as provide the correct certificate password.

When you have saved your KMD Logic product, a unique product identifier is generated and displayed in your subscription overview.

Record or copy the product identifier

Record or copy the product identifier (GUID)

The product identifier is to identify which KMD Logic product the CVR Update module is to use to retrieve contact date and is also required when configuring the CVR Update module in WorkZone.

Identifiers from your KMD Logic account

Once you have set up your KMD Logic account and product, the following 4 identifiers must be recorded or copied. The identifiers are used when configuring the CVR Update module in WorkZone.

  • KMD Logic Client ID: GUID
  • KMD Logic Client Secret: GUID
  • KMD Logic Subscription ID: GUID 
  • KMD Logic Product ID: GUID